The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by #Thinman k

would somebody get rid of this ****ing idiots already....

Which idiots?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Here’s a fun fact:

When you search posts by a user the search maxes out at 250

If you search posts made by Luciom in just the last week in just politics you get to 250 since Sunday at 9 am

Here’s 250 of 250 in case you were wondering

And not a single one of them is impeacheable.

Sorry for your loss, thoughts and prayers

by checkraisdraw k

It’s fairly normal to have a triggered spasm on stage where he tells Kamala to go to hell? It’s fairly normal to go to a donut shop and ask everyone “how long have you worked here” as an icebreaker?

This guy exudes school shooter energy, actually.

Anyway you’re the one that wants Trump, someone who tried to steal an election, to win the 2024 race. You are a complete authoritarian masquerading as a libertarian. Any policy you don’t like you call fascist or social

I want Harris to win if the Senate is going to be republican actually. I want a divided government above everything else. I am on record claiming that for months.

I preferred Biden to Harris but anything goes, trifecta is the real threat (ofc it would be for a republican trifecta as well).

I want stalemate, compromise, almost nothing of relevance that passes congress.

I actually would love to see Harris president and every single one of her nominees (for all positions including the totality of judges) blocked by the Senate; I want a constitutional "crisis" with the Senate telling the president they disagree deeply with her about everything.

The best thing government can do is almost always absolutely nothing.

I want no policy to pass. Imagine 4 years with absolutely not a single legislative act that affects anything in society passing. Imagine that, the best possible outcome.

Not a word of any statute about anything changing. That would be the dream scenario. Not a single freedom touched in 4 years.

by Luciom k

And not a single one of them is impeacheable.

Sorry for your loss, thoughts and prayers

by the pleasure k

surprised nobody has said this yet. its prolly the one thing for 5 years he has said over and over again, he keeps just cramming that its up to states. it was always his goal. he has never sid it he wants to ouright ban it (mybe he wants to ) but he never said a full ban just up to states. a lot of republicans who re sane have echoed that. actrual sane republicans know they would flat out lose if they came out and suported the extreme pro lifers.

as for the harris interview, it wasnt bad at all,

Nobody held a gun to Trump's head and forced him to fill the supreme court with partisan ideologues. It is in fact something he regularly touts as one of his greatest accomplishment.

Saying it was "up to the states" was running on anti-abortion without admitting it. It got the anti-abortion folks onboard, It laid the necessary groundwork for rejecting Roe vs. Wade and it made state legislatures read to capitalize on it when it came to fruition.

The only problem was of course that they managed to do it. That turned the tacit support into a poisonous pill, so now the anti-abortion crowd gets no spot at the RNC and the GOP's stance on abortion is that they would really like it if you didn't mention it at all. So a whole bunch of people is going to get hurt and die because they will avoid doctors early in a pregnancy, which is bad because pregnancy carries huge medical risks. They'll also in many places be barred from medical procedures necessary to save their health or even their life when pregnancies go bad.

All this will also be in complete vain, as there will be no significant drop in abortions, merely a drop in legal abortions.

by Luciom k

I want Harris to win if the Senate is going to be republican actually. I want a divided government above everything else. I am on record claiming that for months.

I preferred Biden to Harris but anything goes, trifecta is the real threat (ofc it would be for a republican trifecta as well).

I want stalemate, compromise, almost nothing of relevance that passes congress.

I actually would love to see Harris president and every single one of her nominees (for all positions including the totality of judg

So if your choice is between Harris winning with a trifecta and Trump winning with a trifecta, which do you prefer?

Also you just clearly hate American system of governance. Maybe even American dominance. You want to see us fall into insanity from the comfort of your Italian home.

There is nothing more partisan than what you proposed doing to Kamala’s nominees for cabinet positions and judges. You effectively want to nullify her rule for 4 years. Very democratic to want to block the authority of the person the American people voted into power.

By the way good luck with that! After two years what should be another red wave will probably be a blue wave if the party executes it. The American people want politicians to get stuff done, not be obstructionist to try to destroy government from the inside.

by checkraisdraw k

So if your choice is between Harris winning with a trifecta and Trump winning with a trifecta, which do you prefer?

Also you just clearly hate American system of governance. Maybe even American dominance. You want to see us fall into insanity from the comfort of your Italian home.

There is nothing more partisan than what you proposed doing to Kamala’s nominees for cabinet positions and judges. You effectively want to nullify her rule for 4 years. Very democratic to want to block the authorit

Republican trifecta would be far less problematic than a democratic one, if I have to choose between the 2 it is obviously pro gop trifecta not even vaguely close.

They had one and didn't so much recently (while democrats caused the worst inflation in 30 years).

That said it's still a lot better not to have trofectas especially these days where the 2 parties hate each other, so nothing gets done which is the optimal outcome.

A president has no power to fill seats, given the constitution gives that power to the Senate. A president can present names, it's the Senate that decided if they are worthy to occupy that slot or not.

It would be the american system in action, a senate that nullifies mistakes of the president.

