The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by checkraisdraw k

Pedophiles and murderers are also minorities, don’t see why every minority right needs to be protected. As long as there is a category error being made on your part in some way then it’s ok to not want to protect every minority.

Pedophiles and murderers aren't constitutionally protected classes and I think you know this.

by TookashotatChan k

Right, because you don't care about the law or telling the truth, or anything else that keeps society together as a cohesive whole. Those things are easily dispensed with if it means your emotional outrage at imagined injustices is satiated that day. Which is exactly why we have the system we do, so people like you never get a grip and go full Kampuchea.

I tell the truth mofo. And you're apparently the one who loves the state running around with weapons rounding people up.

by d2_e4 k

All countries before the US have failed? UK seems to have been around for a fair amount of time, amongst others, I'm sure.

I'm not sure what "being around" means. Among the countries that exist today America is the oldest Democracy.

by pocket_zeros k

I'm not sure what "being around" means. Among the countries that exist today America is the oldest Democracy.


...and the youngest

by campfirewest k

These are the best times that have ever been enjoyed in human history, and they are going to get better no matter who win election.

I like your optimism but it depends on what you value in life tbh.

If for example you consider it extremely important to stay with the same partner all your adult life , it has never been harder than today to achieve. Mental illness is also at an all time high ever even accounting for possible previous underreporting, especially among women.

by checkraisdraw k

Pedophiles and murderers are also minorities, don’t see why every minority right needs to be protected. As long as there is a category error being made on your part in some way then it’s ok to not want to protect every minority.

You're the one committing the category error here.

It is kinda impressive how detached from reality you have to be to go speak at a trump rally, which by its very nature will feature race baiting, call Puerto Rico a floating pile of garbage while announcing your love for trump then get mad at everyone for taking you too seriously

by Luciom k


USA is one of the oldest countries period if you mean the government being the same in any meaningful way.

by microbet k

USA is one of the oldest countries period if you mean the government being the same in any meaningful way.

One of the oldest, yes, the oldest, no

by Luciom k

I like your optimism but it depends on what you value in life tbh.

If for example you consider it extremely important to stay with the same partner all your adult life , it has never been harder than today to achieve. Mental illness is also at an all time high ever even accounting for possible previous underreporting, especially among women.

I think it’s a double problem of being previously underreported and now being currently over-reported. I also think there were mass hysterias in the past that there is just no comparison to nowadays. Look at the fervor of the french revolution.

I do agree though that part of the problem is that in the absence of religion there is something missing from people’s lives communally and it’s hard to replace that with hobbies/entertainment activities as much as people try.

by checkraisdraw k

I think it’s a double problem of being previously underreported and now being currently over-reported. I also think there were mass hysterias in the past that there is just no comparison to nowadays. Look at the fervor of the french revolution.

I do agree though that part of the problem is that in the absence of religion there is something missing from people’s lives communally and it’s hard to replace that with hobbies/entertainment activities as much as people try.

Ok keep the mental health issue aside if you think it's hard to prove a massive increase (i understand the problem).

But some kind of "cradle to grave" mentality for job, partner, pension existed and was available to the middle class for 2-3 generations depending on your country, in the first world.

For me, those elements aren't missed at all , i don't crave them at all.

But there is a significant portion of the population which is in despair without that sort of "certainty" in life and increased absolute material prosperity (better fridge with more food, safer more fuel efficient car, better vacations and so on) does NOT make up for it for them.

Plus i am fairly certain that people who are skipping having children now in their 30s-40s will in many cases deeply regret it for the rest of their lives and that's unprecedented in the history of humanity in scale (the % of people who won't have children has never been this high in any other moment in history)

These things partially touch religion but it's not religion per se

Ok so a ballot box is on video being on fire with ballots inside. "luckly" it's in an inconsequential (for federal elections) place, Washington state. But it can matter for local races anyway.

Anyway what's the plan of the people in favor of early voting through ballot dropping in boxes (something which tbh i think is insane) to avoid this happening? or is the idea that if it happens rarely that's good enough?

Tangentially related to the last couple of posts - I've kind of pondered about this before in passing, but haven't really given it a huge amount of thought - what sort of impact does the fact technological advances are essentially exponential whereas biological evolution is something like, say, sub-logarithmic have on people's ability in general to cope mentally/be happy/live a fulfilling life in such a relatively fast-changing and fast-paced world?

Luciom is right and probably has read David Graeber or something. Having a lot of **** at least doesn't make you feel as secure as a community that won't let you starve if you're not a complete *******. Social security is great and all, but an old person living alone in an apartment in Sweden getting all kinds of state assistance is generally not going to be as happy as an old person in Malaysia living with their family.

by pocket_zeros k

NYT: Advisers Propose That Trump Give Security Clearances Without F.B.I. Vetting

This sounds like a Project 2025 version 2.0 in that it is another idea proposed by someone other than trump that trump does not support but Dems are trying their hardest to convince some of the lowest information/dumbest voters that it is actually trumps idea(s).

by steamraise k

Trump's hate rally

rally at New York's Madison Square Garden on Sunday where allies made crude and racist remarks,

Trump's team hired a comedian who said a joke that is racist therefore trump is racist has to be one of the funniest knocks on trump this election cycle. Next we are going to hear the NY times explain how north korea sends the family members of people who escape to work camps so punishing people for things someone around them did isn't such a bad idea.

by pocket_zeros k

The country is inexorably headed to dark times. It's part of the natural cycle of the human nature, ie the current populist/nationalist movements around the world. And why all countries before us have failed. I don't want any part of contributing to that downfall but I recognize its inevitability and how it's likely the only outcome that will get us to the other side of the cycle.

