The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

no, why do you think republicans having a trifecta and scotus would cause elections to be rigged? you had an election in 2018 and democrats swept the floor

Because they've made attempts to in the past, and the checks and balances that prevented it would be gone. I mean how many was it again that voted to decertify 2020?

by wheatrich k

gonna bet donald trump to win the R nomination just from them trying to come up with some bullshit to do it. THAT ONLY MEANS CONSECUTIVE TERMS.

They don't call it "catch 22" for nothing

how woudl you guys react to van jons saying this hurts black and black women where biden won the vote more than harris.

how do you think he should respond?
legit biden did better with that vote than haris

by formula72 k

The house is almost a flip.

2020 was a perfect storm for dems and they barely won. They even had Jorgy the libertarian syphon off 2 million votes for them. Now the reps got West and Stein.

So still a glimmer of hope. Txs

by Montrealcorp k

there not the same.
each freakn time in the last 20 years democrats had to print because gfc 2008 and covid.
democrats was faced with massive economical problems.

trump did 8 trillions with tax cut, all time low unemployment in a non recessionary economy and printing money....

Not arguing this point at all, as it is true. The future printing will need to be done by both regardless, simply to pay interest on past debt. Its like 5 billion a day or some dumb **** right now. A true death spiral. Nothing stops this train.

by Gonzirra k

Because they've made attempts to in the past, and the checks and balances that prevented it would be gone. I mean how many was it again that voted to decertify 2020?

They will surely use the full power of the state to cement their power as it is allowed to do within the boundaries of the constitution as interpreted by SCOTUS, as the rule of law requires and allows.

If they are smart.

Which is what democrats do when they govern.

Democrats want to extend the franchise to millions of foreigners under the assumption those people will vote for them in perpetuity, that would be democratic right? then the totality of the non-unconstitutional provisions republicans will implement to increase their chances to win are fully democratic as well.

by DonkJr k

Complete and utter nonsense. You know what Obama did that made him much more qualified than Harris? He ran in a hard-fought primary and won.

lol at thinking trolly represents anyone - he's a ideologue fanatic cultist best left on ignore

by Gonzirra k

Just for fun imagine Harris coming on at 3am shitfaced out of her mind and claiming rigged

You got a laugh outa me

Harris at 1.4% on poly

by Luciom k

Wonna bet you will have an election in 2026? i can lay you 5:1, if i can escrow interest generating assets

That's a mug bet. Even russia has elections

selzer poll really came in!!!!!!!!!
great job for her being bold

by chezlaw k

That's a mug bet. Even russia has elections

Elections that will be considered fair by [you can name the western organization that makes the call]

by the pleasure k

selzer poll really came in!!!!!!!!!
great job for her being bold

she was only off by 17 points, within the margin of error according to ecritude

Call me the crazy one but I just don't think its a good idea to hand over full control of our country to people who believe the earth is 3000 years old and that women are merely vessles for male seed

by coordi k

Call me the crazy one but I just don't think its a good idea to hand over full control of our country to people who believe the earth is 3000 years old and that women are merely vessles for male seed

real talk. ow dogshit he is, last tiem he was in ofice, outside covid which wasnt 100% his fault, things werent as doom and gloom and gaalxy ending as people thought. we didn thave russia be hypoer aggro etc

hopefully things are as calm as they get in his tenure and then dems can reds can regroup effectively

but all this talk about him ending the world as we know it is kinda riiculous. it didnt happen in 2016-2020 until a certain covid came which legit was out of anyones control..besdies china

by Luciom k

Harris at 1.4% on poly

So you're saying there's a chance

by coordi k

Call me the crazy one but I just don't think its a good idea to hand over full control of our country to people who believe the earth is 3000 years old and that women are merely vessles for male seed

I have been saying for months that i would have preferred a divided government, but i won't for an instant concede that a republican trifecta is worse than a democrat trifecta.

It's not even vaguely close, because rightwing judges are exceptionally better than leftwing judges.

The perfect outcome would have been Trump presiden, republican senate, democratic house. But that was so low-probability i preferred to stan for Harris president- republican senate (given the latter was very very probable).

But the way things are going, i am obviously hoping the house goes to democrats.

The amazing thing was selzer *was* the most accurate pollster. An outlier does happen in polling every 4 years but that was an outlier of outliers.

by Luciom k

So what would "insane" republicans in the white house do, that would prevent the USA in 2026 to have a normal fair election?

Well they have been floating around reducing the amount of representatives or something crazy like that to make it impossible for Dems to win. They can also close a bunch of polling places if they gain control of state houses. They can declare emergency powers and not have any checks and balances on what they can do.

You forget that a lot of the American system is reliant on norms.

For the Ukers: Among the people spending the evening with trump's in crowd is farage.

it's a nightmare

by hole in wan k

Exit polls trump has massively outperformed in the latin and black vote

the dems went all-in with identity politics in nominating their candidate and the entire platform. They've spent almost a decade screaming about how racist trump is and pandering to minorities. it's clearly failing

Will they ever learn?

Of all the states left on the board, Pennsylvania is a must win for Harris. No other state is a must win for either candidate. Other than that, this crap could go on for hours to come.

I currently see it at Trump up 120,000 votes with 93% reported, but what remains is largely Harris leaning city votes. But 7% remaining is tiny. She probably need 75%+ of what is left.

I would have loved Harris president - republican senate, with the senate refusing to have ANY HEARING on ANY NOMINEE by Harris for ALL POSITIONS.

by coordi k

and the supreme court

We might never see an election again

He will do almost nothing, just like 2016, except extend the tax cuts, end the bullshit war in Ukraine and not invade Iran. Better than the alternative

Kamala conceding by noon. [sources]
