The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Gorgonian k

Guam has predicted the winner almost every time. Harris wins in Guam. This is great for Trump!

Every time Guam has predicted a female winner, Trump has won.

by Luciom k

It's everything, the calculator he is using, the big blue thing he writes with, the "he has no idea what he is looking at"

Turns out trump bettors are exactly as sophisticated as we said. Betting on trump to win after he lost levels of analysis

by Elrazor k

I’m not sure I understand what you are asking - Can you give an example of something that has a disutility in science?

sure, if you found out that the type of classification you are advocating for is less useful than some other classification system, for example because it’s not robust enough to capture every property that one would expect a male and female to have, would you change your mind about it? or is this classification 100% set in stone no matter how useful a competing definition might be?

by coordi k

Turns out trump bettors are exactly as sophisticated as we said. Betting on trump to win after he lost levels of analysis

Turns out the wisdom of the crowd can work and be informative even if single participant have no clue

by Luciom k

Eric Daugherty
#NEW FINAL Guam results

�� Harris: 49.5% (+3.3)
�� Trump: 46.2%

2020: Biden+13.5

only other time Guam was this close was 2000

by housenuts k

Every time Guam has predicted a female winner, Trump has won.

Literally 100% of the time, it works every time.

Got 'em!

by checkraisdraw k

sure, if you found out that the type of classification you are advocating for is less useful than some other classification system, for example because it’s not robust enough to capture every property that one would expect a male and female to have, would you change your mind about it? or is this classification 100% set in stone no matter how useful a competing definition might be?

The answer for science and for society is very different, for society a classification of something that is part of everyday life should never change if it worked in the past, because change is costly and divisive and makes life harder especially for low IQ / low info people so you should avoid it unless absolutely indispensable, and certainly you should avoid to push change in how people talk about daily things from the top without exception.

If change happens organically within the population without any push from politics , after you measure it happened and the vast majority of the population makes it the new norm, you then change definitions in the law as well if necessary.

And trying to change meaning to everyday words, or to classify stuff differently from the top, is literally what the most psychopathich dictators do, like when they rename streets, months, or change the duration of the day or the calendar the population should use just to put their fingerprint deeper on society.

We don't mandate from the top, at the cost of immense public shame or even worse, loss of a job or potential criminal prosecution, to call a tomato a fruit even if the technical scientifical classification would require it. Scotus judge nominees don't refuse to answer about tomatos being vegetable or not.

I cast my vote for Chase Oliver in Arizona today while wearing my anti-communist shirt. Unfortunately, I couldn't muster up much other support for him in recent weeks but hopefully Trump will evolve towards libertarianism once the bond market collapses and he has no solutions. Cheers to everyone still struggling with the crowds and good luck to anyone living in a likely riot zone.

by Luciom k

It's everything, the calculator he is using, the big blue thing he writes with, the "he has no idea what he is looking at"

by coordi k

Turns out trump bettors are exactly as sophisticated as we said. Betting on trump to win after he lost levels of analysis

I am 90%+ sure that video is a parody. I don't see in what world that is real.

Ruh, roh. Here we go again.

Ballot dumps in the middle of the night incoming.

Pennsylvania county extends voting hours after 'software issue' with scanning ballots

by Luciom k

The answer for science and for society is very different, for society a classification of something that is part of everyday life should never change if it worked in the past, because change is costly and divisive and makes life harder especially for low IQ / low info people so you should avoid it unless absolutely indispensable, and certainly you should avoid to push change in our people talk about daily things from the top without exception.

And trying to change meaning to everyday words, or to

I’m not talking about everyday language. If we were talking about that then it is 100% not the definition of male and female that the male produces small, mobile gametes and the female produces larger, immobile gametes. That’s just simply not how those words are used at all.

by Brian James k

Ruh, roh. Here we go again.

Ballot dumps in the middle of the night incoming.

Pennsylvania county extends voting hours after 'software issue' with scanning ballots

Go crawl back under your rock, and after Trump loses, stay there.

This is te election thread, not the frigging gamete thread. Can we keep on topic please?

by checkraisdraw k

I’m not talking about everyday language. If we were talking about that then it is 100% not the definition of male and female that the male produces small, mobile gametes and the female produces larger, immobile gametes. That’s just simply not how those words are used at all.

Whatever the colloquial usage/definition is, tittays gotta play a part.

by Brian James k

This is te election thread, not the frigging gamete thread. Can we keep on topic please?

Can you get ****ed please? Many thanks in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

by Brian James k

This is te election thread, not the frigging gamete thread. Can we keep on topic please?

Sorry. i'll stick to the election for now

initial reports seem to be all indicating very high turnout with places like philly and fulton county georgia already hitting 75% of their 2020 totals.

that should in theory be very good for harris, but who knows.

also charlie kirk is whining on twitter about the turnout which also seems like a positive sign.

by CrazyLond k

hopefully Trump will evolve towards libertarianism once the bond market collapses and he has no solutions.

I am shocked that that there are people who think Trump will "evolve" ideologically in a way they consider benign. Trump worships a graven image of himself. He has no ideology. And he never will.

PA is obviously everything this race.

DEMS get exactly 270 if they lose all swing states but win PA MI WI

GOP gets exactly 270 if they win PA but lose MI WI NV AZ - assuming i didn't mess up a state

by Slighted k

initial reports seem to be all indicating very high turnout with places like philly and fulton county georgia already hitting 75% of their 2020 totals.

that should in theory be very good for harris, but who knows.

also charlie kirk is whining on twitter about the turnout which also seems like a positive sign.

what about guam

by Gorgonian k

what about guam

record breaking 16% turnout. not sure how that one will play out just yet...

tbh i dont know how many registered voters are in guam.. but there were 29k votes on their election that actually counted out of like 172k people

I speak for all the Danes (I asked them) when I say, go Kamala!

by Slighted k

initial reports seem to be all indicating very high turnout with places like philly and fulton county georgia already hitting 75% of their 2020 totals.

that should in theory be very good for harris, but who knows.

also charlie kirk is whining on twitter about the turnout which also seems like a positive sign.

thought dems all vote by mail and in person is derp maga

by formula72 k

PA is obviously everything this race.

DEMS get exactly 270 if they lose all swing states but win PA MI WI

GOP gets exactly 270 if they win PA but lose MI WI NV AZ - assuming i didn't mess up a state

I don't see anyway trump loses Arizona. Almost everyone has removed it as a toss up at this point . Remaining toss ups include:

Georgia (heavily R leaning)
North Carolina ( R leaning)
Nevada (toss up)
Wisconsin ( D leaning)
Pennsyvania ( toss up and the closest of all)
Michigan ( heavily D leaning)
