The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
Despite me just having demonstrated that there are more and you agreeing with it. Typical conservative. Ignores facts, sticks to deeply held belief that is the only way they can keep believing the crap they believe.
Another waste of an account to add to my ignore list.
Amazing. It's usually his odious views about immigrants that get him that status lol.
How do people not see that the idea a man can get pregnant completely guts the meaning of man? Man means nothing after making this move, so then saying trans men are men means what at this point? How do you define man after completely gutting the meaning of man?
I think they just haven’t really thought about it from first principles, and then dissent is silenced so they can’t correct their poor assumptions. Which ironically like you said both undermines the need to transition but it also weakens the arguments in favor of trans people.
60+ court cases, one win.
if it was rigged it must have been the greatest and most effective rigging in the world.
A review of ninety-two cases by the organization, Promoting American Election Integrity, shows that only thirty were decided on merit, and Trump and/or his supporters won twenty-two of these cases.
don't be mean, he literally just learned this. check upthread a bit..
guam has predicted the popular vote winner every time in modern history i believe, and only got the eventual winner wrong once in 2016.
i don't fully agree with that. i knew puerto rico had no vote, so assumed the same for all territories. was confused by the post about Guam's "vote" so I looked it up. it confirmed what i thought.
and per my post, they are batting 80% - 8 for 10 - got Reagan and Hillary wrong.
omg the French whale who bet 40M on Trump on polymarket is real and every time he speaks a statistician dies
Non-credible bomb threats against Atlanta-area polling places were from Russia, secretary of state says
And we’re off and running
omg the French whale who bet 40M on Trump on polymarket is real and every time he speaks a statistician dies
Lmao, using grade school arithmetic to beat the markets, genius. This has to be a level, next we'll be hearing it was this guy:

omg the French whale who bet 40M on Trump on polymarket is real and every time he speaks a statistician dies
cool, thanks
How do people not see that the idea a man can get pregnant completely guts the meaning of man? Man means nothing after making this move, so then saying trans men are men means what at this point? How do you define man after completely gutting the meaning of man?
it's going to gets so good that you're right. it will become increasingly meaningless.
Today I learned trump will get 900 electoral votes and win by 60 million in the popular cuz Guam