The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


I wonder if we will see a lot of take profit and closing of trades in polymarket at some point before the election is called, or if most people will keep riding open positions

by Luciom k

Just when it appeared that public interest was fading, celebrity developer Donald Trump has revived the theory that President Barack Obama was born overseas and helped expose the depth to which the notion has taken root—a New York Times poll Thursday found that a plurality of Republicans believe it.

If you haven’t been trolling the fever swamps of online conspiracy sites or opening those emails from Uncle Larry, you may well wonder: Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And is there a gr

Since trump was a democrat maybe he was part of or helping feed 'the supporters' info 😀

by wet work k

Since trump was a democrat maybe he was part of or helping feed 'the supporters' info 😀

Yes it's possible (although he started going with birtherism publicly in 2011 according to that politico article).

Still democrats attempting to deny the democratic participation legitimacy of their opponents, at the beginning.

by Rococo k

The Electoral Count Reform Act was passed in 2022. It would be much, much harder for Johnson to do what Trump wanted Pence to do.

My understanding was that only applies to the VP but I could be mistsken

I don't think Trump was actually doing anything lewd with the microphone. First he lowered and raised it, then he bent several times to demonstrate what he had to do to talk into it when it was too low. That's exactly it, imo. Fake story.

by Luciom k

Just when it appeared that public interest was fading, celebrity developer Donald Trump has revived the theory that President Barack Obama was born overseas and helped expose the depth to which the notion has taken root—a New York Times poll Thursday found that a plurality of Republicans believe it.

If you haven’t been trolling the fever swamps of online conspiracy sites or opening those emails from Uncle Larry, you may well wonder: Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And i

Two things. First, those rumors weren't circulated by Hillary or her campaign staff. Second, how is "I'm just repeating a lie told by lunatic supporters of HRC" a defense for Trump? If a Democratic presidential candidate started repeating lies promoted by Alex Jones, it would be no defense for that person say "Alex Jones started it."

by Luciom k

No i am referring to calling the opponent Hitler, trying to keep him off the ballot and so on. That's explicitly saying he is not a legitimate participant in the democratic process, and by extension every single person who intends to vote for him isn't either.

Right. I'm saying it's silly to draw a connection between fringe tea party types comparing Obama to Hitler, saying he was not a legitimate president,

etc and the mainstream "I won the election" lies from a sitting president.

by #Thinman k

lol oh go the **** away

As always, the only correct response to Luciom

by Rococo k

Two things. First, those rumors weren't circulated by Hillary or her campaign staff. Second, how is "I'm just repeating a lie told by lunatic supporters of HRC" a defense for Trump? If a Democratic presidential candidate started repeating lies promoted by Alex Jones, it would be no defense for that person say "Alex Jones startd it."

? I am not defending trump, I am defending my claim that democrats started it and that trump was a democrat in 2008.

Once you start it, you own the totality of the consequences down the line, you can't complain if everyone else ever does what *your people started doing trying to get an advantage*.

You nuke the filibuster for all nominations except SCOTUS, you can never again ever complain about any procedural change the opposition will ever make to gain any advantage.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Right. I'm saying it's silly to draw a connection between fringe tea party types comparing Obama to Hitler, saying he was not a legitimate president,

etc and the mainstream "I won the election" lies from a sitting president.

I am comparing Harris as sitting VP claiming Trump is Hitler in fact, not fringes doing weird stuff.

by Rococo k

Two things. First, those rumors weren't circulated by Hillary or her campaign staff. Second, how is "I'm just repeating a lie told by lunatic supporters of HRC" a defense for Trump?Q If a Democratic presidential candidate started repeating lies promoted by Alex Jones, it would be no defense for that person say "Alex Jones started it."

Quite literally every last disgusting thing uttered by trump when he was called out on it has been followed with ‘many people are saying this’ or ‘I read this on the Internet’ or ‘I heard this on tv’

Which is only followed by literally every last disgusting person associated with trump him saying ‘I don’t know who this person is’

by Luciom k

? I am not defending trump, I am defending my claim that democrats started it and that trump was a democrat in 2008.

