The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Montrealcorp k

No idea what that has to do with my reply when you were speaking on whose was responsible for inflation.

the inflation is due to monetary policy enacted because of these dumb ass wars we had to pay for.

Where is the evidence of rampant inflation under Trump, Obama, or Bush? It seems like inflation was GLOBALLY bad under Biden. I would wager some of that had to do with balancing an employment recovery, an economic recovery, and artificially low interest rates.

We’ll see what if any long term trends this is actually going to be, or if it’s just an unpredictable blip on the radar.

School Tuition, Health Insurance, home values, stock market overvalued

by Victor k

the wars also killed like 4million people and ruined countless lives but ya lets focus on the cost to the USA balance sheet.

I was responding to the inflation post.

I am extremely upset that we went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq specifically because hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed in both countries.

I understand why George W Bush did it, because if he hadn't he wouldn't have been elected to a 2nd term. I couldn't stand him. When I was running in a gym and he was on TV my heart rate would go up by 15 or 20.

I also hated the Democrats who didn't oppose it. Hillary Clinton amazingly didn't oppose it.

The solution to the WTC terrorist attack should have been an attack that killed about 3,000 Taliban and/or Al Qaeda people. Or one that killed the Taliban leaders. Then get Osama Bin Laden (as Obama did). If we had to attack the Taliban multiple times with attacks that zeroed in on their leaders so be it. But to occupy Afghanistan after Russia had shown us that it would be pointless, was just flat out stupid. We lost more soldiers in the 20+ years of occupation than we lost people in the WTC attack.

Today ends the 5th 8 day period since Biden stepped down and handed the reins over to Kamala (K). Per 538.com Kamala lost 0.1% on average in the swing states. Per Nate Silver (NS) Kamala gained 0.5% on average in the swing states. However NS somehow moved RFK voters to Kamala and Trump (I think but there is no way to know for sure) probably basing it on HU polls in the states.

The first 8 days after Biden stepped down, Kamala gained 1.9% on average in the 9 swing states (AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, VA, and WI). The next 8 days she gained 2.3% on average. Then after announcing Walz as her VP she gained 1.3% on average. In the last 8 days leading up and including the DNC, she gained only 0.3% on average.

For the following MC = Multi-Candidates that aren't K or T. Un = Undecided, the Net Gains noted are for the last 8 days not overall.

Per 538 Kamala gained in 2 swing states over the last 8 days:
GA: K up by 0.4% now! (46.3% to 45.9% with 8.4% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.9% for K (K+0.2%, T-0.7%)
NV: K up by 1.2% (45.9% to 44.7% with 9.4% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.6% for K (K+0.9%, T-0.2%)

Per 538 Trump gained in 6 swing states over the last 8 days where Kamala basically lost 0.2% in each state and Trump gained in some (AZ,MI,NC) and gained little in others (FL,PA,WI)
AZ: K up by 0.3% (45.5% to 45.2% with 9.3% MC|Un). Net gain of 1.2% for T (K-0.3%, T+0.9%)
FL: T up by 4.2% (47.9 to 43.7% with 8.4% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.4% for T (K-0.2%, T+0.2%).
MI: K up by 2.6% (46.7% to 44.1% with 9.2% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.8% for T (K-0.2%, T+0.6%)
NC: T now up by 0.4% (46% to 45.6% with 8.4% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.8% for T (K-0.2%, T+0.6%).
PA: K up by 1.4% (46.4% to 45% with 8.6% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.4% for T (K-0.2%, T+0.2%).
WI: K up by 3.6% (47.7% to 44.1% with 8.2% MC|Un). Net gain of 0.2% for T (K-0.2%, T no change)

538 is not tracking VA. Nate Silver had Kamala drop 0.5% with a 4.6% edge now.

As a result of the above Kamala is ahead by the same count as before in electoral votes (EV), 304 to 234 (K gained GA and lost NC both 16 EV)

I'm surprised that Kamala gained ground in so few of these states and dropped 0.2% in many. However the above was 538.com. Nate Silver actually has Kamala gaining ground in PA and WI by about 0.5% based on how he breaks down the RFK votes (I think). Nate also has significant gains for Kamala in GA (1.8%) and NV (1.5%).

I am surprised at the polls after the DNC. Time will tell if it was the specific pollsters or if Kamala has hit a roadblock. Or if RFK threw a monkey wrench into the process. I actually think that the RFK thing did help Trump in some states but does not explain why Kamala lost 0.2% in 6 states.

The debate on Sept 10th should be the next significant event in the campaign. Until then...

by checkraisdraw k

"Democrats caused the worst inflation in 30 years" is just a lie. Are you under the impression that the global inflation experienced by many countries is the result of Democratic policy somehow? Do you hear yourself?

