The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by jalfrezi k

It's not a spasm; it's the logical result of the US trending further and further right since the war and the emergence of the US as the global superpower determined to impose its values across the world and crush dissent abroad, hence indoctrinating kids at school.

America had Nixon in power long before Europe's recent attraction to far right authoritarianism. If you choose to see history as unconnected spams you'll never understand why anything happens.

Jal, what exactly did the French government do to "impose american values and crush dissent" to the point that front national got the consensus it has? Or take austria with the FPO winning the elections sunday.

The common thread is obvious and it's immigration, not other stuff

by Brian James k

I would contend that believing either of those things is a sure sign of a low IQ. Believing that the clot shot is safe and effective is a very reliable indicator of a low IQ imo. And how gullible and susceptable to govt propoganda you are. The more boosters you have had the lower the IQ. I mean there is more than enough evidence available now for those who want to find it.

Likewise believing that the election was legit is another sure indicator of how dumb you are.

You can believe whatever you want but i advise you to not insist on stuff which smart people on the right all over the world disagree with you about.

Take the japanese right or the swedish right and check what they do agree with democrats, and that's probably going to be something that is objectively true.

by Luciom k

It's absolutely obvious that for europe at least, what pushed many people to the right was immigration, an unprecedented change in pace and type of immigrants for most european countries, coupled with "normal" left v right cultural issues about "social progress" in norms and behaviors, where the left pushed too far (trans issues and so on).

USA is different in the sense that immigration is normal for you guys, but recently something changed in the type and quantity of immigrants allowed in, negat

MAGA isn't just an anti-immigration movement in the US. Not even close.

As far as I know, ecritude isn't a word in the English language.

by lozen k

I off course like many got the shot and the second shot and one booster but if you can't understand why folks wouldn't trust a rushed out vaccine by the companies that have faced the largest judgements against them and have had all studies on the vaccine sealed till were all long gone than maybe your the one with the low IQ . Trump lost in 202 as well that is a given

People didn't get the shot because they're credulous morons, it's not super complicated.

i got my shot before most of ya'll because i was in china

was really happy how the chinese ones were not the mrna style but the traditional vaccine

but i actually really hated how expressing any concerns for taking a rushed out vaccine for something that had long since morphed into something far less deadly than it was previously got you lumped in with all the "vaccines cause autism" folks

by Brian James k

I would contend that believing either of those things is a sure sign of a low IQ.

I guess this means that Brian James believes Trump has a low IQ.

by Luciom k

You can believe whatever you want but i advise you to not insist on stuff which smart people on the right all over the world disagree with you about.

Take the japanese right or the swedish right and check what they do agree with democrats, and that's probably going to be something that is objectively true.

You do realise that smart people can be incredibly dumb at times. It's a well known phenomenon.

by Rococo k

I guess this means that Brian James believes Trump has a low IQ.

That's good news. The best we can hope is that they figure it out one by one. It's a process.

by Luciom k

You can believe whatever you want but i advise you to not insist on stuff which smart people on the right all over the world disagree with you about.

Take the japanese right or the swedish right and check what they do agree with democrats, and that's probably going to be something that is objectively true.

Left or right, anyone with an ounce of self respect and at least one functioning brain cell thinks Trump is an abject moron who is unfit to be dog catcher, so I doubt this is a standard the MAGAts are going to rush to adopt.

by Brian James k

You do realise that smart people can be incredibly dumb at times. It's a well known phenomenon.

Not one you're in any danger of, I daresay.

A big chunk of the problem could be solved by teaching basic logic and probability in fifth grade and then in sixth grade showing how this knowledge should lead you into realizing that believing any of the very specific things that a particular religion would have you believe is dumb.

by Luciom k

Last time we had a democrat trifecta the only reason we avoided complete disaster was the presence of 2 people who weren't actually proper democrats in the senate.

You don’t understand Democratic politics. If it wasn’t Manchin and Sinema, it would have been one of the other more moderate Dems. People know who is going to vote how before something ever comes on the floor, so if they want to signal towards some popular issue they can and will do so without having to really support it. In fact that’s probably exactly what happened with Harris when she was a Senator with M4A.

What they ended up passing was all pretty decent middle of the road neo-Keynesian economic stimulus and infrastructure spending.

by rickroll k

but i actually really hated how expressing any concerns for taking a rushed out vaccine for something that had long since morphed into something far less deadly than it was previously got you lumped in with all the "vaccines cause autism" folks

Those people are also poorly-informed morons.

by Luciom k

There is no rule, but your choice clearly indicates that you understand the need for any party to cater to masses of idiots, you can't win otherwise.

So when you criticize only the idiots on the right you basically want to lower the status of one of the 2 big tents, which you disagree with policy wise, using an attack that would always apply to any major party in a bipartisan system , and that's bad faith arguing.

Which you can keep doing as long as you want, but that i can expose for what it is.


You’ve made up a bunch of nonsense. I don’t really care what your proposals are, i follow what Dems and republicans propose. I definitely want right wing morons to have less power. Let doctors, parents and patients decide medical issues and treatments. Not moron right wing governors and legislators.

