The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Brian James k

True we don't have to theorize when there are facts available.

Here you go. Factual evidence of fraud in 6 key swing states.

by Brian James k

See my previous post.

Looks like the courts were unconvinced of both Mr Fried's credentials and his findings. Something something courts are rigged, I'm sure.

On Tuesday, Eastman called a man named Joseph Fried to the stand, referring to him as an "expert witness." The Daily Beast reported that Fried is a public accountant and author of an eBook that detailed his skepticism about President Joe Biden's 2020 election win.

California State Bar Court Judge Yvette Roland was less than impressed with Eastman's attempt to pass off Fried as an expert.

"I don't see how Mr. Fried is qualified to be an expert. He has no experience in voting or election matters," the judge said.

"We don't believe the opinion of a CPA ... is relevant," reiterated state bar attorney Duncan Carling, adding that Fried "never identified any instances of fraud" in the 2020 presidential election.

by Brian James k

True we don't have to theorize when there are facts available.

Here you go. Factual evidence of fraud in 6 key swing states.

A random trust-me-brah substack article. I'm convinced. Amazing how so many states coordinated to rig the election against Trump.

by d2_e4 k

Not sure why you're asking me, I have absolutely no idea.

Apologies I got you and montreal confused for a second.

I wanted to ask Montreal that since he brought up coutner points to my last post

by TookashotatChan k

2000 was incredibly contentious. 42% of Americans believed the election was illegitimate in 2000.

It's hard to have an objective perspective period, but at least I admit it.

In hindsight I think there is enough there to call it illegitimate but in the moment nobody who cared gave it the attention it deserved so everything just kind of happened willingly out in the open

by Bluegrassplayer k

I thought on CNN someone on harris campaign went on saturday and said they werent expecting Iowa to go for them. That was why I didnt take A LOT of tock in iowa going blue. maybe women voes he polls worse than he has in 16 and 2020

or maybe she just polled a bunch of users like the ones here where 80% of us arent even going to vote no registered

by pocket_zeros k

But corporations were specially included in the Citizens United case.

When I refer to commercial speech, I'm talking about the nature of the speech, not the speaker.

by housenuts k

If Trump conceded gracefully in 2020, this year is probably a complete landslide right? Might still be, but he clearly harmed himself with his antics.

Trump, gracefully?

If my auntie had balls...

by d2_e4 k

It's cute how everyone engages with BJ like he actually cares about things like facts.

i don't know how, but I know he actually believes that.

but I mean after you spend some time with people who deny virus exist I guess election result deniers shouldn't surprise me

by Brian James k

True we don't have to theorize when there are facts available.

Here you go. Factual evidence of fraud in 6 key swing states.

Don't forget to follow him @jnfmusic96582 on X and show your support, he's almost at 40 subs

by jalfrezi k

Trump, gracefully?

If my auntie had balls...

would still be you aunt according to gender theory (unless they identify otherwise)

reminder: Italians are not protected by the 1st amendment.

by pocket_zeros k

A random trust-me-brah substack article. I'm convinced. Amazing how so many states coordinated to rig the election against Trump.

Well, he's either stating facts or he isn't. Shouldn't be too hard to prove one way or the other.

No-one has debunked them that I'm aware of. I mean the guy wrote a book about it. I assume he could be sued if he was lying.

by the pleasure k

I thought on CNN someone on harris campaign went on saturday and said they werent expecting Iowa to go for them. Tat was why I didnt take A LOT ofs tock in iowa going blue. maybe women voes he polls worse than he has in 16 and 2020

or maybe she just polled a bunch of users like the ones here where 80% of us arent even going to vote no registered

I doubt she takes it too, still pretty incredible that there's even a chance. Overall I agree with the sentiment of the tweet: I was 100% resigned to another Trump presidency after the Biden debate. Shocked that the election is this close.

by jjjou812 k

Maybe the lack of strife was because there was no Jan 6 rally and fight like hell speech in 2000.

in 1876 the election deniers mounted such a mess that the election winners had to remove troops from the south and racists were able to oppress blacks again.

that precedent might not have been on Trump or anyone else mind though

by Brian James k

Well, he's either stating facts or he isn't. Shouldn't be too hard to prove one way or the other.

I'm pretty sure if he'd uncovered evidence that the 2020 election was rigged, that'd be pretty wild and more people would be talking about it. As it is, he wasn't even allowed to testify as an expert on the subject that he wrote a book about, so that's already not a great start for establishing his credibility.

by Luciom k

would still be you aunt according to gender theory (unless they identify otherwise)

I lolled.

by Land O Lakes k

Oh, he definitely harmed himself. Whether he harmed the country more with his antics than himself is up for debate, I suppose.

Are you laughing as you type that out? I would be. 2000 was nothing at all like 2020 in terms of political tension, so either you were 12-years-old back in 2000, live in a different country and didn't follow American politics then, or you're straight-up trolling.

You haven't admitted ****. Literally people were refreshing Twitter for Trump's orders. It's not hard to f

Probably just a recency bias. 2000 was arguably more contentious than 2020 just based on the % of people who thought the election was illegitimate. That one also actually went to the Supreme Court.

by Luciom k

in 1876 the election deniers mounted such a mess that the election winners had to remove troops from the south and racists were able to oppress blacks again.

that precedent might not have been on Trump or anyone else mind though

You really went back 150 years ago ?

by ES2 k

The bottom line to me is that there are thousands of people all around the world who study or monitor elections as professionals. Plenty are conservative, plenty are liberal.

The US Presidential election is the most important one in the world. So there is no reason to rely on politicians or internet sleuths who have never studied an election before. If there were good reason to be suspicious, whether it be of Russia rigging it for Republicans or Dems rigging it, then these people would be fall

this sounds good unless you remember that it happened the same year "thousands of experts across the world" failed spectacularly at COVID assessment, modeling and managing with plenty of twitter random actually accurately predicting their failure and their mistakes in real time, so that's the context of election denialism in late 2020.

a significant portion of the population lost trust in experts of all kinds forever (and for good reasons) because of COVID, can't apply that argument anymore about anything for at least 20+ years, especially for anyone who even slightly leans left

by #Thinman k

reminder: Italians are not protected by the 1st amendment.

actually settled law says otherwise

by Luciom k

this sounds good unless you remember that it happened the same year "thousands of experts across the world" failed spectacularly at COVID assessment, modeling and managing with plenty of twitter random actually accurately predicting their failure and their mistakes in real time, so that's the context of election denialism in late 2020.

a significant portion of the population lost trust in experts of all kinds forever (and for good reasons) because of COVID, can't apply that argument anymore about

Those same people are seemingly more than happy to listen to "experts" who tell them what they want to hear, like some nutjob/10 cent scammer writing a book to tell them the 2020 election was rigged. Seems that they lost faith only in those experts whose conclusions they don't like.

by d2_e4 k

Those same people are seemingly more than happy to listen to "experts" who tell them what they want to hear, like the 2020 election being rigged. Seems that they lost faith only in those experts whose conclusions they don't like.

half of the population has a below median IQ

by Luciom k

half of the population has a below median IQ

I'm guessing we're in agreement as to which half BJ here belongs to.

by Brian James k

Well, he's either stating facts or he isn't. Shouldn't be too hard to prove one way or the other.

No-one has debunked them that I'm aware of. I mean the guy wrote a book about it. I assume he could be sued if he was lying.

Millions of dollars was spent challenging the results across the entire nation. Cream rises to the top in terms of theories and ideas. All that's in the cup is backwash.
