The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

Yes i understand what the internet entails. But for communication and other stuff you fail to realize the 0 to 1 jump matters a lot more than 1 to anything else.

Take water pipes in homes to understand it better, there is literally nothing that can happen to improve the water supply today or in the future that will ever come close to the jump from having to go to a well , and having pipes at home.

Nothing to receive or send communication at distance -> to a radio and a fixed line phone, is a lot m

Your characterization of what qualifies as a "0 to 1" jump is somewhat arbitrary. Thinks like indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and commercial air travel are much closer to "we have it or we don't" than changes in the area of communication.

by chezlaw k

I trust people will remember that I hold the copyright on MPD - Brain Modeling Disorder

That's re Rococo & D2's joining of the party

and that's a bauble on the massive change to a world with no jobs

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have little doubt that you "hold the copyright" on many and varied brain-related disorders.

by Luciom k

In some countries/areas you can still have your teenager roam freely though

When I was 5 I would walk home from the first grade and one day I suppose when I was still learning the route I got lost and ended up somehow at the mall and fortunately did at least know the correct number to call. Today my parents would be getting a visit from CPS if something like that happened.

by Luckbox Inc k

When I was 5 I would walk home from the first grade and one day I suppose when I was still learning the route I got lost and ended up somehow at the mall and fortunately did at least know the correct number to call. Today my parents would be getting a visit from CPS if something like that happened.

My kids from 6 could walk home from school by walking, with this

At 12 my son is now taking the train (different school further away)

by Luciom k

Yes i understand what the internet entails. But for communication and other stuff you fail to realize the 0 to 1 jump matters a lot more than 1 to anything else.

Take water pipes in homes to understand it better, there is literally nothing that can happen to improve the water supply today or in the future that will ever come close to the jump from having to go to a well , and having pipes at home.

Nothing to receive or send communication at distance -> to a radio and a fixed line phone, is a lot m

I think you're neglecting my main point, which is how quickly these things were introduced and became generally available. Things like indoor plumbing and electrification took decades or longer, presumably being initially available for the wealthy, then for the middle classes, and ultimately for the whole population. Advances in communication were gradual - you are acting like we went from communicating by carrier pigeon to having a phone in every home, which just isn't the case. And ultimately that's my whole point here - I'm not attempting to rate exactly which technological advance had more impact than another, I'm arguing that the rate at which technological advances are introduced and have a wide-ranging impact on society increases exponentially over time. I don't think that this is a particularly controversial view.

I'll add that since I've spent a decent amount of time in South America I still get to experience that sort of freedom and it's nice and one of the reasons I keep going back.

I just got a husky puppy who is now about 28 weeks old and I take her hiking a lot off leash because she's a good dog and I live in a pretty rural area where lots of options for that exist-- and i get so much crap for having her off leash and one day I'm going to have to fight someone. This would never happen in Colombia. Karens don't exist there.

Do people think the Killy Tony comments might swing the election? Calling puerto rico a garbage island and making a watermelon joke probably not helpful

by d2_e4 k

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have little doubt that you "hold the copyright" on many and varied brain-related disorders.

what rococo said but a few decades earlier.

The problems of modeling a world that changes too often even with no loss of plasticity. Practical problems eventually become physcological ones. People may literally go mad.

by d2_e4 k

I think you're neglecting my main point, which is how quickly these things were introduced and became generally available. Things like indoor plumbing and electrification took decades or longer, presumably being initially available for the wealthy, then for the middle classes, and ultimately for the whole population. Advances in communication were gradual - you are acting like we went from communicating by carrier pigeon to having a phone in every home, which just isn't the case. And ultimately

I am not neglecting that I am saying it was very rapid for a lot of things in the past as well.

Like when TV first appeared in Italy it took a while for all families to have one, but bars almost immediately got one, so people went there to watch the tv, it already changed their life a few years after introduction in the fifties here.

I provided the example of instant communication as well. Newspaper could cover daily developments of WW1/WW2 in a life changing way compared to coverage of the civil war.

We moved from having an emergency at home and having nothing else as an option other than somebody running as fast as he can to reach someone who could help, maybe miles away, to running to the closest phone which was never far away in urban centers, in less than 10 years.

The changes were abrupt and faster than today. In the USA especially in a few years localities got fully abandoned for opportunities elsewhere, the arrival of trains changed them forever in a few years and so on.

Now change is SLOWER for most things.

by Rococo k

I have raised this issue in this forum at various times in the last 5-10 years, most recently in the AI thread.

And I think that accelerated rate of technological change not only causes the obvious psychological stress, but it also seems to intensify Anemoia, or "longing for the good ol days" as a form of comfort. But in reality, i think if everyone got transported back to 1990 to whenever they wanted to go, they'd most certainly be more miserable - at least for a while.

