The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


StoppedRainingMen, please chill out friend

by Luciom k

Trump said something which the left wanted to interpret that way , and then repeatedly clarified there is no intention at all to ban contraceptives at the federal level (ofc states are free to test the limits of the constitution on their own), while minnesota democrats had Walz sign a law (same law that discussed the tampon thing) that can be read as making pedophiles a protected class. Ofc reading it that way is a stretch sure, but they eliminated a single phrase intended to make sure it couldn

What exactly does the law say that would make it so that they would need such an amendment? Also it seems like he’s saying an emotional attraction to a minor should be protected, since he only says physical and sexual attraction. What a sick man.

Lol Walz' family hates him more than RFK's family hates him.

by Luciom k

it is a very niche position which started with french intellectuals in the 70s and never really went away


It's a topic discussed at length in anti woke circles, because the pro pedophiles advocacy of people like Simone de Beauvoir should, for normal people, completly discredit her, the totality of the "intellectual" work, and anyone who doesn't consider her a true monst

by weeeez k

Then why the need to specify people from the left?

I got u cover

I Guess right wing Italian took over .


On 24 June 2013, Berlusconi was found guilty of paying for sex with the underaged El Mahroug and of abusing his office. He was sentenced by the Court of First Instance to seven years in prison, one more year than had been requested by the prosecution, and banned from public office for life.

Aren’t those right wing idol leaders like trump and him great ….
True moral compass to lead us .

by housenuts k

Lol Walz' family hates him more than RFK's family hates him.

According to the person who released the photo, these people are related through Walz's grandfather's brother. In other words, they are his second cousins, somehow related to his second cousins, or married to his second cousins. It's entirely possible that he barely knows them at all.

But carry on.

by coordi k

What was written into law is that a 9 year old can get a tampon on their school bathroom in Minnesota regardless of gender. As an 11 year old boy I can get a tampon to plug up the bloody nose I got fighting in the bathroom while the crew watches out for feds.

(That is, if they were actually putting tampons in boys bathrooms)

You are the one flailing around violently trying to make this about trans children

Yeah, the anti trans crowd is forced to make problems where none are. Even before the law some schools were making tampons available in girl's restrooms and the nurses office. That completely complies with what Walz signed but culture warriors had to find a way to enter the conversation, so they just made stuff up.

by Rococo k

According to the person who released the photo, these people are related through Walz's grandfather's brother. In other words, they are his second cousins, somehow related to his second cousins, or married to his second cousins. It's entirely possible that he barely knows them at all.

But carry on.

I’m starting to worry that the confidence of housenuts about Bitcoin is based off on the same research quality he post here .

If that’s the case I might actually sell a lot of bitcoin soon …

by housenuts k

Lol Walz' family hates him more than RFK's family hates him.

So we're 0 for 8 on knowing how to make a plural out of a family name.

by housenuts k

Lol Walz' family hates him more than RFK's family hates him.

His grandfathers brothers Nebraska crew. Digging real deep for this one

You could just quote his own MAGA brother if you want some actual credability

by coordi k

You could just quote his own MAGA brother if you want some actual credability

ya that's old news

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yeah, the anti trans crowd is forced to make problems where none are. Even before the law some schools were making tampons available in girl's restrooms and the nurses office. That completely complies with what Walz signed but culture warriors had to find a way to enter the conversation, so they just made stuff up.

When did the trans thing become a massive hot button issue? I don't remember much being said about it up until a couple of years ago, but I mostly live in a bubble as far as stuff like that goes.

by coordi k

His grandfathers brothers Nebraska crew. Digging real deep for this one

I'll save everyone the trouble. If you extend this far out, you could play this game this with any candidate's family.

According to Scaramucci, he's only met one person who hates Donald Trump more than Melania does.

by housenuts k

Lol Walz' family hates him more than RFK's family hates him.

Meanwhile Trump’s immediate family alleges that he thinks that extremely disabled people are better off dead.

Donald Harris would like a word

Trump raped his wife and his dad was arrested at a Klan rally.

by d2_e4 k

When did the trans thing become a massive hot button issue? I don't remember much being said about it up until a couple of years ago, but I mostly live in a bubble as far as stuff like that goes.

The right has been losing so much ground on social issues so they have to keep changing what the fight is over. In the early 90s they would complain about shows like Seinfeld and Friends took a casual approach to sex for unmarried people in their late 20s/30s, then it was the existence if gay people and gay marriage. They would have a tough time trying to make that stuff a national issue now. It's definitely a good thing conservatives keep losing on these culture war issues.

by pocket_zeros k

According to Scaramucci, he's only met one person who hates Donald Trump more than Melania does.

He knows Michael Cohen. He visited him in prison in 2019. So I can believe that he knows at least one person who dislikes Trump more than Melania does.

Are they still fighting the War on Christmas?

by ecriture d'adulte k

The right has been losing so much ground on social issues so they have to keep changing what the fight is over. In the early 90s they would complain about shows like Seinfeld and Friends took a casual approach to sex for unmarried people in their late 20s/30s, then it was the existence if gay people and gay marriage. They would have a tough time trying to make that stuff a national issue now. It's definitely a good thing conservatives keep losing on these culture war issues.

The right think they are great role model in morality and look where it got them to praise for as a leader today .
After such failure they should lose some credibility about morality I suppose .
Like they lost about being pro laws, justice defenders , etc .

by Rococo k

He knows Michael Cohen. He visited him in prison in 2019. So I can believe that he knows at least one person who dislikes Trump more than Melania does.

Saw Mooch on a podcast not long ago; I think I posted the vid somewhere round here in fact. He's certainly no Trump fan. But I find it hard to believe that he didn't see all the qualities and tendencies for which he now criticises Trump before he took the Press Sec job. I suppose it's possible, but he doesn't strike me as that stupid either.

by d2_e4 k

Saw Mooch on a podcast not long ago; I think I posted the vid somewhere round here in fact. He's certainly no Trump fan. But I find it hard to believe that he didn't see all the qualities and tendencies for which he now criticises Trump before he took the Press Sec job. I suppose it's possible, but he doesn't strike me as that stupid either.

I think a lot of people go in thinking he can't be THAT bad, then learn he actually is.

by Trolly McTrollson k

So we're 0 for 8 on knowing how to make a plural out of a family name.

All the t-shirts fit.

Russia HOAX in the news again, as DOJ indicted some parties that were paying influencers in US for content creation. People like Benny Johnson and Tim Pool, for deals like 100k for a weekly episode. The whole indictment is worth reading IMO, even if the most surprising thing there is that the whole thing was organized on Discord servers. They spent like $10M. Also few pages of evidence about the campaign

Also one funny thing was

Commentator-I had "a problem with the profile we sent over, specifically the reference to 'social justice.'

The people recruited were given these fake profiles of people they'd be working for, any instead of doing the due diligence to figure out that they're not actually real and they're spreading Russian propaganda, this guy (Dave Rubin probably?) was worried that the fake profile mentions social justice like those damn liberals!

Glad this indictment came to my attention, otherwise I'd never have detected the Russian elements in this
