The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

It's absolutely obvious that for europe at least, what pushed many people to the right was immigration, an unprecedented change in pace and type of immigrants for most european countries, coupled with "normal" left v right cultural issues about "social progress" in norms and behaviors, where the left pushed too far (trans issues and so on).

USA is different in the sense that immigration is normal for you guys, but recently something changed in the type and quantity of immigrants allowed in, negat

Trump was elected in 2016 while Obama was doing massive amount of deportation.

You sure it’s about immigration ?

by David Sklansky k

A big chunk of the problem could be solved by teaching basic logic and probability in fifth grade and then in sixth grade showing how this knowledge should lead you into realizing that believing any of the very specific things that a particular religion would have you believe is dumb.

I think a basic financial literacy class should be at the top of any list of what we don't teach kids enough about - debt, loan types, budgeting, saving, what to invest in, investment account types, taxes, insurance, rick management, financial aid, buying vs leasing a car, etc.

by Montrealcorp k

Trump was elected in 2016 while Obama was doing massive amount of deportation.

You sure it’s about immigration ?

I said I am sure about it for Europe and that it's different for the USA

by Rococo k

MAGA isn't just an anti-immigration movement in the US. Not even close.

As far as I know, ecritude isn't a word in the English language.

ectritude is a user in this forum

by rickroll k

i got my shot before most of ya'll because i was in china

was really happy how the chinese ones were not the mrna style but the traditional vaccine

but i actually really hated how expressing any concerns for taking a rushed out vaccine for something that had long since morphed into something far less deadly than it was previously got you lumped in with all the "vaccines cause autism" folks

they worked worse because of that though

by Brian James k

You do realise that smart people can be incredibly dumb at times. It's a well known phenomenon.

not all at the same time especially when you take groups that disagree a lot about other stuff

by bahbahmickey k

I think a basic financial literacy class should be at the top of any list of what we don't teach kids enough about - debt, loan types, budgeting, saving, what to invest in, investment account types, taxes, insurance, rick management, financial aid, buying vs leasing a car, etc.

Good idea. Maybe you could draft the chapter on progressive taxation for us.

by Luciom k

ectritude is a user in this forum

That’s a typo. Ecriture is a user in this forum. Ecriture is French for “writing”.

by bahbahmickey k

I think a basic financial literacy class should be at the top of any list of what we don't teach kids enough about - debt, loan types, budgeting, saving, what to invest in, investment account types, taxes, insurance, rick management, financial aid, buying vs leasing a car, etc.

Tax brackets…..

by Santzes k

Because those concerns were almost always rooted on grifters spewing ridiculous pseudoscience. I had one friend who wasn't really that pro-vaccine, but he listened to real experts and did his best to understand strengths and weaknesses of different studies. Multiple times asked "hey I understood this study this way, but all the experts don't seem to think that way, where am I going wrong?", and I respected that. But the other 999 I saw talking against vaccines had just fallen to grifters on Joe

the concerns were first and foremost about the purported need to vaccinate people who had nothing to fear from the disease.
in fact in early rollout when only actual at risk people got the vaccine people were clamouring to do it faster, the right was correctly decrying DEI abominations in some states that gave priority access to minorities, and republicans bragged about WARP being their creature.

when the fascists started mandating it to 20y old people everything changed, and correctly so.

and remember the fascists lied obscenely to justify the mandate (not the efficacy , the mandate).

the resurgence in antivaccinism (even for other working vaccines) is entirely the fault of the totalitarian maniacs who lied to justify their completely indefensible mandate

by Brian James k

I would contend that believing either of those things is a sure sign of a low IQ. Believing that the clot shot is safe and effective is a very reliable indicator of a low IQ imo. And how gullible and susceptable to govt propoganda you are. The more boosters you have had the lower the IQ. I mean there is more than enough evidence available now for those who want to find it.

Likewise believing that the election was legit is another sure indicator of how dumb you are.

Finally u admit it ….
Eating cats and dogs is true l’élection was stolen
Fox paying 700 millions for it was fake news .

Well glad it’s clear you a real deep maga .
No need to respond anymore and least .

by Montrealcorp k

The problem is education in most maga location doesn’t seem to be a big prorilty to focus on .
Beside banning books of course ….

Not a fan of banning books in school libraries, but it's not as bad as publishers removing so-called unacceptable and outdated language from P. G. Wodehouse novels.

by lozen k

I off course like many got the shot and the second shot and one booster but if you can't understand why folks wouldn't trust a rushed out vaccine by the companies that have faced the largest judgements against them and have had all studies on the vaccine sealed till were all long gone than maybe your the one with the low IQ . Trump lost in 202 as well that is a given

But it’s trump that launched it right ?
And he had full confidence in it ?
So why maga don’t accept it or trusted it ?

by Gregory Illinivich k

Not a fan of banning books in school libraries, but it's not as bad as publishers removing so-called unacceptable and outdated language from P. G. Wodehouse novels.

