The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by TookashotatChan k

C'mon man, Clinton is too easy

He knows he’s an illegitimate president,” said Clinton in 2019. She repeated this sentiment in 2020, telling The Atlantic the election “was not on the level,” and again when she called Trump’s win illegitimate. She piled on to this by saying, “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” clearly referring to how she saw her 2016 campaign."

Who cares wtf she said 3 years after the election? The point is she conceded officially and gracefully the next morning and had Trump done the same thing, none of the bullshit would have happened after the 2020 election.

by checkraisdraw k

60+ court cases, one win.

if it was rigged it must have been the greatest and most effective rigging in the world.

Hunter laptop would like a word.

trump being salty about losing an election would be funny, as long as he conceded he lost. he still hasn’t…

by TookashotatChan k

Here's an opinion piece from NBC (of all places) laying pretty much all the blame on Clinton/Dems circa 2016 for the election denial that happened in 2020. No one prosecuted them though, for that or far worse.

This article definitely doesn't lay most of the blame for Trump's behavior on HRC and the Democrats.

by TookashotatChan k

Gorgonian made three errors.

The first error Gorgonian made is claiming people thought the election was rigged because Trump "claimed victory." The real reason they thought it was rigged is because, as the graphs I posted show, Trump was massively ahead with a growing gap the entire night in at least 2 swing states when they went to bed (and I believe all of them if memory serves), but when they woke up, Biden had received a couple hundred thousand votes and declared the winner in every single o

Keep clinging to your "I was ignorant so I'm excused theory." it's a good look. Really.

by TookashotatChan k

The entire country was not warned that huge dumps of mail-in ballots could swing the election at 5am on election night, or half the country wouldn't have been shocked by it. So either they weren't warned or the warning didn't register. Either way, this is just obviously true---a lot of people were shocked.

Gorgonian claiming everyone is stupid and ignorant except himself is par for the course; simplistic conclusions come from simple minds.

Oh no, honey. Not everyone. Just you and most other conservatives.

Gorgonian is never wrong about anything guys. Get used to it.

by checkraisdraw k

60+ court cases, one win.

if it was rigged it must have been the greatest and most effective rigging in the world.

The problem is it's hard to prove that it was rigged without access to the actual ballots and the machines that counted them. Plus most of the courts didn't want to adjudicate on the election for obvious reasons and simply refused to let evidence be presented on procedural grounds.

by Land O Lakes k

Who cares wtf she said 3 years after the election? The point is she conceded officially and gracefully the next morning and had Trump done the same thing, none of the bullshit would have happened after the 2020 election.

Who cares what she says at all? The fact is she walked back her concession and quickly jumped all over "I lost because of Russia"

While alternative histories can be fun, I don't know what would've happened if Trump conceded. There have been delayed or sometimes non-concessions before that did not turn into political violence.

by TookashotatChan k

This is the same error Gorgonian is making. I don't care what was warned or what you think about what happened. I want a clear winner on election night.

I know it's uber difficult to see past your own nose, but what you think about it is kind of irrelevant. We're debating what caused the 100m+ otherwise intelligent human beings to think the election was rigged.

This is what caused it.

I hope that doesn't happen again.

What case are you making with those graphs exactly?

by Brian James k

The problem is it's hard to prove that it was rigged without access to the actual ballots and the machines that counted them. Plus most of the courts didn't want to adjudicate on the election for obvious reasons and simply refused to let evidence be presented on procedural grounds.

So in the US it’s legal to cheat and interfere in election ?
So why the constant complaining then about election being stolen?

Your point is judges and the courts won’t do anything about it , seem to me it’s legal then….

So republicans just have some very bad strategies it seems .

by Didace k

I don't think half the country was actually shocked.

36% of the country thought the 2020 election was illegitimate as near as Dec. 2023. I'm pretty sure close to half were "shocked" or "surprised" (which is the initial state before eventually concluding an election is rigged) the actual morning of.

by pocket_zeros k

What case are you making with those graphs exactly?

The claim was that the pattern in the graphs is what caused widespread election skepticism. I don't want that pattern to repeat during this cycle, because I think it will lead to widespread civil unrest. I (badly) want a clear winner on election night.

by Brian James k

The problem is it's hard to prove that it was rigged without access to the actual ballots and the machines that counted them. Plus most of the courts didn't want to adjudicate on the election for obvious reasons and simply refused to let evidence be presented on procedural grounds.

