Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33344 Replies



I just lost a friend in Lebanon and im very pessimistic about the future now.

if you're going through hell, keep going

by corpus vile k

I don't see any genocide and certainly don't see anyone cheering it on either. It's impossible to take any argument seriously from posters who bandy loaded emotive terms about like genocide or apartheid.

millions of people and dozens of countries telling you it's it a genocide .

what number or percentage gets that agreement in your end ? 90%?

by BOIDS k

if you're going through hell, keep going

What if you're part of the force that deliberately created the hell, though?

billions of people and hundreds of countries tell me that their chosen skyman is going to judge me after i die - best to stick with the merits of the arguments rather than weight of numbers

and a careful look at the arguments strongly suggest NO GENOCIDE!

by BOIDS k

if you're going through hell, keep going

thnaks man.


But they are far from being the most-watched news source. and they are viewed by 260,000 thousand on average. not exactly a powerhouse.

Last month Channel 14, also known as Now 14, beat Israel’s principal mainstream news outlet, Channel 12, in viewer ratings when 343,000 Israelis watched Channel 14’s “Patriots” talkshow, known for its virulent rhetoric on Gaza.

That's a powerhouse.

by jalfrezi k

What if you're part of the force that deliberately created the hell, though?

the best quality I see in some people is their empathy.


with this logic, every Palestinian deserved everything that has happened.

even if god existed, he could not have helped this stupidity.

by Bill Haywood k

That's a powerhouse.

"the Patriots" is not a news show, but some weired talk show with 5 KKK members and one token liberal.

you cannot compare a show like that to a news show, as this is entertainment and as such has higher ratings.

Prob the worst show on TV, not including big brother

are you implying that the guy who had never heard of channel 12 until this morning doesnt know what the **** he's on about

Also, 360,000 is a small number. If you compare channel 14 to just one other channel, then it seems they have a big reach.

but if you understand that all the rest of the big channels- 11, 12, 13, and all the big online medias, are all liberal, and except channel 14 there is one more very small new channel (i24 or something like that), than you realize the big picture, and what most Israelis support.


the best quality I see in some people is their empathy.


with this logic, every Palestinian deserved everything that has happened.

even if god existed, he could not have helped this stupidity.

If you volunteered to join the IDF you're obviously part of the group responsible for unimaginable violence against men, women and children.

Not true of the vast majority of Palestinians.

Would you like me to post more photos of babies with their heads blown off?

by MyrnaFTW k

millions of people and dozens of countries telling you it's it a genocide .

what number or percentage gets that agreement in your end ? 90%?

Do you ever think about what you’re posing before clicking the “Submit Reply” button? Maybe he’s not using “majority rules” to analyze complex real world issues. And even if he was, I’m not sure that would change anything. Millions of people and dozens of countries is a pretty vague metric.

by Dunyain k

I dont think there is mod bias in favor of pro Palestinian posters. I just think this forum gives leeway to post antisemetic propaganda whose exact purpose is to dehumanize Jews. And I dont think the mod being Jewish (or Jewish adjacent) means this isn't true.

The stuff Jalfrezi mainlines and then regurgitates in this forum isn't "journalism" whose purpose is to bring truth, or reconciliation, or further the discourse. It is just propaganda (in my opinion most of it not true) to sow division

Again I wouldn't agree re leeway, as such but do agree that such tweets and some of the terminology used by others is indeed divisive.

by MyrnaFTW k

millions of people and dozens of countries telling you it's it a genocide .

what number or percentage gets that agreement in your end ? 90%?

You want me to go by argumentum ad populum? I can't do that as it's fallacious. Millions of people think One Direction's music was great. Doesn't mean they're correct.

by jalfrezi k

If you volunteered to join the IDF you're obviously part of the group responsible for unimaginable violence against men, women and children.

Not true of the vast majority of Palestinians.

Would you like me to post more photos of babies with their heads blown off?

Jesus, what's wrong with you?

by jalfrezi k

If you volunteered to join the IDF you're obviously part of the group responsible for unimaginable violence against men, women and children.

Not true of the vast majority of Palestinians.

Would you like me to post more photos of babies with their heads blown off?

IDF is conscripted mate

The babies were probably killed by hamas as a false flag, we know they have no problem with baby killing

^ I don’t actually believe that but just using the logic of the pro-Hamas people here

by checkraisdraw k

IDF is conscripted mate

Nonsense. Obviously the officers aren't.

Also the IDF doesn't conscript Arabs who are Muslim or Christian.



In a world where Dr. Hassan Diab is going to lecture western students on social justice in action, and Dr. Mohammad Marandi is a highly requested "scholar" on the conflict, no wonder why critical thinking is in a decline.

I once was in a lecture held by the late Prof. Daniel Kahneman. He was asked by a Muslim student, why are there more Israeli Nobel prize winners than Muslims (not including peace prizes) and why so many many jews won the prize.

I dont remember the exact answer, as I was not reall

I'm sorry for you losng you friend. It's very hard to see any optimism now, it really sucks.

The trouble with the keep going through hell idea is that winners say it but you can go alot deeper and the losers are in hell as well. There's a lot of hell to go round - imagine being a Palastinian for a moment.

Only positive thought I have is 'this too shall pass'. Plus a tiny hope that Harris will win and see a peace process as a prime objective

by jalfrezi k

Also the IDF doesn't conscript Arabs who are Muslim or Christian.


The US doesn’t conscript women (it’s apartheid)

by jalfrezi k

Also the IDF doesn't conscript Arabs who are Muslim or Christian.


that's called privilege.

apartheid could be mentioned if Arab Israeli were legally barred from being part of Israeli armed forced.

but they aren't so...

It's not privilege, obviously - it's because the apartheid state of Israel doesn't trust its own Arab citizens with weapons.

by checkraisdraw k

The US doesn’t conscript women (it’s apartheid)

Sexual discrimination is not apartheid.

by chezlaw k

Plus a tiny hope that Harris will win and see a peace process as a prime objective

So tiny the most powerful electron microscope couldn't pick it up.

Prosecutor cop Harris is more likely to escalate than pursue peace.

I wouldn't argue with less likely. But that doesn't make it microscopic.

I don't discount Harris because of the past. I think that's a minor case of the huge fallacy we see a lot in this thread. It's rarely the pure who make peace
