The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by mongidig k

I'm actually not voting for either.


Kamala can't win. Chase Oliver's the guy.

by TookashotatChan k

People are desperately clinging to Kamala working at McDonald's because it's the tiniest frayed thread tying her to the working class.

What does that have to do with anything ?
You really believe trump doing a fake day at McDonald , being a billionaire and worth easily 10X if not 100x more the Kamala , more a people guy then Kamala ?

Ah yes -> tax cuts works great for working people the way trump does
It o0 .

by VoraciousReader k

Are people seriously arguing now that people should have tax returns and paystubs from ~40 years ago?


Obviously this.

The tragedy of Trump’s trainwreck town halls

because dialogue is the last thing that former President
Donald Trump wants, the town hall is a uniquely horrible format for him

each of Trump’s town halls over the last week has been uniquely disastrous

by VoraciousReader k

It's not a lie to choose the most impressive employment to put on your resume. There was a summer that I both managed a Taco Bell AND worked part time as a telemarketer peddling Sports Illustrated and credit card protection.

Hot tip: Sports Illustrated subscribers will almost universally renew if a woman asks them to in a breathy, sexy voice.

I have never once listed that job on a resume. You seem to have this idea that a resume is supposed to be an exhaustive list of everything you've ever done.

The main thing I am gleaning from this discussion is that a lot of people in this thread did not work crappy jobs when they were young. In some cases, I don't remember the last name of anyone with whom I worked. In some cases, I no longer can remember the name of my employer. I certainly didn't list all those jobs on every resume I ever prepared. And I'm sure there were some jobs that I never listed.

by Rococo k

The main thing I am gleaning from this discussion is that a lot of people in this thread did not work crappy jobs when they were young. In some cases, I don't remember the last name of anyone with whom I worked. In some cases, I no longer can remember the name of my employer. I certainly didn't list all those jobs on every resume I ever prepared. And I'm sure there were some jobs that I never listed.

Heck, there was a guy i worked all night with for two summers who asked me out for a date--and I don't even remember his FIRST name. These people acting like not being able to document a crappy job from four decades ago is some kind of "gotcha" are absolutely coming across as WAY more out of touch than Ms. Harris, and I'm not even a particular fan of hers.

by VoraciousReader k

Heck, there was a guy i worked all night with for two summers who asked me out for a date--and I don't even remember his FIRST name. These people acting like not being able to document a crappy job from four decades ago is some kind of "gotcha" are absolutely coming across as WAY more out of touch than Ms. Harris, and I'm not even a particular fan of hers.

Oddly enough, I worked at a crappy job with a woman who went on to become a famous actress, but I doubt she would remember me well enough to confirm that I worked at the job.

all of that is way different than the current VP and Dem nominee who has spent her entire life in politics not being able to verify she worked at one of the largest companies in the country.

by Rococo k

Oddly enough, I worked at a crappy job with a woman who went on to become a famous actress, but I doubt she would remember me well enough to confirm that I worked at the job.

I realised a few years back that a girl I "went out" with in primary school for a few months (to the extent you "date" anyone at the age of 9) went on to become a pretty famous actress. I had no idea, she was in Game of Thrones and Hunger Games and a bunch of other stuff I'd never watched. Natalie Dormer. That's my claim to fame lol.

And yes, I am aware that this is completely irrelevant to the present discussion. Just wanted to brag.

One of the most famous show girls who coined a well known phrase would know who I am with a tiny bit of nudging. Well she would if she wasn't dead.

by d2_e4 k

I realised a few years back that a girl I "went out" with in primary school for a few months (to the extent you "date" anyone at the age of 9) went on to become a pretty famous actress. I had no idea, she was in Game of Thrones and Hunger Games and a bunch of other stuff I'd never watched. Natalie Dormer. That's my claim to fame lol.

And yes, I am aware that this is completely irrelevant to the present discussion. Just wanted to brag.

I would wear a shirt that advertises this every day of my life.

by chezlaw k

One of the most famous show girls who coined a well known phrase would know who I am with a tiny bit of nudging. Well she would if she wasn't dead.

You seem to have that effect on people.

Not my fault I strongly suspect. Although I did sit next to very famous entertainer at lunch once. And his dead.

Then again a Miss London (god she was gorgous in real life) and a miss World. Both still alive I believe

and I dont think she's singing about me.

These and quite a few others have featured in my life for literally seconds. Sometimes even minutes and the very odd hour

by Victor k

all of that is way different than the current VP and Dem nominee who has spent her entire life in politics not being able to verify she worked at one of the largest companies in the country.

What, in your mind for this situation, is the difference between a large nationwide company and a small local restaurant that's been in business for 50 years?

by Didace k

What, in your mind for this situation, is the difference between a large nationwide company and a small local restaurant that's been in business for 50 years?

