The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Land O Lakes k

Are you starting to see why absentee voting by mail is a thing, or nah?

If Trumpers can state that old people with no transportation can easily find a way to get to an election booth and vote in person, then it shouldn't be too hard to take your kids with you to vote, no?

Every state has their regulations as to when they tally their mall-in ballots. That always causes spikes and thus cries of fraud. It's pretty clear that 2024 will be worse than 2020.

I'm kind of hoping there was something special in the water in 2020 due to isolation/pandemic/etc

by checkraisdraw k

what? the “dump” clearly shows both candidates receiving votes at the same time.

edit: also you act like having an election during a worldwide pandemic happens every day, of course the votes looked different than normal.

the presence of a respiratory virus increased the % of votes that went by mail (and other first world countries had elections during COVID without changing anything so Jo, COVID doesn't justify ANYTHING), but that doesn't justify the votes coming in a lump sum like that.

by Luciom k

? the chart is about votes actually counted for Trump or for Biden. The amount simply should never grow by "lump sums" like that and it's incredible it did.

I'm in hardcore skimming mode and today is November 4th so I glanced and assumed people were making assumptions based on the unopened mail-in ballot returns or something. Didn't catch that it was 2020 data until after I vomited on my keyboard.

Wisconsin's population is hyper-segregated, so I'm not at all surprised to see a giant bloc of dem votes tallied all at once. Dems carry large parts of Milwaukee and Madison with 95%+ of the vote, and those are big population centers.

by Didace k

I seem to recall (but I am too lazy to look it up) that those two states, along with others, have some weird rules about reporting mail-in and other early voting that keeps them from reporting until later. So it's going to happen again.

Ok I didn't know that. I seem to remember this being the trend in almost all the swing states in 2020, but I can't find any graphs from Pennsylvania or Arizona. Hopefully the election will be decided early without those two states.

by Montrealcorp k

If u don’t feel confidence I’ll take some actions from you to lower your worrying sentiment lol.
Especially at 58% if u have anything near it !

I'm at 62% avg but you very well might get those odds again for yourself if Trump opens up with a big lead in Florida and everyone watching.

by Luciom k

that doesn't justify the votes coming in a lump sum like that.


by Didace k

I seem to recall (but I am too lazy to look it up) that those two states, along with others, have some weird rules about reporting mail-in and other early voting that keeps them from reporting until later. So it's going to happen again.

Amazing that people can look at a chart like that and say with a straight face that it wasn't rigged.

I mean you would have to be an imbecile to think that was legitimate.

by POGcrazy94 k

I wouldn't call any of the 100M+ people who thought (or still think) the 2020 election was rigged 'intelligent'

It is possible to be both intelligent and deluded. In fact it seems to be quite common, because intelligent people are easily able to delude themselves. If they want to believe a thing, they will believe it and rationalise it. Most of the world still subscribes to one obviously non-factual religious belief or another, and they aren't all stupid.

by Rococo k

20% of this forum is certain that Bernie's policies are very popular not just in deep blue states but also in red states and swing states. In response, I have asked repeatedly why so few progressive candidates win Democratic primaries in statewide elections in red/swing states, and why even fewer win general elections in those states.

I have never received an answer that I found convincing.

And fwiw, I don't know anyone personally who lives in a red/swing state who believes that a progressive Demo

by Rococo k

20% is probably too high if you only count people who have posted in the last month. Several people with the attitude I describe left the forum after the 2020 election.

if you take "teh internets" opinion its actually way higher than 20% tbh, and yeah the talking point is "his healthcare for all , paid vaca etc etc" are popular with everyone but the polls don't show that and reds are still reds and same candidates are over and over again. They are better off saying they thik the electorate is dumb for not buyinginto that progressive ideals.

and the peopel who left years ago, they are, gladly, UNSTUCK yet STUCK at another website 😃:p

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

You're on this forum more than I, so I could be wrong, but I'd be surprised if 20% of this forum is certain that Bernie's policies are very popular throughout the nation. Personally, I am under no such delusion.

In my opinion, this is exactly why we need the heavy hand of the state to appropriately govern for all of us. People are dumb and naturally reactionary; we can't govern ourselves on any kind of individualistic basis without falling into exploitation and/or mass poverty and/or violence.

what I said above , I dont want to bring up a topic I made 12 years ago thats unppopular what i said about the voting electorate and candidates need or required to do beore running , but at the end of the day if the voting base wants someting , whatever the voting results shows happens, should coem to fruition. I think abortion ban is dogshit but if someday somehow the masses all said abortion should be illegal, then there is nothing we can do but accept the results until next vote. we live in a democracy after all

Betfair now has Trump/Harris at 60/40.


