The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

Your political tribe claims men can get pregnant, GMOs are cancerogenic, and nuclear is very dangerous.

Many of them also claim that IQ has 0 genetic determinants (some even go to the point of claiming intelligence cannot be measured in any way), and that behavioral traits are not inheritable

These are not things that most people who vote democrat actually believe. Most people who vote republican actually believe all that religious crap, and some nontrivial % of them are young earth creationists.

by d2_e4 k

These are not things that most people who vote democrat actually believe. Most people who vote republican actually believe all that religious crap, and some nontrivial % of them are young earth creationists.

Half of democrats don't want more nuclear power ,and those are supposed to be the people who want to fix climate change.

It's logically impossible to not be in favor of adding a lot of nuclear if you care about emissions reduction, and yes it's a lot worse than believing in an entity in the sky.

The same tribe that claims that's the biggest crisis facing humanity and a first order priority has half of it's members against the easiest solution for that problem

by Luciom k

Half of democrats don't want more nuclear power


Seems puzzling. The article doesn't really go into the reasons why, other than support decreasing after Fukushima. In any case, while it may well be an unreasonable fear/concern about safety, I put that nowhere near evolution denial/young earth creationism in terms of the level of idiocy that has to go into reaching that conclusion.

this forum in video form ^, tag urself

by housenuts k

People who vote on election day are idiots.


dont out yourself as delusional bruh

I get why Nuclear power fans say its OP but my issue is that im afraid of having a) private companies built or clean them up, its all for ****ing profit
b) govt cleanup means it will take 20x yeas over expected to build or cleanup but regulations need to be enforced and tight which at times its not somehow.

I think solar is so ****ing good with littel to no actual ev. the fact biden admin gave buinesses a tax benefit to build them is maybe one of the best laws a POTUS has pushed out in the last 14 years. among a certain POTUS making it so you can't go into private office 3 years after public works and treating animal cruelty with federal crime

by d2_e4 k

Seems puzzling. The article doesn't really go into the reasons why, other than support decreasing after Fukushima. In any case, while it may well be an unreasonable fear/concern about safety, I put that nowhere near evolution denial/young earth creationism in terms of the level of idiocy that has to go into reaching that conclusion.

Well it’s certainly less idiotic to fear nuclear power more then god .
We actually experienced what happened with Tchernobyl and Japan incident.

Oh no, a subset of Democratic voters don't understand nuclear physics. I am so thoroughly embarrassed by proximity that I almost forgot that the opposing political tribe is so thoroughly advanced that they believe children are going off to school and coming back fully transitioned through indoctrination and surgery

Or that the opposing political tribe thinks we should drill and frack more

That infographic is a nuclear level self own if you ask me. Coal mining lol

by the pleasure k


dont out yourself as delusional bruh

Why would you vote on election day? Long lineups.
Ample opportunity to vote the days prior with little to no lines.

by d2_e4 k

Seems puzzling. The article doesn't really go into the reasons why, other than support decreasing after Fukushima. In any case, while it may well be an unreasonable fear/concern about safety, I put that nowhere near evolution denial/young earth creationism in terms of the level of idiocy that has to go into reaching that conclusion.

Which significant policy implication with material economic repercussions does denial of darwinism imply?

Because nuclear energy denialism has horrific real life consequences for the country (and the world)

by coordi k

Oh no, a subset of Democratic voters don't understand nuclear physics. I am so thoroughly embarrassed by proximity that I almost forgot that the opposing political tribe is so thoroughly advanced that they believe children are going off to school and coming back fully transitioned through indoctrination and surgery

Or that the opposing political tribe thinks we should drill and frack more

That infographic is a nuclear level self own if you ask me

Dont forget they eat the dogs and cats !

by coordi k

Oh no, a subset of Democratic voters don't understand nuclear physics. I am so thoroughly embarrassed by proximity that I almost forgot that the opposing political tribe is so thoroughly advanced that they believe children are going off to school and coming back fully transitioned through indoctrination and surgery

Or that the opposing political tribe thinks we should drill and frack more

That infographic is a nuclear level self own if you ask me

Half democrats voters are against the easiest and most palatable solution for radical emissions reduction that doesn't require any lifestyle change for the population (and so would be far easier to pass as policy).

If you actually believe that reducing emissions is a relevant priority, having half of your tribe against the solution is absurd, insane, a level of incoherence that rarely has equals in politics.

But I don't expect any intellectual integrity from you

by housenuts k

Why would you vote on election day? Long lineups.
Ample opportunity to vote the days prior with little to no lines.

Some people love crowds.

by Luciom k

Your political tribe claims men can get pregnant, GMOs are cancerogenic, and nuclear is very dangerous.