It makes sense when you compare that rejection of intense change and the success we are seeing in populism and Make America Great Again.

by Luciom k

My kids from 6 could walk home from school by walking, with this

At 12 my son is now taking the train (different school further away)

My kids elementary school had a walking bus too. And they could walk on their own at like 7 or 8. We raised our kids about as wild as possible given the environment, but the environment was all the other kids requiring "play dates" and such.

My kids did grow up very independent though and my eldest has travelled around Europe a few times including staying with Syrian refugees in what rwnjs would call a no-go-zone in the Paris suburbs when she was 17. She reported on the Yellow Vest riots/demonstrations and was published in something semi-mainstream/popular.

by checkraisdraw k

Do people think the Killy Tony comments might swing the election? Calling puerto rico a garbage island and making a watermelon joke probably not helpful

It should cost republicans but I don't know how much. If Harris wins PA by 5k votes then I think we will be able to claim this was the reason

by checkraisdraw k

Do people think the Killy Tony comments might swing the election? Calling puerto rico a garbage island and making a watermelon joke probably not helpful

What alarms me is Tony’s comments getting more run than Trump and Johnson’s ‘little secret that’ll help the republicans do well’

No matter what he’s alluding to just saying that out loud is a titanic red flag that should be shown over and over on every campaign commercial for the next 8 days

by StoppedRainingMen k

What alarms me is Tony’s comments getting more run than Trump and Johnson’s ‘little secret that’ll help the republicans do well’

No matter what he’s alluding to just saying that out loud is a titanic red flag that should be shown over and over on every campaign commercial for the next 8 days

The problem is he talks like a mobster so no one that wants to see good things has to interpret it as bad. He’s the master of plausible deniability.

by jalfrezi k

but that’s not what the laffer curve is about. it’s actually about maximizing tax revenue. the postulation is that if you reduce the tax rate you’ll collect more money through higher compliance and economic growth.

by microbet k

When the Terminators are murdering everyone people are going to be a bit nonplussed.

But, for most of human history people didn't understand anything anyway, so why would not understanding tech be so much different? The lack of understanding is more apparent and humiliating?

They invented gods or spirits to explain a lot of the things they didn't understand and that probably reduced their anxiety levels a lot.

When my mun were a kid a common expression for something impossible was 'you might as well put a man on the moon'. The world was captivated and inspired when it happend

The pace of change now is staggering but it's beyond most people. The covid vaccine was an awe inspiring feat for humanity. Poeple mosty argued about nonsese rather than consider just what an amazing thing had been achieved

by formula72 k

And I think that accelerated rate of technological change not only causes the obvious psychological stress, but it also seems to intensify Anemoia, or "longing for the good ol days" as a form of comfort. But in reality, i think if everyone got transported back to 1990 to whenever they wanted to go, they'd most certainly be more miserable - at least for a while. .

People in the West were much happier, or at least less miserable, in the 1970s, despite the economic woes of that era. The rate of change of technology and our dependency on it is a large part of that but by no means all of it.

by formula72 k

But in reality, i think if everyone got transported back to 1990 to whenever they wanted to go, they'd most certainly be more miserable - at least for a while.

I agree with this point, but I don't think it is in tension with my point. I assume you agree.

by checkraisdraw k

The problem is he talks like a mobster so no one that wants to see good things has to interpret it as bad. He’s the master of plausible deniability.

I looked the guy around and he has an insanely bad racist joke about Israel/Palestine that somehow manages to deeply insult both Israelis and palestinians

by checkraisdraw k

but that’s not what the laffer curve is about. it’s actually about maximizing tax revenue. the postulation is that if you reduce the tax rate you’ll collect more money through higher compliance and economic growth.

Ye lol debates are about where the laffer curve peaks.

The proper tax rate for a libertarian leaning person would use the laffer peak as a moral cap but would be a lot lower than that because revenue maximization is really not what we want

by jalfrezi k

People in the West were much happier, or at least less miserable, in the 1970s, despite the economic woes of that era. The rate of change of technology and our dependency on it is a large part of that but by no means all of it.

I do think as a whole, people were generally happier at many times in the past than they are now. My comment there is more in regard to people experiencing a shock, or massive detox if they were to go back to a generation that doesn't allow them to do the majority of the stuff that they are compelled to do now.

by jalfrezi k

People in the West were much happier, or at least less miserable, in the 1970s, despite the economic woes of that era. The rate of change of technology and our dependency on it is a large part of that but by no means all of it.

Peopel suffered a lot more quietly.

Im not sure they were happier or that that was a good thing. The abuse (including institutional), sexism, racism, poverty, etc were horrendous but we didn't hear about it anywhere near as much

fwiw I grew up in the 70s - I remember them well.

by chezlaw k

Peopel suffered a lot more quietly.

Im not sure they were happier or that that was a good thing. The abuse (including institutional), sexism, racism, poverty, etc were horrendous but we didn't hear about it anywhere near as much

Some countries were 99%+ white (or ethnical japanese, or Koreans), hard to have racism in your list of problems in those cases to be honest, and telling that you bring it up to describe the past in the west, as if Spain Germany Italy Greece never existed
