The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


hmmm, who should i hate...

people who use their kids as ploys to help people, or support causes that help the environment...

people who teach their kids as ploys to call people liars who they know absolutely nothing about...

tough one.

by Victor k

I could recommend a local library and dozens of books but I don't think you guys would read them.l.

I'm not sure what makes you think people here haven't read academic work or literature that is extremely critical of capitalism, Western liberalism, etc.

by rickroll k

there's also zero chance he had anything to do with running the day to day operations there

There is zero chance you've actually read about how Trump's casinos went bankrupt because if you did you'd learn it was his decision to expand his holdings at the absolute peak of the market in AC, when there was already far too much supply on the market. He was unable to make his debt payment on the Taj just a year after it opened. He expanded supply beyond demand, which not only destroyed the Taj but his other holdings as well.

by Rococo k

I'm not sure what makes you think people here haven't read academic work or literature that is extremely critical of capitalism, Western liberalism, etc.

I'd be shocked if Victor has, though.

by #Thinman k

hmmm, who should i hate...

people who use their kids as ploys to help people, or support causes that help the environment...

people who teach their kids as ploys to call people liars who they know absolutely nothing about...

tough one.

My advice is don't hate either one, but look down on both.

by rickroll k

massive difference between private companies which are bailed out when they fail vs state owned enterprises

even the ones that are "privately held" are still only in existence because of direct government investment or interest free loans along with national policy that helps them fend off foreign competition as well as subsidies

ie lenovo is technically a private company, but it only came to existence because the chinese government was tired of buying dell and hp computers so they put together

Zero difference when it comes to fairness of competition. In both scenarios the governments subsidized the operations of those businesses. The only difference is the USA businesses wouldn't even exist with the government's bailouts, whereas China is only accused of making it easier for their businesses, including lowering the cost of capital. So you're actually right - there is a massive difference - in favor of the USA businesses at the expense of fairness to their competitors in China.

by checkraisdraw k

why is this being directed at me?

because you said this

by checkraisdraw k

Republicans have always been shameless about using their kids as props. I remember back when Prop 8 (anti-gay marriage CA prop) was up for vote, the people in favor of banning gay marriage would always use their kids to hold their signs. Sick individuals.

its insane to paint that as a republican trait when both sides do it and from anecdotal evidence the left does it way more frequently

by pocket_zeros k

Zero difference when it comes to fairness of competition. In both scenarios the governments subsidized the operations of those businesses. The only difference is the USA businesses wouldn't even exist with the government's bailouts, whereas China is only accused of making the cost of capital cheaper for their businesses. So you're actually right - there is a massive difference - in favor of the USA at the expense of China.

the copium is real

by pocket_zeros k

There is zero chance you've actually read about how Trump's casinos went bankrupt because if you did you'd learn it was his decision to expand his holdings at the absolute peak of the market in AC, when there was already far too much supply on the market. He was unable to make his debt payment on the Taj just a year after it opened. He expanded supply beyond demand, which not only destroyed the Taj but his other holdings as well.

your right i haven't

but it's silly to blame him for something which impacted many casino owners all at the same time when you could ya know, just focus on something else, like something more applicable such as his conduct in office perhaps?

by Rococo k

I'm not sure what makes you think people here haven't read academic work or literature that is extremely critical of capitalism, Western liberalism, etc.

Most people don't read

by rickroll k

because you said this

its insane to paint that as a republican trait when both sides do it and from anecdotal evidence the left does it way more frequently

Well it is sick to use your kid as a prop to ban gay marriage, what can I say?

Amusing all the criticism of Trump's business skills, yet the guy is still a billionaire I believe.

by rickroll k

your right i haven't

but it's silly to blame him for something which impacted many casino owners all at the same time when you could ya know, just focus on something else, like something more applicable such as his conduct in office perhaps?

People are focusing on his conduct in office and fitness for office. People are mentioning his failures as a businessman.

When I was a kid we had three TV channels. Now almost everyone has more than 100, but this kid has obviously had a huge dose of Fox. So sad.

by Tom Ames k

When I was a kid we had three TV channels. Now almost everyone has more than 100, but this kid has obviously had a huge dose of Fox. So sad.

I don't know. He looks like a pretty smart kid. Very perceptive.

by Brian James k

Amusing all the criticism of Trump's business skills, yet the guy is still a billionaire I believe.

Have you hear the expression “born on third base and thought you hit a triple”?

by coordi k

Pretty easy when your dad was a billionaire too

But if his business skills were as bad as you guys make out he would have lost it all, surely.

he did lose it all, until he got the sweet tv gig from the Hollywood people he wants you to hate

by Brian James k

But if his business skills were as bad as you guys make out he would have lost it all, surely.

his dad wasn't a billionaire so i deleted the post. He was pretty rich though

by Brian James k

But if his business skills were as bad as you guys make out he would have lost it all, surely.

He has stated himself on numerous occasions that his liabilities exceed his assets so this isn't quite the compelling argument you seem to think it is. When you start with that much money it's easy to borrow or scam more, default on obligations and carry on like nothing happened. Paying debts is for poor people.

by #Thinman k

he did lose it all, until he got the sweet tv gig from the Hollywood people he wants you to hate

Was he homeless and living on the street?

Surely it would take good business skills to negotiate and maintain that tv gig, which was very successful I believe.

Thank God and Greyhound for bankruptcy court!

by rickroll k

the copium is real

If only snark were a substitute for an actual argument.

by Brian James k

But if his business skills were as bad as you guys make out he would have lost it all, surely.

His father had to bail him out in several instances, once even buying casino chips in the Taj just to inject enough money to keep the doors open.

by checkraisdraw k

Well it is sick to use your kid as a prop to ban gay marriage, what can I say?

agree 100% - i even find the kamala is a liar thing reprehensible despite that i personally agree with it

no kid has that perspective let alone even knows who she is unless that was spoon fed down their throat and it takes a special kind of evil parent to want to indoctrinate their children like that
