The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


The most enjoyable 21 minutes you'll spend this week if you like seeing justice finally served to a MAGA nutjob.

Very cathartic. A lot of people deserve to have it handed to them in this fashion.

by bundy5 k

Yeah just like that Irish stat I call b/s.

i call bs on your ability to read a chart


do I even need to say it?

Truly fascinating theory.

Would you like to place a wager?

by bundy5 k

Basically anything that has Trump within a margin of error of +3 or less to Harris is Trump in front on election day. In the last month too in the 2020 election is when Trump made the most in-roads too - conservatives tend to do better as the campaign goes on because the undecideds break then and the undecideds the later it goes on the greater tendency they have is to go with a conservative choice rather than risk the progressive (and that conservative choice is because it makes them the most fi

by d2_e4 k

The only words in this post that are accurate are "you still have Victor and Luciom back after their respective bans". Everything else is either flat out wrong or a gross misrepresentation of the facts.

The fact that you offer zero points to the contrary leads me to, you know, not put a lot faith in your opinion

by holmfries k

The fact that you offer zero points to the contrary leads me to, you know, not put a lot faith in your opinion

All those points have been litigated a million times in the mod thread. I've read the posts. Looks like you haven't. In any case, I'm certainly not going to relitigate them with you.

by Luciom k

You are the kind of person that thinks that if someone runs unopposed in a congress seat, it means he is a very charismatic candidate

No. I just think if a person gets under 50% of the vote he's not drastically better at getting votes than recent Dem candidates.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Over half of voters disagreed that he was a good candidate. He also got to run against an unpopular HW after 12 years of failed republican rule and Bob Dole. Hard to make a case he was so much better than candidates after him....maybe ou just like him better.

You're right, it is real hard to argue that the guy who won his elections by large margins was a better candidate than the ones who lost their elections.

At least he was more popular than Canadian Prime ministers who always seem to have 65%+ of the voters disagreeing with them being good candidates.

by Metod Tinuviel k

You're right, it is real hard to argue that the guy who won his elections by large margins was a better candidate than the ones who lost their elections.

At least he was more popular than Canadian Prime ministers who always seem to have 65%+ of the voters disagreeing with them being good candidates.

Macron got 28% in the first round in 2022

by d2_e4 k

All those points have been litigated a million times in the mod thread. I've read the posts. Looks like you haven't. In any case, I'm certainly not going to relitigate them with you.

So why respond then? I’ve read the posts and stand by my perspective.

by Gorgonian k

Very cathartic. A lot of people deserve to have it handed to them in this fashion.

I would need to be put on suicide watch after a dressing down like that.

But I have a conscience.

by rickroll k

i call bs on your ability to read a chart

I wouldn't get too caught up in it. I've spent time in Finland and I'm half Irish and on both I just struggle to see they are a hunting people with guns. Now I understand that they would have guns for other reasons including military service but hunting - not so much.


by bundy5 k

I wouldn't get too caught up in it. I've spent time in Finland and I'm half Irish and on both I just struggle to see they are a hunting people with guns. Now I understand that they would have guns for other reasons including military service but hunting - not so much.

Let's ask a slightly different question. Are you aware that there are things happening in the world that you do not personally know about, even in countries you have visited or where your grandparents were born? Do you trust your limited personal knowledge and experience over information compiled by so-called fact checkers, statisticians or journalists?

by Metod Tinuviel k

You're right, it is real hard to argue that the guy who won his elections by large margins was a better candidate than the ones who lost their elections.

Archeological evidence shows Obama and Biden won.

by Luciom k

Only a few were arrested even if hundreds of thousands rioted, that's part of the problem in the comparison yes.

But we went through this already, having hundreds of riots participated each by thousands of people nationwide is infinitely worse than having a vegan shaman and other cosplaying low IQ kings of memes enter the capitol (which is bad yes).

No it’s not .
It had thousand of manifestations with no arrest with blm ….
So u just cherry picking the little 5% as being a big thing in the blm movement like u do using 1% of climate changes studies don’t very important to say it’s hoax or the danger is minimal .

But when u use 1-2% covid death rates, it’s meaningless and it isn’t a big deal .
U are hard to follow with your use of % importance ….

Ps : that 6th January will past in history and be remembered for decades minimum while you couldn’t distinguish one manifestation throughout The thousands for blm with one having such a big impact as the January 6th.
U could put forth thousands of blm manifestations with no Impact at at all or not problems occurring .
That’s the difference ….
Comparing blm with a sedition attempt by a bunch of idiots is funny .

by Gorgonian k


They’re eating the cats .

by Montrealcorp k

They’re eating the cats .



by Luciom k

No I said it wasn't dangerous for jews if a bunch of insignificant, powerless people chanted that, compared with what millions of americans are supporting, the attempted genocide of Israeli Jews if not of worldwide jews.

Weird. I thought millions of Americans are supporting the genocide of Muslims in Palestine?

Maybe Americans just want to genocide someone but can’t agree on who it should be.

by Victor k


do I even need to say it?

If Hitler was alive and supported Kamala she would thank him as long as it’s on the tele prompter


by lozen k

If Hitler was alive and supported Kamala she would thank him as long as it’s on the tele prompter

It's not unprecedented. We had one guy before who courted the Nazi vote by calling them "very fine people" on national television. Didn't even need the teleprompter.

by d2_e4 k

It's not unprecedented. We had one guy before who courted the Nazi vote by calling them "very fine people" on national television. Didn't even need the teleprompter.


by ecriture d'adulte k

Archeological evidence shows Obama and Biden won.

Lol. This whole thing started when I said Democrats should nominate charismatic public speakers like Obama and Clinton.