And nominating anyone leftist to any role in government is indeed a mistake.

Americans vote the president AND CONGRESS. If they vote a republican senate, they decided to give them the power of getting every nominee the president proposes. That's democracy in action.

And the action should be to kick every leftist person in the ass as inherently unworthy

Twitter off in Brazil.

Nicely done, savvy business genius elon musk

by Luciom k

Republican trifecta would be far less problematic than a democratic one, if I have to choose between the 2 it is obviously pro gop trifecta not even vaguely close.

They had one and didn't so much recently (while democrats caused the worst inflation in 30 years).

"Democrats caused the worst inflation in 30 years" is just a lie. Are you under the impression that the global inflation experienced by many countries is the result of Democratic policy somehow? Do you hear yourself?

And see, you would prefer a full Republican government over a full Democratic government. You tacitly endorse Trump even as you try to both sides things and say that you would prefer a Harris presidency. You wouldn't, actually, you would prefer 4 years of Harris getting obstructed by Republicans. The fact that it's Harris or Biden or whoever is inconsequential. You want Republicans to stall government policy as much as possible.

By the way, this entirely doesn't make sense given your worldview of wanting to get rid of many government agencies, nonpartisan so-called deep staters, and gut regulatory power. If you wanted that you would just come out in full throated support of Donald Trump. Or you would say you like his policies but can't support him because he's antidemocratic (do you even believe that?)

That said it's still a lot better not to have trofectas especially these days where the 2 parties hate each other, so nothing gets done which is the optimal outcome.

Well my ideal is to have a decent lead in congress and a 60-40 dem lead in the senate so that the more left wing of the party has to negotiate with the more center wing of the party. However in this election I'll support a 100-0 lead in the senate and a 3/4th majority in the house if it will mean that Trumpism is completely eradicated.

A president has no power to fill seats, given the constitution gives that power to the Senate. A president can present names, it's the Senate that decided if they are worthy to occupy that slot or not.

It would be the american system in action, a senate that nullifies mistakes of the president.

And nominating anyone leftist to any role in government is indeed a mistake.

Americans vote the president AND CONGRESS. If they vote a republican senate, they decided to give them the power of getting every nominee the president proposes. That's democracy in action.

And the action should be to kick every leftist person in the ass as inherently unworthy

Historically that's not how the nomination process has been practiced. They are supposed to accept anyone except those of such poor moral character that they simply can't be appointed. Only 18 nominations have ever been officially blocked (though probably about the same have been unofficially blocked because the senate indicated they would not support their nomination). It's not intended to be a method of obstruction any more than the appointment of Supreme Court justices.

I don't know why you insist that norms have nothing to do with the American system. You can say they SHOULDN'T be a part of the system, but it's just a LIE that they aren't, and it's a LIE because I corrected you many times on this and frankly no one but a few very insane right-wingers who don't understand the constitution claim it isn't.

You yourself called it a "constitutional crisis" indicating that you think it's a fake crisis but that the perception is that it's a crisis. That's just how it works, we have norms in this system because we also incorporate common law.

Obama , Trump and Biden caused the inflation we have today

Out of 4 terms, 3 were presidented by democrats

What more do you want?

by PointlessWords k

Obama , Trump and Biden caused the inflation we have today

Out of 4 terms, 3 were presidented by democrats

What more do you want?

How many jobs have Republican presidencies created since 1988? How many have Democrats created?

^ As long as we're throwing out moronic statistics.

by PointlessWords k

Obama , Trump and Biden caused the inflation we have today

Out of 4 terms, 3 were presidented by democrats

What more do you want?

What do you base this on other than ‘trust me bro’?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Twitter off in Brazil.

Nicely done, savvy business genius elon musk

I think Brazil shutting down access to a social media site is very worrying, and a sign that Brazil seems destined to flip-flop between far-right and far-left authoritarians for the foreseeable future, with either side merely competing towards who can become the first totalitarian.

That said, Musk's stance on the issue is rather ridiculous, since it is a long time since Twitter has stood up liberal values and they regularly kowtow to authoritarian demands. Though, the same can be said for a most social media sites, search engines, and AIs.

Basically, reliance on big capital and big business for communication, maintaining the public sphere and information access is a horrible, horrible mistake.

Consider this rather ominous - if not outright horrifying answer from ChatGPT to this question: "Can you answer as openly about Chinese politics as you can American politics?"

I aim to provide accurate and balanced information on both Chinese and American politics. However, discussions about Chinese politics can sometimes be more sensitive due to varying regulations and the potential for censorship or restrictions on certain topics. While I will do my best to provide comprehensive and factual information, some topics might need to be approached with more caution. If you have specific questions, please ask, and I will provide the most accurate information possible within those constraints.

yes, chatgpt is the arbiter of truth lmao

by tame_deuces k

I think Brazil shutting down access to a social media site is very worrying, and a sign that Brazil seems destined to flip-flop between far-right and far-left authoritarians for the foreseeable future, with either side merely competing towards who can become the first totalitarian.

