The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

Ya they said they have no record of Harris being employed by them or any of their franchisees.

No. What they said was they have NO RECORDS FROM THAT TIME PERIOD. That doesn't mean they deny she worked for them. Do you understand the difference?

by housenuts k

Ya they said they have no record of Harris being employed by them or any of their franchisees.

It seems really doubtful, given that franchises are mostly independent operations, that corporate McDonald's would have such records fwiw. Maybe but I doubt it

by Siberian13 k

When is it considered to close call? Someone posted it’s about 60/40 for Trump. Seems likes he’s starting to run away with it.

Those are betting lines.

by Gorgonian k

No. What they said was they have NO RECORDS FROM THAT TIME PERIOD. That doesn't mean they deny she worked for them. Do you understand the difference?

They didn't say that. They said they don't have records for all positions dating back to the early 80s. Do you understand the difference?

Do you find it curious at all that there is zero evidence of her working there? Not a family member, friend, coworker, picture, anything, supporting her statement? Now we have no corporate records. When are you going to stop drinking the koolaid?

by Luckbox Inc k

It seems really doubtful, given that franchises are mostly independent operations, that corporate McDonald's would have such records fwiw. Maybe but I doubt it

Agree. But it is additional evidence showing it's less likely she worked there.

by housenuts k

They didn't say that. They said they don't have records for all positions dating back to the early 80s. Do you understand the difference?

Do you find it curious at all that there is zero evidence of her working there? Not a family member, friend, coworker, picture, anything, supporting her statement? Now we have no corporate records. When are you going to stop drinking the koolaid?

Maybe Kamala just misspoke maybe she dreamed that she worked at Mcds
Kinda like Tampon Tim saw military action

Democrats misspeak
Republicans lie

by housenuts k

Do you find it curious at all that there is zero evidence of her working there? Not a family member, friend, coworker, picture, anything, supporting her statement? Now we have no corporate records. When are you going to stop drinking the koolaid?

I would guess the odds are pretty high that all those things would apply to several of my jobs before college and the first one after.

by jalfrezi k

What's the takeaway from this plot? Am I missing something obvious?

Trump literally paid off a porn star who he cheated on his wife with while he had a newborn baby at home. He still denies it to this day despite literally being convicted of business fraud for trying to hide the story in 2016. Forgive me if I don’t soy out over a story about whether Kamala worked for McDonalds for a few months.

by d2_e4 k

What's the takeaway from this plot? Am I missing something obvious?

Notice when she is most active on twitter. I’ll give you a hint, the pattern seems to coincide with an event that happens once every four years. I’m not talking about the Olympics either.

by checkraisdraw k

Trump literally paid off a porn star who he cheated on his wife with while he had a newborn baby at home. He still denies it to this day despite literally being convicted of business fraud for trying to hide the story in 2016. Forgive me if I don’t soy out over a story about whether Kamala worked for McDonalds for a few months.

Everyone knows Trump is terrible. That's nothing new.

Exposing Kamala's lies is new information.

by checkraisdraw k

Notice when she is most active on twitter. I’ll give you a hint, the pattern seems to coincide with an event that happens once every four years. I’m not talking about the Olympics either.

Ok, but why is this a surprise? We know she is interested in politics, she's running for president...

by housenuts k

Everyone knows Trump is terrible. That's nothing new.

Exposing Kamala's lies is new information.

Ah the Ben Shapiro argument. “I grade Trump on a curve”. You guys are destroying this country, you know that right?

by housenuts k

They didn't say that. They said they don't have records for all positions dating back to the early 80s. Do you understand the difference?

Do you find it curious at all that there is zero evidence of her working there? Not a family member, friend, coworker, picture, anything, supporting her statement? Now we have no corporate records. When are you going to stop drinking the koolaid?

No I don't find it curious. They literally don't have records. What's wrong with you?

Also can you quote where they said they don't a record of her employment?

by Gorgonian k

No I don't find it curious. They literally don't have records. What's wrong with you?

I worked at a McDonald's franchise around 1998. I'd be absolutely shocked if they still had records of my working there, especially with it having changed hands so many times since then. If those records still exist, they are probably on a backup tape archived deep in some warehouse that probably flooded 10 years ago and nobody noticed.

by Gorgonian k

No I don't find it curious. They literally don't have records. What's wrong with you?

Believe everything, even with zero evidence to support it, unless it can somehow be explicitly disproven.

For you to believe she didn't work there, you would require her to retract her statement, or a 24/7 livestream video of her in the summer of '83 showing her gallavanting in areas that are not Mcdonalds.

