The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Land O Lakes k

Is this the thread where all the cries of election fraud are going to be housed on Tuesday? Subbed.

I think election conspiracies and false claims should be it's own thread even. There's going to be a ton of right wing lies.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Ok. So only you have a right to complain on others behalf about hitler comparisons. If a liberal does it they have to own it because other liberals have made the comparison. Totally reasonable and not pure hackery.

if the candidate for president of one of the 2 major parties does it, and the left systematically did it in the recent past in europe as well, they can't collectively whine too much if the right makes wild claims about them in general.

And if every time a leftist proposes a small increase in taxes or regulations you go allin with the label socialist or what not, you can't complain about them becoming actually socialists

Checking in to support Trump, hope he crushes.

I’m begging everyone who wants to argue with Luciom to please stop treating him like an adult

He is shameless, amoral, and has no interest discussing matters in good faith. Stop platforming him

by Luciom k

Same for election denialism to be clear: Stacey Abrams denies the elections were fair, you don't condamn her (by removing her from the party and so on), you lose forever the option to whine about any election denialism ever by republicans.

You're conflating claims of unfairness with claims of fraud.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I think it's a little silly to compare 08 era birtherism which was fringe to the mainstream election denialism of the Trump era.

Russiagate hoax has had far more long term impact than any of Trump's electoral denialism.

by Victor k

Russiagate hoax has had far more long term impact than any of Trump's electoral denialism.

This is true

by Victor k

Russiagate hoax has had far more long term impact than any of Trump's electoral denialism.


by Luckbox Inc k

This is true


by pocket_zeros k

You're conflating claims of unfairness with claims of fraud.

She first claimed fraud ("widespread irregularities") then pivoted later on on "fairness", but yes i should have wrote fraud or anyway a legally loaded word

Absolutely nobody who invokes ‘russiagate hoax’ as a defense of trump can intelligently say what exactly is was being investigated

by Victor k

Russiagate hoax has had far more long term impact than any of Trump's electoral denialism.

So Russia didn't try to interfere with the 2016 election?

Trump's son and campaign manager didn't meet with a Russian national at Trump tower with known connections to the Kremlin to seek dirt on their political opponent?

Russia didn't hack into the DNC's servers and steal and leak their emails through Wikileaks and Trump's advisor Roger Stone? And Trump didn't know they were stolen and leaked by Russian intelligence, even though a bipartisan Congressional report said Trump did?

Is that the 'hoax' you're referring to?

its not really a defense of Trump. its just pointing out the absurdity of the Dems and the mainstream media. routinely things are censored by falsely deeming them Russian disinformation. and consequentially it was used to promote a brutal war in Ukraine.

conversely, Jan 6th has no real lasting impact at all.

by pocket_zeros k

So Russia didn't try to interfere with the 2016 election?

Trump's son and campaign manager didn't meet with a Russian national at Trump tower with known connections to the Kremlin to seek dirt on their political opponent?

Russia didn't hack into the DNC's servers and steal and leak their emails through Wikileaks and Trump's advisor Roger Stone? And Trump didn't know they were stolen and leaked by Russian intelligence, even though a bipartisan Congressional report said Trump did?

Is that the 'hoax'


by pocket_zeros k

So Russia didn't try to interfere with the 2016 election?

Trump's son and campaign manager didn't meet with a Russian national at Trump tower with known connections to the Kremlin to seek dirt on their political opponent?

Russia didn't hack into the DNC's servers and steal and leak their emails through Wikileaks and Trump's advisor Roger Stone? And Trump didn't know they were stolen and leaked by Russian intelligence, even though a bipartisan Congressional report said Trump did?

Is that the 'hoax'

No you don't get it. Investigating that is worse than Rudy Guilianni, empowered by a sitting POTUS, ruining the lives and careers of 2 innocent poll workers who were unlucky enough to be doxxed picking up a box in Fulton County. And ignore that Trump got caught on tape directly soliciting election help from ukraine, making it virtually impossible he didn't attempt the same from foreign countries in 2016 if you can do the most basic Bayes' theorem calcs. /s

by Victor k

its not really a defense of Trump. its just pointing out the absurdity of the Dems and the mainstream media. routinely things are censored by falsely deeming them Russian disinformation. and consequentially it was used to promote a brutal war in Ukraine.

conversely, Jan 6th has no real lasting impact at all.

Ignoring everything here and getting back to your original point, ‘Russiagate’ was a special investigation initiated by trump’s administration appointing mueller themselves. Trump’s election denialism is done by trump himself

So by your logic trump has done more damage than trump?

no thats not what Russiagate was

by Victor k

its not really a defense of Trump. its just pointing out the absurdity of the Dems and the mainstream media. routinely things are censored by falsely deeming them Russian disinformation. and consequentially it was used to promote a brutal war in Ukraine.

conversely, Jan 6th has no real lasting impact at all.

a brutal war in ukraine started by who?

you’re a joke

Trump has not been exonerated by Mueller at all. “No,” Mueller said when asked at the hearing whether he had cleared the president of criminal wrongdoing in the investigation that looked into the 2016 Trump campaign’s relations with Russians.

In his report, Mueller said his team declined to make a prosecutorial judgment on whether to charge Trump, partly because of a Justice Department legal opinion that said sitting presidents shouldn’t be indicted.

As a result, his detailed report factually laid out instances in which Trump might have obstructed justice, leaving it up to Congress to take up the matter.


by Victor k

no thats not what Russiagate was

That’s wild bro

by checkraisdraw k

a brutal war in ukraine started by who?

you’re a joke

by pocket_zeros k

Mueller report didnt exonerate a lot of people. it didnt exonerate you or me or billions of other people.

by Victor k

Mueller report didnt exonerate a lot of people. it didnt exonerate you or me or billions of other people.

Nonsensical response considering we weren't targets of the investigation.

Mueller specifically said Trump wasn't charged because of prevailing legal uncertainty that a sitting President could be indicted. That's why Mueller left it to Congress. The fact you linked to Mueller's report to imply that not only was Trump innocent but the mere fact that he was investigated and not charged means it was a "hoax" shows how little you know about the matter.



We're not re-litigating that ridiculous hoax again surely. It was a complete load of horse ****.

by pocket_zeros k

[I]Trump has not been exonerated by Mueller at all. “No,” Mueller said when asked at the hearing whether he had cleared the president of criminal wrongdoing in the investigation that looked into the 2016 Trump campaign’s relations with Russians.

In his report, Mueller said his team declined to make a prosecutorial judgment on whether to charge Trump, partly because of a Justice Department legal opinion that said sitting presidents shouldn’t be indicted.

And it seems like much of this is moot when Trump admitted to asking for campaign help from Ukraine. If people think that's less of an issue than non citizens and other non whites voting they should just say so.

by Brian James k

It was a complete load of horse ****.

Speaking of which, welcome back to the thread Brian.