I think governments deciding what you can read is a lot worse than publishers publishing what they want.

by weeeez k

what has changed in the type and quantity of immigrants?
Pretty sure every wave of immigrants was seen with defiance (italians didn't have the best time, irishs, cubans..)
Surely this is not a religion matter as well so I don't see what you are referring too?

when polish Italians Irish and so on came, they were the kind of people the American economy needed. mostly everyone was low education anyway (natives included), most jobs required informal educations and having "two arms and two legs" while being healthy (remember you pushed the sick, infirm and disabled away) in a mostly agricultural economy with some industry was more than enough to be productive and more than pay for yourself, given the relative abundance of land and capital in general vs workers in the USA (and most of the rest of the Americas as well).

that STILL created a lot of problems for natives to be clear, and it STILL caused after a while (when the economy was much less agricultural) a massive reduction in the accepted rate of immigration starting from the 20s till the 60s.

you are currently at 3x (today it's 14.4) the rate of foreign born in the USA than in 1970 ok?

this happened

problem today vs 1880 is that random uneducated people in the presence of welfare are a lifetime drag for others.

They are a burden , they aren't a source of prosperity, and their children become American citizens and stay as a burden as a group.

so the quality relatively to need is at the bottom low ever, at least for immigrants coming in from the border or as refugees from dirty poor countries.

there has never been such a mismatch in the characteristics of recent immigrants and the need of the native economy.

you could do with the same amount of immigration in total if instead of taking in random Guatemalans or Haitians or whatever, you took the same amount of stem or nursing degree holders from wherever I. the world, giving them a quick path to citizenship even just because they have that education.

300k randomly selected haitians aren't the same as 300k nurses from Kenya or India or wherever.

the left can keep lying about it but the problem keeps growing, people notice and an increasing number want to stop it

by Montrealcorp k

But it’s trump that launched it right ?
And he had full confidence in it ?
So why maga don’t accept it or trusted it ?

Deep down even maga knows trump is not trustworthy. The Trump administration had basically nothing to do with the vaccine though. If Trump appointed Kushner and Pence to get a bunch of bros to develop a vaccine er never would have had to worry about whether to take it or not because it never would have gotten done.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I think governments deciding what you can read is a lot worse than publishers publishing what that want.

you think schools shouldn't decide which content is accessible to minors at schools? wtf?

by Luciom k

you think schools shouldn't decide which content is accessible to minors at schools? wtf?

Reread his comment .
U extrapolate a lot .
It’s not binary , there is levels .

by Luciom k

you think schools shouldn't decide which content is accessible to minors at schools? wtf?

Yes schools can. Not governors. Part of maga and right wing culture is centralizing power away from local principals and school boards and banning stuff at the state level

by ecriture d'adulte k

I think governments deciding what you can read is a lot worse than publishers publishing what that want.

Banning books in public school libraries is definitely a problem. However, I don't see a major push to outright ban books from being sold or carried in non-school settings. Yes, it's a problem, but luckily it doesn't have a lot of reach. I'm more appalled by a publisher changing a writer's work in the name of sensitivity or political correctness and then flooding the market with forgeries. Sooner or later, the real thing disappears. Cultural decline can be just as atrocious and destructive even when it comes from non-political actors.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yes schools can. Not governors. Part of maga and right wing culture is centralizing power away from local principals and school boards and banning stuff at the state level

It seems to be a first amendment issue even at the local level.

Like, who cares about books being banned if they're not even "real" books? There's a bit of irony in that sentence, but you get the point.

by Luciom k

they worked worse because of that though

yeah i know, and i did end up doing the full gauntlet of mrna ones once i got back to USA#1

just given i was not someone at any particular risk nor hanging around the olds was happier to not go full experimental

by Gregory Illinivich k

P. G. Wodehouse

the original based dandy

the experimentation was on dosage (both quantity per dose, spacing of doses, and how many doses), the technology itself of delivering through mRNA was already demonstrably safe from tier 1 and tier 2 trials.

we had no clue what the optimal dosage was (and imho still don't) as we didn't test various options and we had no clue of how that interacts with having being exposed already, which is why we have weord stats about hybrid protection and whatnot.

but all of that is experimentation vs "optimality", that getting a dose of mRNA was close to nothing (per SE, pathogen replica aside) was already pretty clear.

I mean you get the spike but you get it in the real world anyway sooner or later so that's an "experimentation" that would happen anyway.

I really hated being mandate 3 doses even after I had COVID anyway to be able to live normally because I hate having to get appointment, reach the place, wait in queue and so on.

I even had to find a family doctor for me (only way to book the vaccine) as I didn't have one before as I never needed one, I self diagnose or ask physician relatives then book the specialist out of pocket, the hell I go queuing with 20 elders full of the worst pathogens where I can't even vape when I wait in the queue
