The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

So you agree that democrats illogically not adopting the same position is a political mistake, which was my point.

And which makes it correct for republicans to push about it every chance they get

I love it but you're going to run out of pictures.

And then I’ll draw them myself

poor kids

idk anything about pokemon but i got a feeling it's not about a love and appreciation of fan art

by Luciom k

Abortion extremists (and a few key very stupid candidate choices for the Senate) penalized republicans in 2022, which doesn't mean trans issues were ever a losing topic for republicans at all, or that they are today.

Actually abortion extremists are the equivalent of trans issue extremists in how they damage their own party chances of winning elections in many places.

Difference is Trump belatedly understood that, Harris didn't (yet?).

She is smart enough and hungry for power enough though that if

Why the hell would trans issues move the needle in an American presidential election?

Most people DGAF.

by The Horror k

Why the hell would trans issues move the needle in an American presidential election?

Most people DGAF.

It definitely speaks to what Corporal Homophobe’s core beliefs are that with a straight face he’s saying the dem candidate should abandon trans rights if she wants to be electable

It’s a total waste of time to litigate why that that won’t gain her a single anti-trans vote and lose her a ton of LBGTQ+ support, it’s more of a requirement to figure out why transphobia is the core motivating factor for this guy. Not to resolve it, cuz truly I don’t care to fix the unfixable, but more because I’m curious why this deeply weird and clearly *redacted* totalitarian lover is so triggered if not because *redacted*

In Pennsylvania rant, Trump backs voting policies that could hurt his own voters

insight into why Trump might have been inspired to tell his
followers they won’t have to vote again if they elect him in November.

He said:

"We have to get back in and we want to change it all. We want to go to paper ballots.
We want to go to same-day voting. We want to go to citizenship papers, and
we want to go to voter ID. It's very simple. We want to get rid of mail-in voting."

98% already use paper ballots. Machines, however, do most of the counting.
But far-right proposals to hand-count ballots could increase the cost of elections,
increase the inaccuracy of vote counts and delay the certification of elections
in ways that allow bad actors to make bogus allegations of voter fraud.

Most civilized countries hand count ballots, and results are up within 24 hours in almost every case, and the cost is minimal.

And you have representatives for both (or multiple) parties having to agree on the validity of a vote to minimize shenanigans.

The idea that vote counts are inaccurate if done by hand is truly absurd , we have proof to the contrary in most civilized countries every election. Recounts , when they happen, show minuscule differences , lower than hand recounts after machine counting.

by Luciom k

No I was actually calling people believing 1) abortion extremists.

2) and 3) are even more niche psychos which matter very little (like the people on the left who want to normalize pedophilia)

I'm curious where this is coming from?
I have never heard of this and it seems very well known since you are talking about it like it's something casual.
Any sources?

by weeeez k

I'm curious where this is coming from?
I have never heard of this and it seems very well known since you are talking about it like it's something casual.
Any sources?

it is a very niche position which started with french intellectuals in the 70s and never really went away



It's a topic discussed at length in anti woke circles, because the pro pedophiles advocacy of people like Simone de Beauvoir should, for normal people, completly discredit her, the totality of the "intellectual" work, and anyone who doesn't consider her a true monster

Ok I got it, this is horrifying and as usual you made it sound like a problem currentely important, defended by a not insignificant part of the left.
You truly are in a need of a win at any price aren't you?

like Simone de Beauvoir should, for normal people, completly discredit her, the totality of the "intellectual" work, and anyone who doesn't consider her a true monster

Dully noted, let's hope you have the same standard when it comes to your sources.

by Luciom k

it is a very niche position which started with french intellectuals in the 70s and never really went away



It's a topic discussed at length in anti woke circles, because the pro pedophiles advocacy of people like Simone de Beauvoir should, for normal people, completly discredit her, the totality of the "intellectual" work, and anyone who doesn't consider her a true monst

by weeeez k

Ok I got it, this is horrifying and as usual you made it sound like a problem currentely important, defended by a not insignificant part of the left.
You truly are in a need of a win at any price aren't you?