Bring it on baby. It's time to MAHA.

by Luciom k

the presence of a respiratory virus increased the % of votes that went by mail (and other first world countries had elections during COVID without changing anything so Jo, COVID doesn't justify ANYTHING), but that doesn't justify the votes coming in a lump sum like that.

they come in a lump sum because that’s how states decided to report votes. if you can point to fraud, feel free. but just vaguely gesturing at line go up is stupid.

and I don’t care about inferior countries (europe)

by Brian James k

Amazing that people can look at a chart like that and say with a straight face that it wasn't rigged.

I mean you would have to be an imbecile to think that was legitimate.

60+ court cases, one win.

if it was rigged it must have been the greatest and most effective rigging in the world.

by Brian James k

Amazing that people can look at a chart like that and say with a straight face that it wasn't rigged.

I mean you would have to be an imbecile to think that was legitimate.

If they rigged 2020 for trump to lose then they would rig it again this time - assuming Kamala cant beat him straight up and they need to give her a little boost of votes towards the end like they did with Biden.

Either way, youre sitting on a gold mine of information and i wpuldnt let that slip away.

by Gorgonian k

Gorgonian didn't make an error. Gorgonian didn't say a single thing about what he thought happened. Gorgonian told you what happened and that what was going to happen was clearly known about ahead of time so anyone that didn't know what was happening had no one to blame for it but themselves.

Gorgonian says you are the one making the error: thinking that your or others' ignorance excuses their behavior.

It doesn't.

Gorgonian made three errors.

The first error Gorgonian made is claiming people thought the election was rigged because Trump "claimed victory." The real reason they thought it was rigged is because, as the graphs I posted show, Trump was massively ahead with a growing gap the entire night in at least 2 swing states when they went to bed (and I believe all of them if memory serves), but when they woke up, Biden had received a couple hundred thousand votes and declared the winner in every single one.

The second error Gorgonian made is that "everyone was warned this would happen," which is obviously not true because half the country was shocked when it happened.

The third error Gorgonian made is denying he made any errors.

by Gorgonian k

Gorgonian didn't make an error. Gorgonian didn't say a single thing about what he thought happened. Gorgonian told you what happened and that what was going to happen was clearly known about ahead of time so anyone that didn't know what was happening had no one to blame for it but themselves.

Gorgonian says you are the one making the error: thinking that your or others' ignorance excuses their behavior.

It doesn't.

Your post made me think of this

by formula72 k

If they rigged 2020 for trump to lose then they would rig it again this time - assuming Kamala cant beat him straight up and they need to give her a little boost of votes towards the end like they did with Biden.

Either way, youre sitting on a gold mine of information and i wpuldnt let that slip away.

I think it will be harder to rig this time, but not impossible. But yeah, I might just put a quiet bet on Kamala just in case.

by POGcrazy94 k

I wouldn't call any of the 100M+ people who thought (or still think) the 2020 election was rigged 'intelligent'

Trump directly stated on the Lex Fridman podcast that he "lost (the 2020 election) by a whisker"

He also directly stated in 2016 that the election (he won) was rigged against him

His supporters aren't exactly a brain trust

by TookashotatChan k

I'm kind of hoping there was something special in the water in 2020 due to isolation/pandemic/etc

Nah, he's got them trained well. Trump couldn't do what Clinton did and say:

"We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that, we cherish it."

then nothing would have happened.

Being that if he loses this time, he will know the show is definitely over, so he's going to do 2020 again but amp it up even more. Nothing other than total chaos will make him happy.

The only way people won't tard out over Trump's rhetoric is if Harris absolutely curb stomps him. But if it's close, then 2020 is going to look like a joke.

by checkraisdraw k

they come in a lump sum because that’s how states decided to report votes. if you can point to fraud, feel free. but just vaguely gesturing at line go up is stupid.

and I don’t care about inferior countries (europe)

I am NOT pointing at fraud, I am pointing at stuff that can give the impression of fraud and I think it's obscene you guys didn't fix it.

careful with the country superiority thing, I got banned for similar comments (although it's possible that insulting white majority countries doesn't register as a forum rules violation)

That's not why you got banned.

But he's such a martyr.

by Land O Lakes k

Nah, he's got them trained well. Trump couldn't do what Clinton did and say:

"We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that, we cherish it."

then nothin

C'mon man, Clinton is too easy

He knows he’s an illegitimate president,” said Clinton in 2019. She repeated this sentiment in 2020, telling The Atlantic the election “was not on the level,” and again when she called Trump’s win illegitimate. She piled on to this by saying, “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” clearly referring to how she saw her 2016 campaign."

so what's the equivalent of this meme

for MAGA? I want to prepare to be able to troll the worst MAGA people on twitter in case Trump loses
