The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Elrazor k

Right, but we don't "classify humans into biological sex categories". Biological sex categories exist whether humans categorise them or not. Furthermore, there are large phenotypical sex differences between males and females, particularly in mammals. Males tend to be stronger, bigger and faster than women, and therefore it seems reasonable to protect human females from males in arenas such as professional sport and prisons.

By definition no categories can exist without a truth maker. It’s like saying there’s an Indian ocean without minds.

As for your other comments, that’s exactly my point, I don’t see how it would help you and your point which seems to be “we define sex as large gametes and small gametes”, which is obviously nonsense in practice since we make so much more observations about sex than just the mere stipulation of the size of gametes.

It’s like saying we define a **** sapien as having xyz chromosomes because those are the distinguishing features between us and other animals. Nobody actually cares about xyz chromosomes, we care about the ability to communicate syntactically, which is what differentiates us from other mammals…

by Slighted k

the state should regulate wildlife, yes. that isn't a particularly controversial opinion. the state also has an interest in domesticated animals having rabies vaccines. when libertarians are in charge towns get overrun by bears because they dont regulate simple things like trash and wildlife, because they have no idea how the world works.

your other people are lying about the doing nothing on purpose for objectively worse crimes.

you talk as if the squirrel event could have happened in most normal countries. You know that's false, it wouldn't happen like that in France, Italy, Spain and so on.

At most, if it's illegal to keep an undeclared squirrel (it varies from place to place, and in Italy it depends on the species of the squirrel), you get issued a fine.

But go on pretending it's typical of first world countries to send armed people to search the private residence of someone for a squirrel, and that the only alternative (which you reject) is that trash disposal can't be regulated (truly a non sequitur).

If i call the police in NYS claiming an illegal immigrant is in a private home, do they send 10 armed men to search the premises? if the answer is NO, then NYS on purpose is dealing with more state force for the "crime" of having a squirrel than for the crime of illegally staying in the USA.

by checkraisdraw k

By definition no categories can exist without a truth maker. It’s like saying there’s an Indian ocean without minds.

No it's like saying oceans exist as something different than lakes no matter if humans observe them , label them , or not.

by Slighted k

the state should regulate wildlife, yes. that isn't a particularly controversial opinion. the state also has an interest in domesticated animals having rabies vaccines. when libertarians are in charge towns get overrun by bears because they dont regulate simple things like trash and wildlife, because they have no idea how the world works.

your other people are lying about the doing nothing on purpose for objectively worse crimes.

To be clear there have been zero (0) recorded cases of squirrels passing on rabies to humans. Some extremely rare cases of them catching rabies. To your broader point of regulating wildlife, I think the stuff we tend to do to regulate it is ridiculous.

Still probably better than libertarians.

I just don’t think most animals are treated with dignity by the courts and that’s the problem. These idiot conservatives probably cream their pants at the thought of a cow holocaust though, so I think their squirrel love is hypocritical and disingenuous. Luciom just thinks animals should be slaves and that humans should be able to basically have their way with every animal (including beastiality probably, why not?)

by Luciom k

No it's like saying oceans exist as something different than lakes no matter if humans observe them , label them , or not.

There would be no differentiation whatsoever without a truthmaker, yes. The universe would just be a blob of undifferentiated chemical reactions.

by checkraisdraw k

To be clear there have been zero (0) recorded cases of squirrels passing on rabies to humans. Some extremely rare cases of them catching rabies. To your broader point of regulating wildlife, I think the stuff we tend to do to regulate it is ridiculous.

Still probably better than libertarians.

I just don’t think most animals are treated with dignity by the courts and that’s the problem. These idiot conservatives probably cream their pants at the thought of a cow holocaust though, so I t

Yes i think there should be a full constitutional ban to all concept of "animal rights", there should be no case where they are treated differently than any other object.

The question of wildlife is a question of property rights. It's not a super-easy one as enforcement gets tricky and so on, so some compromise has to be found (and regulation be used) as for all common property, life for traffic and public roads.

But once the wildlife if privately owned it's incredible we even discuss the topic under an "animal right" lense.

Some rare cases of regulation can apply as they can to some kind of private property items. But in most cases tort law as normal should be used , not regulation.

Keep in mind this case being discussed isn't an "animal right" one.

by checkraisdraw k

There would be no differentiation whatsoever without a truthmaker, yes. The universe would just be a blob of undifferentiated chemical reactions.

That's very anthropocentric of you

by checkraisdraw k

By definition no categories can exist without a truth maker. It’s like saying there’s an Indian ocean without minds.

The Indian ocean is an arbitrary label given to the water in that region. It is a social construction, just like the United States of America is.

However, there are certain facts that exist regardless of how humans categorise them. The earth would be spherical in shape regardless of whether humans exist. Gravity would still exist on earth, regardless of whether humans are around to observe and document its properties.

Likewise, biological sex existed as a binary for 1.2bn years before humans existed - it’s literally older than plants - and it will exist as a binary long after we are extinct.

by Elrazor k

The Indian ocean is an arbitrary label given to the water in that region. It is a social construction, just like the United States of America is.

However, there are certain facts that exist regardless of how humans categorise them. The earth would be spherical in shape regardless of whether humans exist. Gravity would still exist on earth, regardless of whether humans are around to observe and document its properties.