Dully noted, let's hope you have the same standard when it comes to your sources.

I wrote it's very niche, like people who want to ban all contraceptives, not sure why you want to claim the opposite., unless wait you only talk in bad faith which yes could be the reason why.

by Luciom k

I wrote it's very niche, like people who want to ban all contraceptives, not sure why you want to claim the opposite., unless wait you only talk in bad faith which yes could be the reason why.

Then why the need to specify people from the left?

by coordi k

The law is about providing EVERYONE with basic healthcare necessities

It takes a special kind of evil to hammer on that for ways to find exclusions and exceptions. Any way you twist it you just look evil.

And let me be completely clear if it wasn't already; I don't give one **** what an Italian who longs for the good ol days has to say on this topic. You don't represent the majority. You don't even represent Americans.

Yeah. You can tell it's a completely made up issue because you can't even find people complaining about it until Walz was picked for VP and the complaints started off with a complete lie that the bill is forcing schools to put tampons in boys restrooms.

Lawmakers in both parties, as well as some students, teachers and administrators, said that to their knowledge the products had typically been placed in girls’ restrooms or gender-neutral restrooms, as well as in places like the nurse’s office. Many schools already had a policy in place.

A spokeswoman for the Minnesota Department of Education said there was no requirement for the department to track plans developed by districts, and did not address further questions about the policy.

So the bill does not force every school in the state to have tampons in boys restrooms and it's not even clear that any do. But the trans panic crowd had to start the issue off with a complete lie because the truth is too reasonable for all but the most extreme culture warriors.

by weeeez k

Then why the need to specify people from the left?

because the few crazy ones who want to ban contraceptives are on the right, and the pedophilia normalizers are their alter ego on the left.

In a forum where 80%+ of people are very busy listing the crazy niches on the right it's proper to remind there are crazy niches on the left as well.

When i talk to people who insist on the pedophilia normalizers as a big threat i do actually mention the anti contraceptive religious nuts on the right

by Luciom k

because the few crazy ones who want to ban contraceptives are on the right, and the pedophilia normalizers are their alter ego on the left.

But the huge difference is when asked about banning contraception, Trump said they're looking into it and will have a policy out real soon. Nobody that prominent on the left would say something like that about pedophelia. If you want to say Trump only said that because he's stupid, sure.....but the whole right has been pretty stupid for a long time. By right wing standards trump is near average.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yeah. You can tell it's a completely made up issue because you can't even find people complaining about it until Walz was picked for VP and the complaints started off with a complete lie that the bill is forcing schools to put tampons in boys restrooms.

Blue states will generate countless examples of stuff that the right despises (and viceversa ofc) and only a minimal part of those long lists will ever make national news.

It's absolutely not strange at all that a provision which was part of a very long and articulated budget bill wasn't picked up earlier by republicans at the national level, even if local republican attempted unsuccesfully to modify it a little as reported previously.

Ofc when a governor is nominated as candidate VP you do oppo research which includes going after anything local republicans know he did or was part of that could in any way tarnish is reputation in key purple states, even a little on the margin.

by ecriture d'adulte k

But the huge difference is when asked about banning contraception, Trump said they're looking into it and will have a policy out real soon. Nobody that prominent on the left would say something like that about pedophelia. If you want to say Trump only said that because he's stupid, sure.....but the whole right has been pretty stupid for a long time. By right wing standards trump is near average.

Trump said something which the left wanted to interpret that way , and then repeatedly clarified there is no intention at all to ban contraceptives at the federal level (ofc states are free to test the limits of the constitution on their own), while minnesota democrats had Walz sign a law (same law that discussed the tampon thing) that can be read as making pedophiles a protected class. Ofc reading it that way is a stretch sure, but they eliminated a single phrase intended to make sure it couldn't be read like that, i wonder why.


Niska calls out all-Democrat panel as ‘reckless, dishonest’
Friday, May 12, 2023

ST. PAUL – State Rep. Harry Niska, R-Ramsey, blasted Minnesota legislative Democrats on Friday for opening the door to treating pedophiles as a protected class in the state and funding a statewide speech registry while claiming otherwise.

