The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

Emergency services should ignore unknown people calling in to report a robbery, or a fire, or a heart attack, just like your grandma should. Or maybe they should run through stringent ID checks prior to dispatching the relevant service, I mean, it's not like there's a fire or something.

or... telephones are automatically IDed in normal countries?

Very good post Mr rick, straight to the point.
Keep it up!

by Luciom k

or... telephones are automatically IDed in normal countries?

I imagine US has caller ID same as most countries. It's also particularly easy to spoof caller ID. So, I don't think your method, whatever it was supposed to be, is really going to prevent people being swatted.

by d2_e4 k

I imagine US has caller ID same as most countries. It's also particularly easy to spoof caller ID. So, I don't think your method, whatever it was supposed to be, is really going to prevent people being swatted.

Method is you only open a landline or a mobile line with documents so all calls aren't anonymous ex post.

So pranks send you to jail.

Spoofing ID visually can be easy but the telecom operator will know who has called.

Which btw is why we don't even have the concept of swatting in Italy

by Luciom k

Method is you only open a landline or a mobile line with documents so all calls aren't anonymous ex post.

So pranks send you to jail.

Spoofing ID visually can be easy but the telecom operator will know who has called.

Which btw is why we don't even have the concept of swatting in Italy

Oh I see. Regulations and red tape to get a phone just to catch prank callers. Seems somewhat anathema to your core principles.

by Luciom k

Method is you only open a landline or a mobile line with documents so all calls aren't anonymous ex post.

So pranks send you to jail.

Spoofing ID visually can be easy but the telecom operator will know who has called.

Which btw is why we don't even have the concept of swatting in Italy

for a guy that is for absolute freedom,
having no government intervention in our private life,
no regulation of anything dictate by the government,

you are quick to find all the shenanigans to solve insignificant problems.
And moreover pity uneventful things to find excuses to put people in jail !!

as a side note, u know putting people in jail cost a lot of money right ?
is that your definition of good policies and government expenses to put people in jail for prank call ?

Absolute freedom for a government to kill any citizens breaking a law. If you don't like it you can leave, unless there's a law against that too in which case attempting to flee the death penalty will also result in the death penalty.

by d2_e4 k

Oh I see. Regulations and red tape to get a phone just to catch prank callers. Seems somewhat anathema to your core principles.

uh? public stuff has to be regulated, it's not private property. No regulations and tape to get the phone, regulations to get the line with which you can communicate through public property with others.

Same as vehicles' owners who want to use public roads have to be identifiable.

My core principles aren't anarchic, i am mini-archist, i am against 90-95% of currently existing rules, not 100%.

There is absolutely no incoherence in wanting very few (compared to today) , very clear, very enforceable rules and lamenting all other rules as inimical to human quality of life.

by Montrealcorp k

for a guy that is for absolute freedom,
having no government intervention in our private life,
no regulation of anything dictate by the government,

you are quick to find all the shenanigans to solve insignificant problems.
And moreover pity uneventful things to find excuses to put people in jail !!

as a side note, u know putting people in jail cost a lot of money right ?
is that your definition of good policies and government expenses to put people in jail for prank call ?

Maybe being from Canada you don't know the extent of the problem, but in the USA "prank calls" are used to shut down public infrastructure and/or to try to get people hurt or killed.

Like the "prank" is to invent a life or death situation ongoing ("i heard several shots inside the house in street X number Y") so they send armed police and if the people in react they can get killed.

Or to fake bomb threats to shut down train stations or airports or whatnot.

That almost never happen in european countries where you need ID to have a phone line.

Putting people in jail costs money yes, but ofc in my preferred model you would start by sequestering all property of the jailed person to pay for that, and if it is not enough the person leaves jail with a debt to the government.

by checkraisdraw k

Yeah Trump sure acknowledges how hot his daughter Ivanka is.

by ecriture d'adulte k

And Elon literally said his child was dead because she's trans. Bang up job on the facts as usual lol.

Lets see the current President's son denied being the father, fought tooth and nail in court, Joe Biden would not acknowledge the grandchild . And lets look at Kamala's hubby that cheated on his wife with the nanny and knocked her up and there is the domestic abuse accusations against him

by lozen k

Lets see the current President's son denied being the father, fought tooth and nail in court, Joe Biden would not acknowledge the grandchild . And lets look at Kamala's hubby that cheated on his wife with the nanny and knocked her up and there is the domestic abuse accusations against him

Only in MAGA land is lusting after your own daughter morally-equivalent to a paternity dispute.

by lozen k

At least they acknowledge their kids and grandchildren

by lozen k

Lets see the current President's son denied being the father, fought tooth and nail in court, Joe Biden would not acknowledge the grandchild . And lets look at Kamala's hubby that cheated on his wife with the nanny and knocked her up and there is the domestic abuse accusations against him

That has nothing to do with your lie about Musk acknowledging his children. Why are you never able to hold yourself to any standards. Nobody will look any further down on you if you just say "yeah, I was wrong on Elon" rather than trying to slunk away and hide your dishonesty.

by ecriture d'adulte k

That has nothing to do with your lie about Musk acknowledging his children. Why are you never able to hold yourself to any standards. Nobody will look any further down on you if you just say "yeah, I was wrong on Elon" rather than trying to slunk away and hide your dishonesty.