Once you start it, you own the totality of the consequences down the line, you can't complain if everyone else ever does what *your people started doing trying to get an advantage*.

You nuke the filibuster for all nominations except SCOTUS, you can never again ever complain about any procedural change the opposition will ever make to gain any advantage.

When you give this guy a seat at the table by trying to address his bullshit with adult reasoning he naturally resorts to the coward’s move of ‘? I was just asking questions man’

by StoppedRainingMen k

Quite literally every last disgusting thing uttered by trump when he was called out on it has been followed with ‘many people are saying this’ or ‘I read this on the Internet’ or ‘I heard this on tv’

Which is only followed by literally every last disgusting person associated with trump him saying ‘I don’t know who this person is’

That's when he doesn't complete make them up yes.

Doesn't change the fact that once your people start using a strategy, you lose the right to complain about that strategy ever being used by anyone forever.

by StoppedRainingMen k

When you give this guy a seat at the table by trying to address his bullshit with adult reasoning he naturally resorts to the coward’s move of ‘? I was just asking questions man’

Rococo goes "trump is doing this right now about election denial, and is probably going to do that after the elections".

I say yes, but that's expected when you fully delegitimate your political opponent, as it's the same (an attempt to delegitimize the opponents).

Someone then entered thinking i was referring birtherism, i just pointed out that, AS WELL, was invented by democrats.

You started it, you own it.

by #Thinman k

lol oh go the **** away


by Gorgonian k

Here's a great example of what I mean by these guys putting their thumb on the scales to protect their reputations. Here's Nate Silver talking about the infamous Iowa poll :

Why do you suppose he thinks it's "gutsy" to release a poll they did? Why do you suppose that's even something that a pollster would even consider?

They are practically telling you guys and you won't listen.

Yes, it's gutsy to release a poll that shows either Harris or Trump doing much better than averages. If polls are herding now, they could be understating Harris or Trump significantly. You just refuse to even try to look at information or quotes with the mindset that we don't know who will win lol.

Same for election denialism to be clear: Stacey Abrams denies the elections were fair, you don't condamn her (by removing her from the party and so on), you lose forever the option to whine about any election denialism ever by republicans.

by StoppedRainingMen k

As always, the only correct response to Luciom

You and #Thinman speak my mind better than I ever could many times.

(changed the post order for clarity)

by Luciom k

I am comparing Harris as sitting VP claiming Trump is Hitler in fact, not fringes doing weird stuff.

Right, it fits in line with

But that won't fit your narrative.

by Luciom k

Rococo goes "trump is doing this right now about election denial, and is probably going to do that after the elections".

I say yes, but that's expected when you fully delegitimate your political opponent, as it's the same (an attempt to delegitimize the opponents).

Someone then entered thinking i was referring birtherism, i just pointed out that, AS WELL, was invented by democrats.

You started it, you own it.

FDR was the first president in US history to be compared to Hitler. Republicans own all Hitler comparisons. Not sure why you don't apply the start it own it criteria consistently other than low education and hackery.

by ecriture d'adulte k

It does, did I ever say republicans have a right to complain about being called fascist and everything else? I never did.

Fact is when both sides structurally do something, complaining should stop and accepting the dire reality of "it is tribes that hate each other and winning is the only thing that matters" should kick in (of you are a member of either tribe).

If you aren't a member of either tribe you should really hope for a divided government so no tribe can unleash the full power of the state against the other (that's where I sit for example).

by ecrituref d'adulte k

FDR was the first president in US history to be compared to Hitler. Republicans own all Hitler comparisons. Not sure why you don't apply the start it own it criteria consistently other than low education and hackery.

FDR was a Democrat?

by Luckbox Inc k

FDR was a Democrat?


Is this the thread where all the cries of election fraud are going to be housed on Tuesday? Subbed.

by Luciom k

It does, did I ever say republicans have a right to complain about being called fascist and everything else? I never did.

Ok. So only you have a right to complain on others behalf about hitler comparisons. If a liberal does it they have to own it because other liberals have made the comparison. Totally reasonable and not pure hackery.