The reason we saw inflation was because we printed to much money (3x the normal rate for 2 full years), the govt threw too much money into the economy and because the government shut down parts of the economy. These 3 things were super popular among dems and lightly by some repubs. The reason we saw nearly the whole world deal with higher inflation was because many other countries made the same mistake and the fact that the US economy is the dog and the world economy is its tail.

by Mr Rick k

Covid and a number of things caused by Covid are responsible (including the tax credits from Trump and Biden) for the couple of years of bad inflation. All industrial countries experienced bad inflation as a result of Covid. By reopening the border it is likely that Biden helped reduce overall inflation in the US. There was also massive supply chain interruptions. Cars couldn't be mass produced in the US for a number of years because a lack of computer chips. Wages at fast food chains went

Covid was itself had zero effect on Covid. It was govt policies that caused inflation. If we didn’t print so much money, the govt didn’t throw that money into the economy and they didn’t shut down parts of the economy we wouldn’t have seen inflation take off like it did.

by bahbahmickey k

The reason we saw inflation was because we printed to much money (3x the normal rate for 2 full years), the govt threw too much money into the economy and because the government shut down parts of the economy. These 3 things were super popular among dems and lightly by some repubs. The reason we saw nearly the whole world deal with higher inflation was because many other countries made the same mistake and the fact that the US economy is the dog and the world economy is its tail.

Covid was itself

The Government shutting down major segments of the economy wasn't the issue. In March 2020 many people stopped going out. By summer had there not been shutdowns businesses would have gone out of business due to lack of customers. Because of the government actions it may have kept many businesses afloat. By allowing restaurants to build outdoor seating in public areas (parking spaces for example) it likely saved many businesses. The government also gave money to businesses that had shut down like bars (who were allowed in many places to serve take out liquor) and allowed them to stop paying rent (I believe though maybe it was government handouts to those businesses) which saved them. All of that contributed to inflation. But without that things would have been a lot worse.

The lack of supply didn't just affect the US it basically affected all industrial nations. That was also something the US government couldn't control.

The other thing to note was that Covid itself shut down major industrial factories because they were indoors and lacked ventilation. It wasn't just the government.

Your best examples of “govt helping businesses” are actually examples of the govt getting out of the way of businesses - building outdoor areas the govt previously said they couldn’t do, allow bars to serve beer to go which the govt previously said they couldn’t do & gave them back some of the money they have been paying into the govt for years via taxes.

That’s like saying a child has been walking with less of limp thanks to the dad who has stopped beating the child so much.

Put down the kool-aid.

by bahbahmickey k

The reason we saw inflation was because we printed to much money (3x the normal rate for 2 full years), the govt threw too much money into the economy and because the government shut down parts of the economy. These 3 things were super popular among dems and lightly by some repubs. The reason we saw nearly the whole world deal with higher inflation was because many other countries made the same mistake and the fact that the US economy is the dog and the world economy is its tail.

And a hugely favouring Republican president …

by checkraisdraw k

How many jobs have Republican presidencies created since 1988? How many have Democrats created?

^ As long as we're throwing out moronic statistics.

Presidents don't create jobs

by StoppedRainingMen k

Twitter off in Brazil.

Nicely done, savvy business genius elon musk

Not to fret, he is composed and morally superior as always judging from his memes per hour

by Luciom k

Presidents don't create jobs

If we're going to give them the credit for inflation, they should also get the credit for jobs and the stock market. If we want to stop pretending the president has a magic "stop inflation" button, then sure.

by checkraisdraw k

If we're going to give them the credit for inflation, they should also get the credit for jobs and the stock market. If we want to stop pretending the president has a magic "stop inflation" button, then sure.

I said democrats not Biden caused inflation.

Democrats, precisely with this act

2 trillions of deficit, passed march 2021, when the economy was recovering fast because states had stopped locking down mostly, and all it was needed for the economy to be normal was simply to remove all COVID restrictions permanently.

No deficit at all was needed, and this was purely inflationary.

Two completly un necessary trillions of gasoline on the metaphorical price dumpster fire.

Not a single republican voted for it either in the house or in the Senate. It was all democrat made, and they were the cause of the subsequent horrific inflation.

This is the kind of purely unmitigated disaster that can happen with a trifecta.

Without that absurd, completely insane act, the USA would have got a small bump because of supply chain problems in 2022, and a slightly larger price bump because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and that would have been it. Not even sure they would have touched 4% yoy at any time.

