The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Crossnerd k

two overly qualified women

funniest thing Ive read in a while. I'd vote for Rococo over Kamala

Swing states gonna swing state. The map is filling in with mostly just the swing states left. Anyone's ball game still. No single swing states was a must win.

by coordi k

When the exit polls say that they are voting for the economy and his only economic plan is tariff then its absolutely the fault of the voter for being too stupid to understand that Trumps plan is objectively awful

Exit polls trump has massively outperformed in the latin and black vote

the dems went all-in with identity politics in nominating their candidate and the entire platform. They've spent almost a decade screaming about how racist trump is and pandering to minorities. it's clearly failing

by wheatrich k

It's a small miss this time at least (except in FL and whatever the heck drugs seltzer was on)

Lol Texas is +14% , 81% of the vote in , +6.6% on 538 polling average

So trump is going to win every swing state!?

by Luciom k

You really consider law degrees or winning elections in a mono-party state running for the mono-party are qualifications for anything?

I don't. I assess qualifications based mainly on participation in wrestling and reality TV.

by wreckem713 k

funniest thing Ive read in a while. I'd vote for Rococo over Kamala

Somehow I suspect that this is meant to be an insult directed at me rather than a compliment.

by d2_e4 k

Well, this is all looking pretty ****ed. I'm going back to bed. Let's see if those promised middle of the night vote dumps for Harris materialise.

Yep. I'm signing off as well.

by Luciom k

You really consider law degrees or winning elections in a mono-party state running for the mono-party are qualifications for anything?

Vs reality star and failed business owner? Of course.

by Rococo k

I am not as upset at the prospect of Trump winning this election as I was in 2016. In 2016, I was dismayed because I knew how bad he would be and my baseline expectations for American politics were much higher than they are now. But going into this election, I think that I knew in my gut that our politics were fundamentally broken, no matter how the election turned out.

Thank you! I'm not sure how people still avoid this conclusion... I mean, I know here it is a lot of "everything's fine in my UMC gated community, therefore everything's fine."

A lot of Trump voters know he is a sack of crap. Rather than accept more of the status quo, they want to throw that sack of crap through their windows.

It's time to move past "nothing will fundamentally change" and "keep America great" and make fundamental changes so that there are options preferable to a sack of crap.

Even if Harris squeaks it out, this should be a wake up call. As you alluded too, we've already hit the snooze bar too many times.

by LimpDitka k

So trump is going to win every swing state!?

Not even sure he wins the election yet.

by Luciom k

Lol Texas is +14% , 81% of the vote in , +6.6% on 538 polling average

That's within a poll's quoted MOE just from random error.

by wreckem713 k

funniest thing Ive read in a while. I'd vote for Rococo over Kamala

I totally would as well, and that's a compliment. I'd also vote for him over Trump any day.

by the pleasure k

Why the **** arent any of you mentioning she legit polled worse than Biden, Pete, Sanders, warren in her ****ing primary?

even biden in 2012 and clinton in 2016primaries polled way better than her stats wise compared to her

Yeah, selecting awful candidates is down to the Dems, can't blame the voters for that.

So yea, thanks Dems and thanks America - another 4 years of crossing my fingers hoping we don't sleepwalk into WW3.

I'm still betting Harris. Plenty of time for the rig to come in. Just like in 2020.

by Rococo k

Somehow I suspect that this is meant to be an insult directed at me rather than a compliment.

not at all. take it how you want

tbf if harris is stil in it then why arnt you guys takign her at 5cents, thats insane value isnt it?

by Crossnerd k

Vs reality star and failed business owner? Of course.

That was the situation in 2016.

In fact i didn't comment your proposition with regard to Trump v Clinton. It was very fair at the time to consider HRC more qualified, under several axis.

But then Trump was president, nominated judges, wrote executive orders and so on.

After that it's obvious that in the Trump v Harris race, you can't use "overqualification" to describe Harris at all (which is far less qualified than HRC was in 2016).

You can despise many or all Trump decisions when he was president, but voters can disagree with you. And that would be a matter of political preference, not qualifications.

by Elrazor k

Yeah, selecting awful candidates is down to the Dems, can't blame the voters for that.

So yea, thanks Dems and thanks America - another 4 years of crossing my fingers hoping we don't sleepwalk into WW3.

4 years? This dictatorship is going at least 10

I bet on KH on Robinhood. I can pull out now and get about 1/3 of my bet back. Let it ride or surrender?

guys, PA isnt getting 300k late night mail in ballots this time around. shesnot gettign 200k mail in ballots for her due to mail in this year like 2020

So if Trump wins, will his strategy be:

1 - "What I exposed in 2020 led to a fair election this time."


2 - "They still cheated, but couldn't do it well enough this time - maybe because of more mail-in ballots due to covid."

The upside, is he will pick up a couple of more impeachments and move his stat from owning 50% of impeachments to 67%.

by LimpDitka k

So trump is going to win every swing state!?

It's possible right now, but probably not. But he wouldn't need to any one of PA WI MI would be enough by itself

by integratedlift23 k

I bet on KH on Robinhood. I can pull out now and get about 1/3 of my bet back. Let it ride or surrender?

ride it if you got good value unles it wa a large chunk of sum

by the pleasure k

ride it if you got good value unles it wa a large chunk of sum

Only like $3k. I’ll be fine without it. I bought when she was at 45%. Stand to win like $6,700 if she wins.

Twitter doomerism scaring me a bit.