Is it possible she worked there? Sure. On the balance of probabilities based on the evidence we have, or don't have, it's looking less likely.

by d2_e4 k

I worked at a McDonald's franchise around 1998. I'd be absolutely shocked if they still had records of my working there, especially with it having changed hands so many times since then. If those records still exist, they are probably on a backup tape archived deep in some warehouse that probably flooded 10 years ago and nobody noticed.

You have any pictures of your time there?

Or coworkers, friends that would vouch for it?

It's a franchise run business. I wonder if Mcdonald's corporate can tell you all their workers right now, much less in the past.

by housenuts k

Believe everything, even with zero evidence to support it, unless it can somehow be explicitly disproven.

Who said I believed it? I've made no claims. I'm simply asking you to support YOUR claims.

by housenuts k

For you to believe she didn't work there, you would require her to retract her statement, or a 24/7 livestream video of her in the summer of '83 showing her gallavanting in areas that are not Mcdonalds.

No, my standards are where they should be. I require evidence to believe something. I neither believe she worked there nor believe she didn't because I've seen no evidence to support either claim. You are the one holding tight to a belief with zero evidence, not me.

by housenuts k

Is it possible she worked there? Sure. On the balance of probabilities based on the evidence we have, or don't have, it's looking less likely.

No it isn't. There is ZERO evidence she didn't work there.

Remember when you said McDonald's claimed she didn't work there? Or when you claimed McDonalds said they have no record that she worked there? I've seen no evidence to support either of those claims.

Ball's in your court, McEnroe.

by housenuts k

You have any pictures of your time there?

Or coworkers, friends that would vouch for it?

I very much doubt there are any extant pictures of me wearing a McDonald's uniform. Yes, if you put a gun to my head, I could probably track down a few people who could confirm I worked there.

by housenuts k

Believe everything, even with zero evidence to support it, unless it can somehow be explicitly disproven.

For you to believe she didn't work there, you would require her to retract her statement, or a 24/7 livestream video of her in the summer of '83 showing her gallavanting in areas that are not Mcdonalds.

Is it possible she worked there? Sure. On the balance of probabilities based on the evidence we have, or don't have, it's looking less likely.

Sure. Just like Obama was born in Africa, the covid vax is dangerous and Trump won in 2020. If you can't pass jr high math it's easy to convince yourself of virtually anything no matter how ludicrous. Non Trumpers normally don't have that luxury.

by Gorgonian k

There is ZERO evidence she didn't work there.

There are no photos. It wasn't listed on her resume at that time. It's not in her memoirs. There are no corporate records indicating such.

There are multiple pieces of evidence that she didn't work there.

The only evidence that she did work there is a statement she made 36 years later. No prior statements about having worked there. Only one made in 2019.

by d2_e4 k

I worked at a McDonald's franchise around 1998. I'd be absolutely shocked if they still had records of my working there, especially with it having changed hands so many times since then. If those records still exist, they are probably on a backup tape archived deep in some warehouse that probably flooded 10 years ago and nobody noticed.

I used to work at a franchise Burger King that no longer exists. And I never took any damn picture of me in my uniform because who would do that? I’d be more surprised if there was record of me working there than if there wasn’t.

by housenuts k

There are no photos. It wasn't listed on her resume at that time. It's not in her memoirs. There are no corporate records indicating such.

I already said there is no evidence of it. You don't have to try to convince me of that.

by housenuts k

There are multiple pieces of evidence that she didn't work there.

Where? I haven't seen it. Why don't you show us this evidence?

by housenuts k

The only evidence that she did work there is a statement she made 36 years later. No prior statements about having worked there. Only one made in 2019.

OK? I wasn't really counting that as evidence. Understand I don't give two squirts if she worked at McDonald's, I've just seen no reason to believe she didn't. I certainly wouldn't have any photos from my time working at a produce stand in college, nor would I include it in any memoirs or resumes. That means absolutely nothing to me.

by housenuts k

They didn't say that. They said they don't have records for all positions dating back to the early 80s. Do you understand the difference?

Do you find it curious at all that there is zero evidence of her working there? Not a family member, friend, coworker, picture, anything, supporting her statement? Now we have no corporate records. When are you going to stop drinking the koolaid?

Liiiiiiiar. This is why you never trust what a right-winger says. They lie about looking stuff up and say it so confidently. You liar.

A friend of Harris, Wanda Kagan, told the New York Times that she recalled Harris having worked at McDonald's around that time. That recollection was based on what Harris' mother, who died in 2009, told her years ago, the Times reported.

Can’t wait for the goalposts to shift to “well isn’t it odd about all the other stuff?!?”

Just remember scumbag liars like this guy are lying so that they can feel better about voting for a traitor who hates everything America stands for.