Or if it's a franchise, more precisely, a small local restaurant that's probably been resold to at least half a dozen different owners in the last 50 years.

by chezlaw k

Not my fault I strongly suspect. Although I did sit next to very famous entertainer at lunch once. And his dead.

Then again…

Chez, you’re rambling.

by d2_e4 k

I realised a few years back that a girl I "went out" with in primary school for a few months (to the extent you "date" anyone at the age of 9) went on to become a pretty famous actress. I had no idea, she was in Game of Thrones and Hunger Games and a bunch of other stuff I'd never watched. Natalie Dormer. That's my claim to fame lol.

And yes, I am aware that this is completely irrelevant to the present discussion. Just wanted to brag.

That's pretty awesome.

by campfirewest k

That's pretty awesome.

I remember she was very pretty, even at that age. We lived pretty close to one another and used to ride our bikes and explore the local caves together, and that's not a euphemism, there was a forest with a bunch of chalky caves nearby. We did have a little kiss a few times though IIRC.

My family lived in that area only for about a year, and I hadn't kept in touch with anyone I knew there after we moved. Then one day I few years ago I randomly came across her page on IMDB, name sounded familiar, age checked out, did a quick search to see exactly where she was from, and sure enough it was her.

by d2_e4 k

I remember she was very pretty, even at that age. We lived pretty close to one another and used to ride our bikes and explore the local caves together, and that's not a euphemism, there was a forest with a bunch of chalky caves nearby. We did have a little kiss a few times though IIRC.

My family lived in that area only for about a year, and I hadn't kept in touch with anyone I knew there after we moved. Then one day I few years ago I randomly came across her page on IMDB, name sounded familiar,

You should track her down and invite her to go spelunking; it can't hurt.

by Victor k

all of that is way different than the current VP and Dem nominee who has spent her entire life in politics not being able to verify she worked at one of the largest companies in the country.

She said that she worked there in 1983, before the digital era. There would be no reason for McDonalds to retain records of people who worked a summer job at one of its franchised restaurants 41 years ago, and it sounds like they would not expect to have such records no matter who the employee was. I obviously have no independent knowledge of whether she worked there or not, but the inability of McDonald's to confirm is no proof one way or the other.

by David Sklansky k

If a plumber recommends a procedure that a physicist strongly disagrees with, I'd lay six to five on the latter. If a Phd in chemistry from MIT strongly disagrees with a doctor's prescription, the doctor is probably wrong.

We may get a chance to test this. A neighbor called my wife at like 7 asking if we had power because her whole house lost electricity sometime in the night. Electrician said he'll be there in 4-8 hours so I said I'd look at it. I checked with my fluke and Main panel was getting normal voltage but main breaker was flipped. I turned off power and main breaker had continuity. I turned on the main and it seemed fine. Went through the circuits one by one and one was obviously bad, took almost no pressure to flip. Left that one off and turned everything else on. Seems to be working fine except that one random circuit which is outlets and lights in a guest bathroom. I really could have stuck in a new breaker there to see, they had spares in the panel it looked like, but I don't know if that breaker bailed for a good reason. I wrote down everything I did for the electrician so I'll try to find out later. I think he should just test everything on that line and if it's fine put a new breaker in the empty spot. If he recommends a whole new panel, I'd definitely want to understand why! I think the main flipped because of some fault tolerance issue that showed have flipped the bad breaker first but didn't because it was bad. That might be wrong though.

FWIW I was talking with Roco about smart people not even trying home repairs and this is a really bad example. You probably should just call an electrician....you screw up plumbing you might flood a room, you screw up electrical you can burn down the house.

My own personal example came up after a doctor gave me one of the two standard prostate exams and it turned out negative. The second type of exam was scheduled the next day. I asked him how much the probability that I had prostate cancer was reduced from what it was before the first exam. He replied something like "not at all the second exam is regarding a different section of the prostate." He didn't realize that if a negative on the first exam didn't affect the overall probability it wouldn't be necessary. In this particular case his ignorance didn't matter but it certainly could in other cases.

How do you know this? Why can't there be Type A and Type B prostate cancer that are uncorrelated in occurrence and testing?

by ecriture d'adulte k

How do you know this? Why can't there be Type A and Type B prostate cancer that are uncorrelated in occurrence and testing?

I was going to make this point as well, but I think if we just take the story at face value, Sklansky is asking "what is my probability of having cancer?" meaning Type A or Type B if there are indeed two types. I decided to not make the point, so as to deprive him of the opportunity to "correct" me.

Even then, it could be that Type A is very rare but easy to test for and Type B is common but harder to test. So it makes sense to test for A but P(A or B)~ P(B). And everything the doctor did or said is basically right.
