The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
Of course, Trump would never just tell flat out lies, especially about things other people have said to him. He's a man of honour and integrity, a man for the people!
This type of fake news should not be tolerated on a poker discussion forum.....
Just a joke!
Did I do that correctly, Brian?
Trump said they looked into it and she never worked there. For him to say that wouldn't be him lying when someone somewhere could easily show up with a picture of her working there, a receipt, pay stub or any other form of proof to prove him wrong. Trump wouldn't have said it if he wasn't 100% sure it was correct.
Trump never agreed to take the stand and many times took the fifth because he could go in prison for lying ….
Trump pleaded the fifth more than 400 times in fraud deposition, video shows
So yeah, trump talks a lot when there is no consequence about lying .
But that’s not the worst , the worst is what you doing , lying to yourself instead of caring about reality .
I hope the reality you try to defend is worth it and you appreciate the dream your in .
Ps: funny how nothing applies to trump even tho he preach it out a hard !
A real great sexual abuser priest he would make …
I'll accept any form of verifiable proof.
Of course if there was any it would have been produced by now, so the odds are it doesn't exist.
You are as great a liar as trump !
Ps: we provide you how he try steal
The election with phone calls .
How he inflamed and was doing nothing to stop January 6th .
Was Trump rightfully condemn for fraud ?
Etc .
Even with full proof evidences you discard them or trying to distort them and find excuses lol …
So no you would find a way to discredit the guy or the proof as usual .
And once proven wrong -> lol u guys fall for it every time , it was just a joke !
You are as great a liar as trump !
Ps: we provide you how he try steal
The election with phone calls .
How he inflamed and was doing nothing to stop January 6th .
Was Trump rightfully condemn for fraud ?
Etc .
Even with full proof evidences you discard them or trying to distort them and find excuses lol …
So no you would find a way to discredit the guy or the proof as usual .
And once proven wrong -> lol u guys fall for it every time , it was just a joke !
Don't EVER stop looking for it and I PROMISE!! you will find it sooner rather than later.
The cure is easy , stop lying …..
It’s not about trump it’s about any character like him would have the same treatment lol .
The syndrome is you , caring so much about a man like trump .
Once he loses no one will give a $h!t about him but you lol.
Ps: sad story is , I’m confident you suffer more then one syndrome .
That is why you probably fall for tds or any conspiracy so easily sadly .
The syndrome is you , caring so much about a man like trump .
Once he loses no one will give a $h!t about him but you lol.
If I said it once I said it a thousand times this isn't about one man like Trump. He's just a voice in a war against the corruption and control that's taken over the democratic party and the world we live in.
I don't even think from what I'm already hearing that Trump will even win the election on paper, because they're already discovering fraud and fake votes/machines. I also believe this year it will be much more apparent than last year that they cheated (last year we went to bed on election night with Trump miles ahead, then it took another week to slowly count more votes until byden barely passed Trump up and "won").
I don't even think from what I'm already hearing that Trump will even win the election on paper, because they're already discovering fraud and fake votes/machines. I also believe this year it will be much more apparent than last year that they cheated (last year we went to bed on election night with Trump miles ahead, then it took another week to slowly count more votes until byden barely passed Trump up and "won").

Playbig, when Trump loses, the corrupt dems are going to start rounding up Trumpers and shipping them off to the secret Gulags they've been building for the last few years for some much needed "reeducation". The safest thing for you will be to never post online anywhere ever again, especially here, and you might slip through the net. Just looking out for you bud.
That would be Trump lying. What McD's said was that they don't have employment records that far back ON ANYONE working in stores.
You're entitled to that opinion that he could by lying, but since I know he's not an idiot I don't think he would say that publicly if he wasn't 100% sure. If he was ever proven wrong he would never hear the end of it.
The owners saying they don't have records that go back that far was probably the best thing they could say rather than publicly standing behind a candidate which they don't do.
So are the rumours true Trump on Rogan Friday
Ca collects 220 billion in tax revenues and spends 3.8 billion on prisoner medical care annually.. Of which, over four years, they spent 4 million on transgender care.
The PAC has spent over a 100 million running the ad you are so inflamed about.
Is the PAC using tax payer money?
That 4 million could be used for so many better things
I'm mostly concerned with the immoral direction this country is headed in.
If I said it once I said it a thousand times this isn't about one man like Trump. He's just a voice in a war against the corruption and control that's taken over the democratic party and the world we live in.
I don't even think from what I'm already hearing that Trump will even win the election on paper, because they're already discovering fraud and fake votes/machines. I also believe this year it will be much more apparent than last year that they cheated (last year we went to bed on election n
You know the Biden/Trump election wasn't last year, right?
Am I the only one who is curious about the proof of Kamala not working at McDonalds that Playbig posted and then had to delete for security reasons?