Niska said ranking Democrats broke from the norm by omitting Republicans from a conference committee they appointed late last month to prepare for final passage a bill to fund the state’s public safety/judiciary budget in the next two-year cycle. The all-Democrat panel reached agreement on S.F. 2909 and publicly posted it around 2:30 a.m. Friday – with plans to conduct votes on final approval as soon as that same day.

Without Republicans in the room, Democrats stripped from the bill language Niska successfully amended – without opposition – to House File 2890. He said his amendment eliminated concerns language in the original bill could be interpreted as protecting pedophiles under the Human Rights Act, simply indicating "The physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult is not a protected class under this chapter.”

The all-Democrat conference committee stripped the Niska amendment without discussion, he said. Without his amendment, Niska said some may interpret the HRA to deem pedophilia as a protected class in Minnesota, which prevents them from being denied employment, housing, education and more.

“Part of our job as legislators is to anticipate misinterpretations of laws we create to head off potential problems,” Niska said. “My amendment received overwhelming bipartisan support as a solution to prevent very dangerous outcomes from occurring, but Democrats recklessly decided not to have this protection in law. They are putting politics ahead of kids and wearing ideological blinders instead of doing what’s right for Minnesotans.”

In addition, the all-Democrat conference committee made changes that make it appear a proposed statewide bias speech registry has been removed from the bill. Niska said that’s not the case, indicating the bill still provides funding to support staff and a database for creating a bias registry – but under a different name.

“They are pretending to fix the speech registry but are still funding it while using more vague language that refers to analyzing civil rights trends,” Niska said. “They are embarrassed because they can’t publicly defend their plan to create a new state-funded branch of thought police, so they have resorted to using misleading euphemisms while gaslighting the public. This is reckless, dishonest and shows why Minnesotans cannot trust this one-party, Democrat trifecta of rule in our state.”


Clearly if you buy the biased leftist media narrative on every single episode of american politics you end up with "trump wants to ban contraceptive" and "he said neonazis were very fine people" and the many other complete fabrications about him we have read and discussed for a long time

by Luciom k

it is a very niche position which started with french intellectuals in the 70s and never really went away



It's a topic discussed at length in anti woke circles, because the pro pedophiles advocacy of people like Simone de Beauvoir should, for normal people, completly discredit her, the totality of the "intellectual" work, and anyone who doesn't consider her a true monst

I don't know about the rest of the world, but in America, age-of-consent is really only something that the so-called libertarians dwell on.

Parsing anything a pathological liar like Trump says and debating what he meant and believes is laughable.

Religious nuts really are the nut low. That is all.

The Republicans secretly rooting for a Trump loss

The Republicans secretly rooting for a Trump loss

According to Politico’s Playbook on Wednesday some within the GOP are keen to move on from the Trump era, even if they’d never admit it publicly – and, according to the outlet, it’s not just the usual “Never Trump” crowd.

Key individuals that have relayed their concerns in confidence include free-marketeers concerned about Trump’s tariff idea, pro-life lawmakers disconcerted by the former president’s pro-choice remarks and defense hawks worried about his stance on NATO.

One conservative leader told Playbook: “There’s a lot of anxiety about what Trump does to Republican ability to win in 2028 — and what he also may do to the party in terms of policy long-term. There is just this concern that like, ‘OK, if the party just goes in that direction, then what kind of party is it going forward? And can conservatives, then, have a home going forward?’”

In a new column, Politico reporter Jonathan Martin wrote: “the best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly.”

Source: https://www.mediaite.com/news/elected-go...

by Luciom k

Trump said something which the left wanted to interpret that way ,

No. That's just what he said. Obviously on most questions, he doesn't actually know what his policies are or what his handlers want him to say, but he did go to his stock "we're looking into it and will get back to you in two weeks". If you want to interpret that as he didn't really mean it, he said that because of cognitive limitations/confusion, that's fine. But that's an interpretation.