That said, Musk's stance on the issue is rather ridiculous, since it is a long time since Twitter has stood up liberal values and they regularly kowtow to authoritarian demands. Though, the same can be said for a most

Every aspect of social media is worrying, whether it’s left to its own devices or whether it’s moderated or censored. There is no right answer cuz society can’t be trusted to use it responsibly cuz there’s simply no agreed upon standard on what responsible is

Elon has made it his mission to weaponize Twitter if he can’t profit off it. Its endgame is basically mainstream telegram with a clear tilt towards one direction

by 72off k

yes, chatgpt is the arbiter of truth lmao

I don't really know if the meaning of the question and ChatGPT's reply came across. It is telling you that it there are things it will hide from you if you ask about a country and its government, and it will hide it from everyone.

This is the current world leader in technology that is seeing a multi-billion dollar push to replace traditional search engines and information access. It is already being used to automate article writing and news pieces.

X and its former incarnation, Twitter, have been banned in several countries — mostly authoritarian regimes such as Russia, China, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Venezuela and Turkmenistan.

--Well, if nothing else Brazil seems to be joining some pretty good company.

by PointlessWords k

Obama , Trump and Biden caused the inflation we have today

Out of 4 terms, 3 were presidented by democrats

What more do you want?

I want to count George W Bush's 2 terms where he started a war in Afghanistan that cost over two trillion dollars over 20 years, and he also started a war in Iraq for no reason (except to get re-elected) the overall cost of which was close to two trillion dollars.

I also think there were tax cuts in his terms as well that were not offset by spending cuts. And of course the massive recession.

I don't think that Obama, Trump, and Biden caused the inflation we have today. The inflation we have today is now down to under 3% annually for a few months now (or close to 3% for under 3 months). Covid and a number of things caused by Covid are responsible (including the tax credits from Trump and Biden) for the couple of years of bad inflation. All industrial countries experienced bad inflation as a result of Covid. By reopening the border it is likely that Biden helped reduce overall inflation in the US. There was also massive supply chain interruptions. Cars couldn't be mass produced in the US for a number of years because a lack of computer chips. Wages at fast food chains went skyrocketing over $15 per hour because of a lack of people who wanted to work there so that in turn caused massive inflation at food chains. Etc.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Every aspect of social media is worrying, whether it’s left to its own devices or whether it’s moderated or censored. There is no right answer cuz society can’t be trusted to use it responsibly cuz there’s simply no agreed upon standard on what responsible is

Elon has made it his mission to weaponize Twitter if he can’t profit off it. Its endgame is basically mainstream telegram with a clear tilt towards one direction

It is a tricky question yes, but I see no sign that big capital is going to hold social media to the principles of the public square. Rather the opposite. we really could do with something that is to online media what Signal is to online communication. Of course, social media is in another ballpark completely in terms of infrastructure needed, so the feasibility is an open question.

I agree with the take on Elon Musk and Twitter. Interestingly, under the topic of this thread, its direction really hurts US conservatives the most. Twitter used to be a great way for them to reach new voters, but this has dried up considerably.

by Mr Rick k

I want to count George W Bush's 2 terms where he started a war in Afghanistan that cost over two trillion dollars over 20 years, and he also started a war in Iraq for no reason (except to get re-elected) the overall cost of which was close to two trillion dollars.

I also think there were tax cuts in his terms as well that were not offset by spending cuts. And of course the massive recession.

I don't think that Obama, Trump, and Biden caused the inflation we have today. The inflation we have toda

the wars also killed like 4million people and ruined countless lives but ya lets focus on the cost to the USA balance sheet.

by Victor k

the wars also killed like 4million people and ruined countless lives but ya lets focus on the cost to the USA balance sheet.

lmao you are so bad faith

by PointlessWords k

Obama , Trump and Biden caused the inflation we have today

Out of 4 terms, 3 were presidented by democrats

What more do you want?

No idea why you leave out George w. Bush …

by Victor k

the wars also killed like 4million people and ruined countless lives but ya lets focus on the cost to the USA balance sheet.

The topic is inflation, you weirdo

by Mr Rick k

I want to count George W Bush's 2 terms where he started a war in Afghanistan that cost over two trillion dollars over 20 years, and he also started a war in Iraq for no reason (except to get re-elected) the overall cost of which was close to two trillion dollars.

I also think there were tax cuts in his terms as well that were not offset by spending cuts. And of course the massive recession.

I don't think that Obama, Trump, and Biden caused the inflation we have today. The inflation we have toda

Because Obama,Trump and Biden all continued those wars. Maybe trump not so much. I left out GW cause I thought it had been 20 years and he wasnt relevant.

by Montrealcorp k

No idea why you leave out George w. Bush …

I'd like to see the troop numbers under bush that were deployed versus under obama/trump/biden

by PointlessWords k

I'd like to see the troop numbers under bush that were deployed versus under obama/trump/biden

No idea what that has to do with my reply when you were speaking on whose was responsible for inflation.