The idea that we are heading to dark times is a real headscratcher. I don't care who gets elected - this is just a silly thought to have.

by d2_e4 k

Tangentially related to the last couple of posts - I've kind of pondered about this before in passing, but haven't really given it a huge amount of thought - what sort of impact does the fact technological advances are essentially exponential whereas biological evolution is something like, say, sub-logarithmic have on people's ability in general to cope mentally/be happy/live a fulfilling life in such a relatively fast-changing and fast-paced world?

When the Terminators are murdering everyone people are going to be a bit nonplussed.

But, for most of human history people didn't understand anything anyway, so why would not understanding tech be so much different? The lack of understanding is more apparent and humiliating?

YEAH! tRump has never said anything racist or about shithole countries!!

this is a real headscratcher!

by Luciom k

Ok keep the mental health issue aside if you think it's hard to prove a massive increase (i understand the problem).

But some kind of "cradle to grave" mentality for job, partner, pension existed and was available to the middle class for 2-3 generations depending on your country, in the first world.

For me, those elements aren't missed at all , i don't crave them at all.

But there is a significant portion of the population which is in despair without that sort of "certainty" in life and increased

Idk what this means at all, it seems like we’re just making stuff up to self-victimize. When my grandma was growing up she lost multiple siblings to childhood disease. That was just a couple generations ago.

People have problems now and they had different problems then. If you’re talking about some hyper-specific time where everything was good for a certain percentage of the world, fine, but then we have to also evaluate what the downsides of that life was (eg marital rape, spousal abuse, potentially being drafted into war, nuclear annihilation being a credible threat, easily preventable diseases)

by d2_e4 k

Tangentially related to the last couple of posts - I've kind of pondered about this before in passing, but haven't really given it a huge amount of thought - what sort of impact does the fact technological advances are essentially exponential whereas biological evolution is something like, say, sub-logarithmic have on people's ability in general to cope mentally/be happy/live a fulfilling life in such a relatively fast-changing and fast-paced world?

Such a huge impact that humans wouldn't be able to cope at all unless technology also provided the coping mechanisms to deal with itself: anti-depressants, sportsball, television, pornography, and so on.

by microbet k

When the Terminators are murdering everyone people are going to be a bit nonplussed.

But, for most of human history people didn't understand anything anyway, so why would not understanding tech be so much different? The lack of understanding is more apparent and humiliating?

Like I said, I haven't given it a huge amount of thought. I guess the difference now might be that the rate of technological advance is fast enough to significantly change how people live and interact with one another during a single person's lifetime. Just think of all the changes that have happened in the last 25-30 years due to the internet - everything from how we communicate to how we shop to where we go to find information to where we physically go to work. The lifestyle and technology available to the average person today would have been unimaginable to most people in 1995. Surely that's not a one off, and this rate of change/advancement will only increase going forward.

by checkraisdraw k

Idk what this means at all, it seems like we’re just making stuff up to self-victimize. When my grandma was growing up she lost multiple siblings to childhood disease. That was just a couple generations ago.

People have problems now and they had different problems then. If you’re talking about some hyper-specific time where everything was good for a certain percentage of the world, fine, but then we have to also evaluate what the downsides of that life was (eg marital rape, spousal abuse, potenti

by microbet k

Luciom is right and probably has read David Graeber or something. Having a lot of **** at least doesn't make you feel as secure as a community that won't let you starve if you're not a complete *******. Social security is great and all, but an old person living alone in an apartment in Sweden getting all kinds of state assistance is generally not going to be as happy as an old person in Malaysia living with their family.

It's also VERY unclear in terms of actual human happiness if prolonging the last, worst years of life is a net increment or not, at least in all those places where the option of euthanasia isn't legal.

But in general for people who aren't capable of deciding for themselves anymore it's not obvious at all that "medical improvements" that prolong their lives are a net positive, it depends, again, on what we value in human life.

by checkraisdraw k

Idk what this means at all, it seems like we’re just making stuff up to self-victimize. When my grandma was growing up she lost multiple siblings to childhood disease. That was just a couple generations ago.

People have problems now and they had different problems then. If you’re talking about some hyper-specific time where everything was good for a certain percentage of the world, fine, but then we have to also evaluate what the downsides of that life was (eg marital rape, spousal abuse, potenti

uh? i am just saying that the fact that people can't work a single job all of their life anymore , and/or have a very high chance of divorcing if married, generates a lot of despair in a lot of people who crave certainty in their lives.

Childhood mortality was already close to 0 in 1985 in the first world so i am not sure what you mean with your example.

Yes i am talking about specific fairly recent times in first world countries *as i wrote* which had elements which people might prefer IN AGGREGATE to current conditions. IT is NOT OBVIOUS AT ALL that a complete normie (median IQ, income, health, family wealth and so on) of 30 years old today living in Sweden or Australia or the USA is better off than he would have been being 30 years old in 1985, yes even considering technological advance and higher gdp.