Many of them also claim that IQ has 0 genetic determinants (some even go to the point of claiming intelligence cannot be measured in any way), and that behavioral traits are not inheritable

tucker carlson claimed that nuclear power is from literal demons, bro.

by Luciom k

Which significant policy implication with material economic repercussions does denial of darwinism imply?

Because nuclear energy denialism has horrific real life consequences for the country (and the world)

The point wasn't about significant policy implications. The point was about republicans being scientifically illiterate idiots.

And I'm sure there are considerations that factor into people's views on nuclear other than safety, like toxic nuclear waste disposal for example. I don't know much about this topic so won't speculate on what's right and what's wrong, but I suspect it's not as simple as you make out, and certainly not as clear cut idiocy as "hurr durr sky fairy made the Earth in 7 days 4,000 years ago coz my book says so".

by Montrealcorp k

Some people love crowds.

Wonder how many people have met their future partner in election lineups. There's gotta be a few.

by the pleasure k

I get why Nuclear power fans say its OP but my issue is that im afraid of having a) private companies built or clean them up, its all for ****ing profit
b) govt cleanup means it will take 20x yeas over expected to build or cleanup but regulations need to be enforced and tight which at times its not somehow.

I think solar is so ****ing good with littel to no actual ev. the fact biden admin gave buinesses a tax benefit to build them is maybe one of the best laws a POTUS has pushed out in the last 14

Solar and wind are intermittent.

You either build 5-10 times the capacity you usually need , or we develop batteries on a massive scale (capable of storing days of national consumption, something we are very far from being able to do), or you need baseline capacity (something that guarantees with absolute certainty production at any moment in time).

Baseline capacity to be turned on only when needed requires fossil fuel and is horrifically expensive (you build the plant but you don't get to sell energy from it every day, you never recoup the investment).

So if you want to guarantee no blackouts the day of the year where solar and wind produce the minimum, and no wartime like rationing because you don't like communism, and you want no fossil fuel plants, you need nuclear.

A lot of it.

Electricity demand will grow a lot with the electrification of vehicles and heating systems, you need to ramp up nuclear a lot since 10 years ago, especially if you believe emissions reduction is important

by Luciom k

Half of democrats don't want more nuclear power ,and those are supposed to be the people who want to fix climate change.

It's logically impossible to not be in favor of adding a lot of nuclear if you care about emissions reduction, and yes it's a lot worse than believing in an entity in the sky.

The same tribe that claims that's the biggest crisis facing humanity and a first order priority has half of it's members against the easiest solution for that problem

It would be nice if Trump was more pro nuclear. But yes, the Venn diagram of climate change and anti nuclear people is interesting.

none of the candiates talked a piss about energy compared to what biden did in 2020, what i said about his infastructure bill is great, that solar tex benefit was such a great move and I hope harris can do the same

i'll agree that americans are heavily propagandized against nuclear power by the coal, oil, and gas industry..

but the idea that republicans would somehow be better for it seems untenable. again, tucker carlson said he thinks nuclear is literally demonic from demons from hell.

by d2_e4 k

The point wasn't about significant policy implications. The point was about republicans being scientifically illiterate idiots.

And I'm sure there are considerations that factor into people's views on nuclear other than safety, like toxic nuclear waste disposal for example. I don't know much about this topic so won't speculate on what's right and what's wrong, but I suspect it's not as simple as you make out, and certainly not as clear cut idiocy as "hurr durr sky fairy made the Earth in 7 days 4

Nuclear waste disposal is an order of magnitude easier than solar panels disposal when they end their "careers".

France and Switzerland routinely dispose of nuclear waste and did in the 60s with technology of 60 years ago.

We still have no clue how, and how much it will cost, to dispose of massive quantities of solar panels

Harvard business reviee, the renowned MAGA magazine, alerted you guys in 2021 of that dramatic problem.

Yet you are still here talking about an issue people who eat frogs solved decades ago

by Luciom k

Nuclear waste disposal is an order of magnitude easier than solar panels disposal when they end their "careers".

France and Switzerland routinely dispose of nuclear waste and did in the 60s with technology of 60 years ago.

We still have no clue how, and how much it will cost, to dispose of massive quantities of solar panels

Harvard business reviee, the renowned MAGA magazine, alerted you guys in 2021 of that dramatic problem.

Yet you are still here

I'm not arguing with you about the benefits of nuclear power. If I could be bothered to research it, I'd probably agree with everything you're saying. Try and read the words I wrote - the point I am making has nothing to do with nuclear power. I am saying your comparison between democrats being scientifically illiterate about nuclear power and republicans being scientifically illiterate about stuff like where the Earth came or whether or not there is a magic fairy in the sky listening to them whine every night is ****ing laughable.

by Slighted k

tucker carlson claimed that nuclear power is from literal demons, bro.

He doesn't in the same sentence claim that we will all die because the climate though