Likewise, biological sex existed as a binary for 1.2bn years before humans exis

The indian ocean is arbitrary in name, specific boundaries and so on.

But it is objectively different from Lake Michigan even if they both are bodies of water, and a lot more different than Lake Michigan than the Atlantic Ocean, and it would be even with no human being observing them.

by Elrazor k

Likewise, biological sex existed as a binary for 1.2bn years before humans existed - it’s literally older than plants - and it will exist as a binary long after we are extinct.

That's just demonstrably untrue. You could probably state that gametes exist as a binary, but not biological sex.

by Luciom k

you talk as if the squirrel event could have happened in most normal countries. You know that's false, it wouldn't happen like that in France, Italy, Spain and so on.

At most, if it's illegal to keep an undeclared squirrel (it varies from place to place, and in Italy it depends on the species of the squirrel), you get issued a fine.

But go on pretending it's typical of first world countries to send armed people to search the private residence of someone for a squirrel, and that the only alternativ

i dont care what happens in italy. i know you dont live here but this is the US, all of our cops here have guns. there is basically zero scenario law enforcement shows up to a house that ISN'T "armed" so that statement is silly. yes if you called law enforcement about strange people in houses they would show up armed. he probably has been issued a fine but from what i understand the squirrel and the racoon bit people which led to the rabies tests.

i bring up the trash bears scenario because it's a real actual scenario where your ideas played out in entirely predictable fashion. the town got overrun by wildlife.

"It's not a lottery, it's just fraud" is one hell of a legal defense.

He's pleading to a federal crime so if Trump wins he can be pardoned?

Eric Daugherty
#NEW FINAL Guam results

�� Harris: 49.5% (+3.3)
�� Trump: 46.2%

2020: Biden+13.5

by Slighted k

i dont care what happens in italy. i know you dont live here but this is the US, all of our cops here have guns. there is basically zero scenario law enforcement shows up to a house that ISN'T "armed" so that statement is silly. yes if you called law enforcement about strange people in houses they would show up armed. he probably has been issued a fine but from what i understand the squirrel and the racoon bit people which led to the rabies tests.

i bring up the trash bears scenario because

I don't think OSHA inspectors are armed and i don't believe you believe investigating unregistered squirrels is more important than investigating workplace violations of safety rules

I am a miniarchist not an anarchic, you can bring up the trash&bear scenario to contest anarchism, not my model which doesn't refute regulation of public areas.

by Luciom k

Eric Daugherty
#NEW FINAL Guam results

�� Harris: 49.5% (+3.3)
�� Trump: 46.2%

2020: Biden+13.5

Biden gonna be so mad at everyone that pulled the rug out from under him when Trump wins.

by Luciom k

I don't think OSHA inspectors are armed and i don't believe you believe investigating unregistered squirrels is more important than investigating workplace violations of safety rules

I am a miniarchist not an anarchic, you can bring up the trash&bear scenario to contest anarchism, not my model which doesn't refute regulation of public areas.

the us department of labor does not carry firearms, correct.

eta- to my knowledge

by housenuts k

Biden gonna be so mad at everyone that pulled the rug out from under him when Trump wins.

There might be explanations that make look that guam result either irrelevant or not as significant as it looks like which i am not aware of though.

I just posted the data to learn more about it, i didn't even know they voted in guam

by Slighted k

the us department of labor does not carry firearms, correct.

So your state decides to use a lot more effort and violence to deal with possible unregistered squirrels, than do deal with possible lethal risks for workers on the workplace. Yet you don't want to admit that's a ****ed up, completely indefensible priority order of effort for the state, even if you love a more powerful state than i do.

And your answer about the fact that in the US they all use guns to enforce regulations was false.

by Luciom k

There might be explanations that make look that guam result either irrelevant or not as significant as it looks like which i am not aware of though.

I just posted the data to learn more about it, i didn't even know they voted in guam

they can't vote in Puerto Rico.

i just googled it and doesn't seem can vote in Guam either.

confused by this.

by Luciom k

So your state decides to use a lot more effort and violence to deal with possible unregistered squirrels, than do deal with possible lethal risks for workers on the workplace.

And your answer about the fact that in the US they all use guns to enforce regulations was false.

the DEC is a law enforcement agency. was it overkill for a squirrel and a racoon, sure. but they are a law enforcement agency.

OSHA is not in anyway analogous.

by Gorgonian k

. You could probably state that gametes exist as a binary, but not biological sex.

Gametes are literally how biologists categorise biological sex

i hope the next time the cops show up and shoot someone's dog we have an equally strong incel campaign to defund the police.

by Slighted k

i hope the next time the cops show up and shoot someone's dog we have an equally strong incel campaign to defund the police.

somehow the Republican squirrel getting gunned down by Democratic police is one of the wildest wtf is wrong you ******s moment of the last 6 months

by Elrazor k

Gametes are literally how biologists categorise biological sex

I'm aware. That doesn't make biological sex binary. Did you know that many species change the gametes they produce at various points in their lives (like some fish), for instance? Some worms produce both. Some lizards have done away with one type completely. It's far from binary. Not to mention, gamete production is an extremely narrow and limited view of what biological sex truly means.