Elon has acknowledged his kids their relationship may be estranged now. What lie did I tell about Elon ? Please tell me is there another child that Elon has not acknowledged?

Nice to see lying Tim at it again as his sone never witnessed a shooting

by Luckbox Inc k

Also-- how am I wrong? Wouldn't it be the case that if Fema has to rely on confiscation then there are bigger problems than people being wrong on the internet?

Where in my post do I make any sort of declarative statement? Where is the lie?

How does that post make me a despicable person?

Clearly FEMA isn't confiscating supplies. They just wouldn't do that. That you even entertain the idea is at worst harmful, at best, you are incredibly stupid. I don't actually think you are incredibly stupid so what are you trying to do here? A 3rd grader could sus out that the FEMA stuff is pure bullshit meant to make idiots online mad.

by rickroll k

do you believe we should also tear down the washington monument or dynamite right 3/4 of mt rushmore?

Having seen Mt Rushmore, I would happily dynamite it out of existence. It’s a disgusting ugly blemish on an otherwise pristine landscape. Truly awful.

I have no use for any momument celebrating definitively evil people. Get rid of all of them.

by coordi k

Clearly FEMA isn't confiscating supplies. They just wouldn't do that. That you even entertain the idea is at worst harmful, at best, you are incredibly stupid. I don't actually think you are incredibly stupid so what are you trying to do here? A 3rd grader could sus out that the FEMA stuff is pure bullshit meant to make idiots online mad.

The question still then remains how people avoiding FEMA is causing people to die. That was never addressed in the second tweet.

by Gorgonian k

I have no use for any momument celebrating definitively evil people. Get rid of all of them.

what about mlk? should we tear down his monuments because of how he treated women?

gandhi for banging his nieces and hating blacks? one of his principle complaints to England was "you treat us as if we were black people"

by Luckbox Inc k

The question still then remains how people avoiding FEMA is causing people to die. That was never addressed in the second tweet.

If people in serious need are avoiding FEMA aid then they could be putting themselves in danger. Its still a bullshit claim, but its more credible than disaster relief groups stealing property and supplies. Its also like, you have bullshit claiming FEMA is trying to harm you and bullshit claiming that the FEMA claims are harming people in need. One lie is objectively harmful while the other lie isn't harmful in any way.

That is assuming that nobody has died from the lies. I have no way to confirm if anyone did or didn't die.

by coordi k

If people in serious need are avoiding FEMA aid then they could be putting themselves in danger. Its still a bullshit claim, but its more credible than disaster relief groups stealing property and supplies. Its also like, you have bullshit claiming FEMA is trying to harm you and bullshit claiming that the FEMA claims are harming people in need. One lie is objectively harmful while the other lie isn't harmful in any way.

That is assuming that nobody has died from the lies. I have no way to con

The original tweet--the one the second tweet was responding to-- was not referring to people in need it was referring to third parties with supplies looking to help and who were told to avoid FEMA as they were confiscating said supplies. The allegation was that those people avoiding FEMA was causing people to die. Wondering why that's the case is perfectly reasonable and hardly makes me a despicable person.

by rickroll k

what about mlk? should we tear down his monuments because of how he treated women?

gandhi for banging his nieces and hating blacks? one of his principle complaints to England was "you treat us as if we were black people"

People just don’t know enough about Mt Rushmore imo.

First of all, it is genuinely ugly.

It’s unfinished, and you can tell.

They left all the construction rubble at the base of the mountain. They don’t like to show that in the photos…

South Dakota specifically built it for tourism after seeing the success of Stone Mountain in Georgia.

They hired the guy who was previously in charge of sculpting the Shrine to the Confederacy, who was overtly involved with the KKK.

Said guy rejected the original plans for the monument, which would have featured Western figures and Indians, and instead built presidents with historically anti-indigenous views.

It’s built on literal stolen land. There was a treaty that gave that land to the Sioux in perpetuity, but then we took it back when we found gold there, and we never compensated them.

And again, it’s super ****ing ugly.

I like it

by lozen k

Elon has acknowledged his kids their relationship may be estranged now. What lie did I tell about Elon ? Please tell me is there another child that Elon has not acknowledged?

He said his child was killed. She is alive. That is the definition of not acknowledging. Just stop lying.

Mt. Rushmore is cool

Mt Rushmore is the most disappointing tourist attraction I've ever been to. In retrospect, I'm not sure what my expectations were, but they were more than what actually exists.