That’s just not true. Many were decided on the merits. Here’s an example but there are many more in the link provided:

Costantino v. City of Detroit (3d Jud. Ct. Wayne Cnty. Nov. 13, 2020) – In denying the plaintiffs’ preliminary injunction, the court found that the plaintiffs’ claims of fraud would unlikely prevail on the merits. The court noted that many plaintiffs failed to include crucial information in their allegations, such as locations of alleged misconduct, frequency of alleged misconduct, names of those involved in alleged misconduct, and so on. Overall, the court found the plaintiffs’ claims of fraud to be speculative, filled with “guess-work,” and often unsubstantiated. Moreover, defendants provided a sufficient amount of evidence to convince the court that they had acted within the law. This decision was affirmed by the Michigan Court of Appeals on Nov. 16, 2020, and by the Michigan Supreme Court on Nov. 23, 2020.

But yes, the courts will not grant relief based on vague allegations, they have to be substantive. Why would they expect any different? This was the most scrutinized election in American history with 7 states being supposedly “fraudulent” and yet we couldn’t win more than one case, which wasn’t even about fraud but about curing votes? Really strange.

And yeah, standing is a big deal. What does Texas have standing to sue Pennsylvania for how they run their elections? That’s literally unconstitutional.

by pocket_zeros k

What case are you making with those graphs exactly?

It was rigged.

by TookashotatChan k

Who cares what she says at all? The fact is she walked back her concession and quickly jumped all over "I lost because of Russia"

While alternative histories can be fun, I don't know what would've happened if Trump conceded. There have been delayed or sometimes non-concessions before that did not turn into political violence.

Are u claiming she think Russia was able to rigged the counted votes ?
That’s what trump complained it about right ?
Votes count?

by checkraisdraw k

That’s just not true. Many were decided on the merits. Here’s an example but there are many more in the link provided:

But yes, the courts will not grant relief based on vague allegations, they have to be substantive. Why would they expect any different? This was the most scrutinized election in American history with 7 states being supposedly “fraudulent” and yet we couldn’t win more than one case, which wasn’t even about fraud bu

He already had that extensively proven to him earlier. What a surprise he just ignored that and claimed it again.

by Brian James k

It was rigged.

What specifically do you guys believe was done to rig it?

by TookashotatChan k

The entire country was not warned that huge dumps of mail-in ballots could swing the election at 5am on election night, or half the country wouldn't have been shocked by it. So either they weren't warned or the warning didn't register. Either way, this is just obviously true---a lot of people were shocked.

Gorgonian claiming everyone is stupid and ignorant except himself is par for the course; simplistic conclusions come from simple minds.

The reason there were "huge dumps of mail-in ballots" was specifically because those states involved (MI, PA, and WI) all couldn't start processing mail in ballots until election day. There was never going to be any way of knowing when the votes would be counted or how many would be made public at what time.

What was known was how many votes were still left to be counted. Each network showed the % of votes that had been accounted for and which counties the remaining votes would be from. By 3am or so I had a very strong belief that Biden would win. And the dumps that you talk about didn't happen at 5am. They happened from 3:40am through 6am. And they weren't just Biden votes. They were proportional to the prior mail in counts from heavily democratic counties.

It wasn't a dump of mail-in ballots that swung the election. It was all of the mail-in ballots that swung the election.

Here is an article on what you are talki...

The implication I am getting from the article is that many people are concluding that the huge mail-in ballot dumps were somehow not legal and might be a reason to believe the election was stolen. Is that what you are trying to say?

by TookashotatChan k

The claim was that the pattern in the graphs is what caused widespread election skepticism. I don't want that pattern to repeat during this cycle, because I think it will lead to widespread civil unrest. I (badly) want a clear winner on election night.

I don't want to put words in your mouth so if you could clearly state what troubles you about the graphs?

by Brian James k

It was rigged.

How ?

Ok im leaving this place for the day. uggghhh. Anyway, dont forget to vote for Kamala. byeee

by TookashotatChan k

36% of the country thought the 2020 election was illegitimate as near as Dec. 2023. I'm pretty sure close to half were "shocked" or "surprised" (which is the initial state before eventually concluding an election is rigged) the actual morning of.

Many people believes in crazy other stuff .
Doesn’t make it true .

Just look at climate changes lol….
Beliefs ain’t proofs.

I am assuming the people saying its rigged is the same tweet I mentioned earlier

for some reason It wont let me link https://x.com/irrationalhenry/status/185...

Instead of rigging they should use another term to get better discussion, say you dont like the system etc

by pocket_zeros k

I don't want to put words in your mouth so if you could clearly state what troubles you about the graphs?

man the straight line up dump looks suspicious until you learn all the detail about mail vote processing and so on.

why couldn't it be more spread out like normal vote counting?
