Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33271 Replies


by DoyleBrunsonFan k

I don’t think this is a conservative vs liberal issue. Antisemitism has been on the rise since there were calls to globalize the intifada.

Fwiw, I think the guy from that video was probably looking to provoke the shop owner and knew ahead of time exactly what his reaction would be.

He should have been allowed to get his drink and sit there if all he was doing was wearing the hat, but 100% he knew ahead. The cafe has drinks called "Iced In Tea Fada" and "Sweet Sinwar" on the menu. He was hoping for a confrontation.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

I don’t think this is a conservative vs liberal issue. Antisemitism has been on the rise since there were calls to globalize the intifada.

Fwiw, I think the guy from that video was probably looking to provoke the shop owner and knew ahead of time exactly what his reaction would be.

You think he brought his 5 year old son to be aggressively yelled at and threatened? It is possible, but more likely he was caught unawares, but decided to stick up for himself anyways. Some, but not most, people are just wired that way. This is probably not the first person that was discriminated against and bullied out of that shop, but the majority of people (myself included) would just meekly leave.

by Dunyain k

You literally went to a multi day protest where "Zionists" were singled out and told where they were and were not allowed to walk in public, and the authorities did nothing. This would never happen for the vast majority of identity groups, as authorities would not permit such behavior.

This is an Apartheid state by definition.

I don't know whether the first part of the bolded is true or not. I was free to walk around the outside of the area on the grass they occupied without anyone asking or knowing anything about me. I didn't go try to go inside because there was a long line. I had the impression they just asked you not to ****, fight or do drugs, but I didn't hear the whole thing.

As for the second part, well, they did nothing for a little while and then the cops busted it up.

by Dunyain k

You think he brought his 5 year old son to be aggressively yelled at and threatened? It is possible, but more likely he was caught unawares, but decided to stick up for himself anyways. Some, but not most, people are just wired that way. This is probably not the first person that was discriminated against and bullied out of that shop, but the majority of people (myself included) would just meekly leave.

Yeah, I think he set it up to be a confrontation. He wasn't just wearing a chai, he was wearing an Israel hat. Not a Jewish hat. An Israel hat. It's not a Jewish thing to wear a star of David hat like that. There's almost no way he didn't notice the Jerusalem Cafe was Palestinian in 5 seconds after seeing it wasn't Jewish and looking at the menu. I mean, he surely knew it before stepping into the cafe, but if he didn't, he would have immediately known afterwards.

I'm looking a their Yelp page. One review from Oct 9th this year

"Burnt tasting coffee, terrible food, overpriced juice, rude staff. This place is the Holocaust of coffee shops. Never again."

From 3 weeks ago


Are you globalizing the intifada?


They are indeed, and with each $10 Sinwar-themed carrot juice they follow in the footsteps of their idols in Hamas by profiteering shamelessly off Palestinian suffering from the comfort of a First World cafe."

by Dunyain k

You think he brought his 5 year old son to be aggressively yelled at and threatened? It is possible, but more likely he was caught unawares, but decided to stick up for himself anyways. Some, but not most, people are just wired that way. This is probably not the first person that was discriminated against and bullied out of that shop, but the majority of people (myself included) would just meekly leave.

People do crazy things to go viral and there’s manufactured rage bait coming from both sides. The shop owner’s response was disgusting, but I do think there’s a good chance the guy went in with the intention to film that exact reaction. The place didn’t look like it was being subtle with their support for Hamas.

If you assume that every viral social media video on whatever topic, including race-baiting ones, are manufactured you're going to be right 99% of the time.

by Elrazor k

If you assume that every viral social media video on whatever topic, including race-baiting ones, are manufactured you're going to be right 99% of the time.

Not so sure. We got several videos about Biden displays of lack of coherence which were called manufactured , only for the debate to clarify that oops, they weren't made up after all

"Zionism is a very bad thing for Jews because it creates antisemitism... it has nothing to do with the religion of Judaism, it's colonial ideology"

by microbet k

He should have been allowed to get his drink and sit there if all he was doing was wearing the hat, but 100% he knew ahead. The cafe has drinks called "Iced In Tea Fada" and "Sweet Sinwar" on the menu.

Sweet Sinwar? 😆

Well nothing shouts inclusive like having something on the menu named after a homophobic anti Semitic mass murderer. Sounds like a very friendly pleasant place to visit.

He was hoping for a confrontation.