On how to fund the healthcare industry, just as a representative example, I agree with the vast majority of Dems and republicans that people with pre existing conditions should be protected. Trump said he has a concept of a plan or whatever after 8 years which included an attempt to fully undo these protections that only failed by 1sebate vote. Vance recentered rambled about risk pools but I do t think he really understands what he’s talking about and high risk pools have failed every time they were tried even with massive federal backstops. Since republicans aren’t even in the game, if the solution Dems push involves more regulation in health insurance so be it, because republicans haven’t even come up with a plan that meets their own criteria for acceptable. Republicans being the moron party mattrrs on stuff like this because they don’t have competent people and subject experts that can write decent law. If they fix that maybe there will be something to discuss.

by Rococo k

MAGA isn't just an anti-immigration movement in the US. Not even close.

As far as I know, ecritude isn't a word in the English language.

hint: it's a name. (with a typo is my best guess)

by rickroll k

i got my shot before most of ya'll because i was in china

was really happy how the chinese ones were not the mrna style but the traditional vaccine

but i actually really hated how expressing any concerns for taking a rushed out vaccine for something that had long since morphed into something far less deadly than it was previously got you lumped in with all the "vaccines cause autism" folks

Because those concerns were almost always rooted on grifters spewing ridiculous pseudoscience. I had one friend who wasn't really that pro-vaccine, but he listened to real experts and did his best to understand strengths and weaknesses of different studies. Multiple times asked "hey I understood this study this way, but all the experts don't seem to think that way, where am I going wrong?", and I respected that. But the other 999 I saw talking against vaccines had just fallen to grifters on Joe Rogan, didn't go through any kind of critical process for any claims they liked, didn't do anything to try to understand any basic science or why scientific people disagreed with them, incapable of having any kind of scientific discussion because if they don't like something its "big pharma", if they did it's automatically valid. Obviously they belong to the vaccines cause autism pile, doesn't even matter if you agree with the result.

by Luciom k

It's absolutely obvious that for europe at least, what pushed many people to the right was immigration, an unprecedented change in pace and type of immigrants for most european countries, coupled with "normal" left v right cultural issues about "social progress" in norms and behaviors, where the left pushed too far (trans issues and so on).

what has changed in the type and quantity of immigrants?
Pretty sure every wave of immigrants was seen with defiance (italians didn't have the best time, irishs, cubans..)
Surely this is not a religion matter as well so I don't see what you are referring too?

by weeeez k

hint: it's a name. (with a typo is my best guess)

Got it. Thx. I thought he was trying to use the word rectitude, which didn't make any sense at all.

by lozen k

I off course like many got the shot and the second shot and one booster but if you can't understand why folks wouldn't trust a rushed out vaccine by the companies that have faced the largest judgements against them and have had all studies on the vaccine sealed till were all long gone than maybe your the one with the low IQ . Trump lost in 202 as well that is a given

Off course. Your making a tun of scents!

by Rococo k

Your belief that a global trend can be mainly attributed to a left to right swing in American politics certainly marks you as a believer in American exceptionalism. (As an aside, I don't agree that the Democratic party is further to the right than it was 25-30 years ago.)

I wasn't implying that I thought MAGA caused the rise of the far right in Europe - I've pointed out earlier forms of MAGA were in place long before.

That's what you think, not me:

the U.S. MAGA trend is part of a global spasm in the direction of a right wing authoritarianism"

The two have some common causes ie the banking crisis (more of a cause in Europe thanks to austerity measures) and asylum seekers.

by weeeez k

what has changed in the type and quantity of immigrants?
Pretty sure every wave of immigrants was seen with defiance (italians didn't have the best time, irishs, cubans..)
Surely this is not a religion matter as well so I don't see what you are referring too?

He's colouring in between the lines because forum rules prevent him from speaking his mind. He's also conveniently forgetting how badly Polish people were treated upon their arrival in the US, often the butt of abusive jokes and racial steroetypes.

by jalfrezi k

I wasn't implying that I thought MAGA caused the rise of the far right in Europe - I've pointed out earlier forms of MAGA were in place long before.

That's what you think, not me

Are you reading the words that I am writing? Where did I say that US MAGA caused the rise of the far right in Europe?

by Santzes k

Because those concerns were almost always rooted on grifters spewing ridiculous pseudoscience. I had one friend who wasn't really that pro-vaccine, but he listened to real experts and did his best to understand strengths and weaknesses of different studies. Multiple times asked "hey I understood this study this way, but all the experts don't seem to think that way, where am I going wrong?", and I respected that. But the other 999 I saw talking against vaccines had just fallen to grifters on Joe

Yeah your friend would be in the top .1% of vaccine “skeptics”. For a typical Rogan bro type that couldn’t tell you the chances of getting exactly 3 heads out of 6 coin flips, just blindly trust the experts. Not because they are always right, but because you have no chance of reasoning anything out. People don’t like to hear that and say it’s elitist, but everyone knows if you haven’t exercised since gym class you can’t run a marathon; and if you stopped learning in high school what you think about vaccines will just be a grab bag of regutgitated fallacies.

by jalfrezi k

You’re stuck with them until you divest young people of the notion of American Exceptionalsim that’s drummed into them through the education system.

The problem is education in most maga location doesn’t seem to be a big prorilty to focus on .
Beside banning books of course ….

by weeeez k

what has changed in the type and quantity of immigrants?
Pretty sure every wave of immigrants was seen with defiance (italians didn't have the best time, irishs, cubans..)
Surely this is not a religion matter as well so I don't see what you are referring too?

My parents came from Holland when they arrived yes they got free health care but no they never got free accommodation's, cell phone and a cash card .