Btw this also exported inflation worldwide (2 trillions excess demand without supply slack to reactivate is a sizeable amount for the WORLD economy) causing extreme pain in many other places worldwide (those which suffered more from Ukraine and supply chain problems on top of that).


a call to recruit children in Ohio to spy on each other

bullying has become such a dominant feature of Republican politics

Neighbours were expected to inform on their neighbours in Nazi Germany.

This happened in China under Mao, it ended with
around 1.5 million citizens killed during the Cultural Revolution.

JOHNSTOWN, Pennsylvania — A man at Donald Trump’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, stormed into the press area as the former president spoke Friday but was surrounded by police and sheriff’s deputies and was eventually subdued with a Taser.

The altercation came moments after Trump criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage and dismissed CNN as fawning for its interview Thursday with his Democratic rival Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.

The man made it over a bicycle rack ringing the media area, and began climbing the back side of a riser where television reporters and cameras were stationed, according to a video of the incident posted to social media by a reporter for CBS News. People near him tried to pull him off the riser and were quickly joined by police officers.

The crowd cheered as a pack of police led the man away, prompting Trump to declare, “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

Lol these people are ****ing insane

by steamraise k


a call to recruit children in Ohio to spy on each other

bullying has become such a dominant feature of Republican politics

Isn't this what Walz did during covid?

by Luciom k

I said democrats not Biden caused inflation.

Democrats, precisely with this act

2 trillions of deficit, passed march 2021, when the economy was recovering fast because states had stopped locking down mostly, and all it was needed for the economy to be normal was simply to remove all COVID restrictions permanently.

No deficit at all was needed, and this was purely inflationary.

Two completly un necessary trillions of gasoline on the metap

Inflation isn’t instantaneous and it’s ridiculous to believe 2 trillions from us would create worldwide inflation .
Actually it should of been the other way around ….
If US print massive amount of money , the US $ would of go down in value hence ~> mostly all other currencies in the world would of go up in value , reducing their inflation .
Nice try tho .

Ps: inflation was already at 8% before Ukraine invasion .
Your extrapolation are based solely on wind .

Aha yes when trump spend 3-4 trillions in deficit it doesn’t create inflation , only democrats does ….
Sorry I forgot that line of thinking being a real thing .

Trump heavily contributed. But not more than Obama and Biden combined

Or am I wrong

by PointlessWords k

Trump heavily contributed. But not more than Obama and Biden combined

Or am I wrong

Obama had no real choices .
He was in the middle of the GFC when he took office .
Sometimes government can create deficit without inflation because the deflation forces are too strong .
So it’s doesn’t feel like inflation been an issue.
But seeing how prices didn’t went down with massive increase of productivity (China) worldwide , huge gain in technology and globalization for the entire economy since the early 2000s , that permitted many western countries to print money « without » inflation.
So in a sense they all contributed one way or the other .

But let’s be clear tho.
The biggest enemy isn’t inflation , it’s deflation .
1930s isn’t something people want to relive , the 1970s are much better .
So weak/wild inflation always will be the lesser evil .

Deflation is the worst ofc

by PointlessWords k

Trump heavily contributed. But not more than Obama and Biden combined

Or am I wrong

12yrs vs 4 ~16Tv ~8T

But maybe trump breaks his record with another shot 😀

Things were pretty stable during obama despite the fox whining. And things went off the rails during trump and we're still kinda there. Thinking he will be the one to come clean it all up seems highly improbable. He's surrounded by lots of people that would happily push things into ludicrous mode for their own gain.

by wet work k

12yrs vs 4 ~16Tv ~8T

But maybe trump breaks his record with another shot 😀

Things were pretty stable during obama despite the fox whining. And things went off the rails during trump and we're still kinda there. Thinking he will be the one to come clean it all up seems highly improbable. He's surrounded by lots of people that would happily push things into ludicrous mode for their own gain.

Obama forced banks to take TARP money and Obama drastically increased wars in Iraq/Afghanistan while also starting wars in Syria and Lybia iirc

by Luciom k

I said democrats not Biden caused inflation.

Democrats, precisely with this act

2 trillions of deficit, passed march 2021, when the economy was recovering fast because states had stopped locking down mostly, and all it was needed for the economy to be normal was simply to remove all COVID restrictions permanently.

No deficit at all was needed, and this was purely inflationary.

Two completly un necessary trillions of gasoline on the metap

bro said this brought worldwide inflation lmao what credible economist claims that?

by PointlessWords k

Obama forced banks to take TARP money and Obama drastically increased wars in Iraq/Afghanistan while also starting wars in Syria and Lybia iirc

I was no great fan of obama but he was still the better choice out of the various stripes of right-wingers we get to choose from 😀

by wet work k

I was no great fan of obama but he was still the better choice out of the various stripes of right-wingers we get to choose from 😀

Better for us. Better for brown people across the world? Prob not
