The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by natediggity k

we've seen you there, mask up!!!!

Exhibit A

The best thing women have going for them is lack of a male ego.

OTOH, that might get filtered out in politics a lot, as anyone who claws to the top is probably horrible.

My mom would be a better ruler than my dad. But Hillary or Haley, not so much.

by checkraisdraw k

what are you actually talking about? have you ever worked for a large organization before? male ceos will tell you that you’re doing an amazing job and then cut your entire department to outsource to countries that have 30 cent minimum wages. this is all anecdotal on your end.

You're out of your mind.

A male has never told me that I'm doing an amazing job. It would actually be kind of gay.

No it's the women that smile at you and are looking for you to make a mistake.

All those allegations against Russell Brand, Al Fayed etc whether they are true are not they are all made by women.

Men act due to physical strength and women collect information and accuse.

by Maximus122 k

You're out of your mind.

A male has never told me that I'm doing an amazing job. It would actually be kind of gay.

No it's the women that smile at you and are looking for you to make a mistake.

All those allegations against Russell Brand, Al Fayed etc whether they are true are not they are all made by women.

Men act due to physical strength and women collect information and accuse.

Believe that part for sure.

legit lol

This guy is just trolling and trying to get banned.

If I decided to get myself banned, I could think of a lot better ways to get my money's worth than making dumb comments about women in management.

what was washoe banned for?

He's got a 2013 reg date I doubt he wants to be banned

I'm not trolling. I just came accross this video which is exactly what I was just talking about.

Trump acts on stage at a rally and then Kamala observes and criticises, looking for him to say a mistake.

by rickroll k

what was washoe banned for?

Appeasing King Spew's need for blood

He was going to get you if Washoe hadn't come around

by checkraisdraw k

what are you actually talking about? have you ever worked for a large organization before? male ceos will tell you that you’re doing an amazing job and then cut your entire department to outsource to countries that have 30 cent minimum wages. this is all anecdotal on your end.

Women CEOs are just as capable of this behavior.

by Maximus122 k

If you see any chicks banging guys in wheelchairs let me know.


She bad too

by Luckbox Inc k

He's got a 2013 reg date I doubt he wants to be banned

Fair enough. I can't read his mind. Maybe he isn't perceptive enough to avoid a ban

by Rococo k

Fair enough. I can't read his mind. Maybe he isn't perceptive enough to avoid a ban

It's meant to be a public forum where opinions are allowed, but it's now a click of a couple of dozen posters who like to ban or ignore newbies.

The reason why the site is dead.

I wasn't the one that got the forum sidetracked. I was commentating on other posts. The sidetrack of the forum wasn't modded quickly enough.

by TookashotatChan k

Women CEOs are just as capable of this behavior.

100% I don’t deny that. But I’m not the one saying that men are better leaders because they aren’t fake and just tell it like it is. They absolutely fake it as well, and there are woman that don’t fake it and are quite honest.

by Crossnerd k

This might be a good time to mention that female brains are scientifically and biologically better equipped to be leaders.

Men just aren’t as good at it


One interpretation of highly successful companies disproportinately hiring female leaders (after they become successful) as indicating female leaders are superior. However, you could also interpret this as these companies hiring women CEOs as signaling mechanisms they have such superior fitness that they can intentionally handicap themselves with female leaders and still crush souls. The fact that most of these companies dont start hiring female leaders until they already make it to the top indicates the latter interpretation may be more accurate.

by Rococo k

Strange. Most doctors perform far above average on the tests that you seem to associate with intelligence (e.g., SAT math). It's rather tough to get admitted to med school unless you do reasonably well on standardized tests. And you obviously need good grades in undergraduate science classes.

Earlier in this thread, I brought up psychiatry. I saw multiple psychiatrists (one of them appeared on Oprah!) when I was younger and received four different diagnoses. Each doctor prescribed different medications based on their diagnosis. Some of those did a number on me and left me in much worse shape. I remember seeing one professional and during our get-to-know-you visit, I told him about how I didn't enjoy doing the things I once loved, yada yada yada. Before I left, he gave me a list of activities I could try. On the list were: watch TV, take naps, read erotica, think about sex, eat gooey foods and play footy (not "footsy"; soccer). Of all the doctors I saw over the years, I'd say that one of them was good at their job. On average, doctors may be smarter than the rest of the population, but education doesn't equal intelligence, that's for sure.

by Maximus122 k

It would actually be kind of gay.

Are you an actual toddler?

by Luckbox Inc k

He's got a 2013 reg date I doubt he wants to be banned

Seems like he was cryogenically frozen in 2013, just thawed, and hasn't updated his operating system for today's norms.

Maximus, in the year of our Lord 2024 when it comes to antiquated poker message boards-- mysogyny is out, and finding creative ways to call jews Nazis is in.

by Luckbox Inc k

Appeasing King Spew's need for blood

He was going to get you if Washoe hadn't come around

Looks like washoe is a free man to post. I don't really think losing an option to post on a completely unnecessary second account is really all that heart wrenching of a loss of personal freedoms.

by rickroll k

“I remember a psychiatrist once telling me that I gamble in order to escape the reality of life, and I told him that’s why everyone does everything.” ― Norm Macdonald

You're not jazzin' me, are ya?

by d2_e4 k

Unless you're going to rediscover/reinvent every field of human endeavour from scratch yourself, you're going to need to appeal to some authority when making pretty much any nontrivial argument relating to anything in science, engineering, medicine, law, economics, etc. etc., so calling it a fallacy seems misleading as it's completely unavoidable.

Sure, but a lot of authority figures within various fields have conflicting views, and it's usually the more controversial and disputable ones that we're debating. No one here is arguing about the freezing temperature of water or whether or not airplanes actually work. At a certain point, some things you have to decide for yourself, and even experts are driven by ideological beliefs and preconceived notions.