Well you don't actually know that and he also had his kid with him, so you're implying he was willing to risk his child's safety.
But let's say you're right- so what? Owner should have risen above it. You can't discriminate against people for wearing a star of David hat. You can't demand that customers disclose whether they're Zionists or not. Those things supersede whether or not the guy was looking for a confrontation, in terms of importance. I hope he's successful in his lawsuit.

by microbet k

Yeah, I think he set it up to be a confrontation. He wasn't just wearing a chai, he was wearing an Israel hat. Not a Jewish hat. An Israel hat. It's not a Jewish thing to wear a star of David hat like that. There's almost no way he didn't notice the Jerusalem Cafe was Palestinian in 5 seconds after seeing it wasn't Jewish and looking at the menu. I mean, he surely knew it before stepping into the cafe, but if he didn't, he would have immediately known afterwards.

And? I'm sensing an implication that the owner's reaction was therefore fully justified. It wasn't. Again Even if- and that's a big mfng if- he was indeed looking for a reaction.

You can, as the owner of private premises, refuse to serve anyone and ask them to leave without giving them a reason.

Haaretz suggests that soldiers disobey orders to ethnically cleanse northern Gaza. Not that that's really happening.

with the IDF assault on northern Gaza leading to expulsion of Palestinian civilians and a humanitarian crisis, some Israelis believe that these are war crimes and illegal orders that soldiers are obliged to refuse

The ceasefire talks with Lebanon are stalling on the issue of enforcing UN Resolution 1701.

Lebanon and the UN want to go back to the pre war status quo where there is no enforcement, and Hezbollah has carte blanche to do whatever it wants. And Israel wants authority to enforce the resolution itself, as no on else will. And the Lebanon govt does not find this acceptable.

ceasefire means that Israel continues to murder at will and the other side is not allowed to shoot back.

by corpus vile k

Sweet Sinwar? 😆

Well nothing shouts inclusive like having something on the menu named after a homophobic anti Semitic mass murderer. Sounds like a very friendly pleasant place to visit.

Well you don't actually know that and he also had his kid with him, so you're implying he was willing to risk his child's safety.
But let's say you're right- so what? Owner should have risen above it. You can't discriminate against people for wearing a star of David hat. You can't demand that customers disclose wh

How can I possibly react to the last paragraph without calling you names? You quoted where I said he should have been left to drink his drink in peace and then you suggest I am saying the owner was justified?

I'll take the ban. You're a dumb mother****er.

50+ dead Lebanese last night and we're upset about some guy who got yelled at. Amazing.

I wonder how corpus would feel about wearing a keffiyeh to an Israeli restaurant.

or how he would feel about a book about Hamas being sold at a bookstore.

by Victor k

ceasefire means that Israel continues to murder at will and the other side is not allowed to shoot back.

Why are Hezbollah, Hamas, and their supporters constantly clamoring for ceasefires then? Doesn’t make sense to continuously push for a ceasefire if that’s the case.

the ceasefire demands of both sides are pretty clear.

by Trolly McTrollson k

50+ dead Lebanese last night and we're upset about some guy who got yelled at. Amazing.

I’m sure thousands of people died in car crashes yesterday, so I guess you can’t be mad about the 50 people that died.

What an insanely stupid statement lmao

by checkraisdraw k

I’m sure thousands of people died in car crashes yesterday, so I guess you can’t be mad about the 50 people that died.

What an insanely stupid statement lmao

It's horrible to say and all, but I like radical honesty...emotionally, arguing in the thread affects me more than people on either side dying as long as I avoid pictures of mangled bodies. Multiple thousands of children die horrible deaths from disease and malnutrition every single day which are easily preventable. What people actually care about is not unrelated to human suffering, but it's certainly not just finding the suffering in the world and caring in direct proportion - not for most people.

by Victor k

I wonder how corpus would feel about wearing a keffiyeh to an Israeli restaurant.

or how he would feel about a book about Hamas being sold at a bookstore.

Why wonder?

come to Israel and find out. there are hundreds of hundreds of Muslim owned restaurants all over, with people wearing Keffiyehs.

Hack, my favorite restaurant in Haifa is owned by a chef that loves wearing Keffiyehs. the only time I voiced a concern about it was when he wore a Keffiyeh during august. it is really hot here in august.

no in the states. liable to get shot here.

we get people kicked off of airplanes and out of public venues all the time for showing the Palestinian flag too.
