The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Boebert gets to put off having to start an OnlyFans for at least another two years.

by rickroll k

lolcats, the reality distortion field is real - you make a dozen bold claims about how it will end each day - only once did you mention you could be wrong

revisionism at its finest - good thing you threw it in there just a token post of your thousands in this thread to hedge your bets come election day

So many receipts to cash in.

And they will be cashed in.

by Land O Lakes k

Boebert gets to put off having to start an OnlyFans for at least another two years.

Who says she'll put is off?

by checkraisdraw k

He made verbal promises but his actual platform is scant. He only really promised to do big energy, big deport, big tariff, and big america first education

big on deregulation is already better than what democrats propose by a big margin.

Trump is a problem if you care about NATO, Ukraine, and illegal immigrants.

EDIT: and ofc tariffs can be very toxic

This is Fox News' current state. Eleven states still up for grabs and 7 of the 11 are the swing states. Nothing has changed for may months. Even your beloved Fox is NOT calling a single swing state. Yet it is funny watching some of you call it. This was all expected and it is too early to call still.

Sup guys. 😀

by rickroll k

lolcats, the reality distortion field is real - you make a dozen bold claims about how it will end each day - only once did you mention you could be wrong

revisionism at its finest - good thing you threw it in there just a token post of your thousands in this thread to hedge your bets come election day

He admitted he was wrong?

Wow that's a first.

In denial, you love to see it!

by ladybruin k

This is Fox News' current state. Eleven states still up for gras and 7 of the 11 are the swing states. Nothing has changed. Even Fox is NOT calling it. yet it is funny watching some of you call it. This was all expected and it is too early to call still.

I agree, but NC just got called for Trump and GA isn't far behind

by ladybruin k

This is Fox News' current state. Eleven states still up for grabs and 7 of the 11 are the swing states. Nothing has changed for may months. Even Fox is NOT calling it. yet it is funny watching some of you call it. This was all expected and it is too early to call still.

This is the copium I need, inject it into my veins!

by zers k

I don't think that's the problem. There are a ton of factors, obviously, but Kamala and Hillary come off as fake and uninspiring to a lot of voters. Find a liberal with a disposition like Nikki Haley, and the Dems would do better.

When you believe that race, gender and sexual orientation are the most important things about a person, then you are going to be at odds with how the world actually works and you can't blame people for not falling for this nonsense.

So wayne county in DET are 9-1 votes for harris left but other counties are a lot closer than what biden had in 2020

I thought trump wins PA but def loses M im surprised hes done better in MI thanwe thought

by the pleasure k

I think what is being said or thoguht is that if its 70-30 % then trump stil can edge out

Sup bro. 😀

Bitcoiners gonna drive it up to 100K+ by Christmas.

You hate to see it

by Tien k

Bitcoiners gonna drive it up to 100K+ by Christmas.


by ladybruin k

This is Fox News' current state. Eleven states still up for grabs and 7 of the 11 are the swing states. Nothing has changed for may months. Even your beloved Fox is NOT calling a single swing state. Yet it is funny watching some of you call it. This was all expected and it is too early to call still.

It was expected to reach this hour with this map, true.

What wasn't expected was to reach it with Trump overperfoming basically everywhere, which means it's very hard for the "mail vote dump" to bail Harris out in enough states for her to win (still possible)

Senate flipped
Red wave...

The economy and the Woke nonsense sunk Harris.

by mongidig k

The economy and the Woke nonsense sunk Harris.

Economy wasnt even bidens fault but the woke stuff getting shoved in early 2023 prolly hurt but I thought reds dying on abortion hill would even it out

i wantto see the overal women vote when is done

by the pleasure k

yeah the night is still early we will know more a bit after midnight but tbh its what i said a few weeks ago, this is who the dems wanted, someone who legit got smcaked in her state in 2020 and polled way more worse than warren, sanders, pete and biden

biden beat trump in 2020 he legit smacked trump

whe iasked you guys why are you all okay with dems running harris I got the "who cares at least shes not trump dude" as if thats enough to win

ding ding ding ding

this was just a series of unforced errors - this was a disaster of their own crafting

can't wait until thread blames stein for this loss tomorrow

This ended up being a very prescient meme:

If if harris loses tho, I will say she faired a hell of a lot better than I thought she would do in any other nom or election. she did the best she could imo idk what mistakes her and her team did this election

by mongidig k

The economy and the Woke nonsense sunk Harris.

You aren't wrong.

by Elrazor k

When you believe that race, gender and sexual orientation are the most important things about a person, then you are going to be at odds with how the world actually works and you can't blame people for not falling for this nonsense.

Reality is not Woke.

The correction was always coming, just a matter of when.
