Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


I've heard that Israel is building a multi million dollar facility to help train Jews living in the West Bank how to better defend themselves.

Hamas is the one not cooperating.

bro wat

by gotwoot k

Unfortunately for you as the saying goes you made your bed now lay in it.

When you're a bad boy and you secretly like to sheet on things sooner or later you end up eating some of it.

“Have you considered NOT abusing maiming and murdering Palestinians in the thousands year after year after year after year?” - Me

Who do you think has eaten more "sheet" in the last year and a half?

by mongidig k

Who do you think has eaten more "sheet" in the last year and a half?

This is for sure something to be proud of.


just disappearing people bc they dont support Israel's right to do industrial scale mass murder

these are "American" values

by Victor k

just disappearing people bc they dont support Israel's right to do industrial scale mass murder

these are "American" values

by mongidig k

Golda Meir was a great women. She has some amazing quotes that speak the truth. Not everyone wants to hear the truth. She wanted nothing more than there to be peace. I don't think any of her quotes are racist. I'm not shocked that you would think that.

Golda Meir was a jingoist whose most famous quote is “There was no such thing as Palestinians.” I’m not surprised she is someone you lionize.

by Crossnerd k

Golda Meir was a jingoist whose most famous quote is “There was no such thing as Palestinians.” I’m not surprised she is someone you lionize.

Nah, it is definitely this one:

"Peace in the Middle East will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us"

by Victor k

just disappearing people bc they dont support Israel's right to do industrial scale mass murder

these are "American" values

First off, the chance this story as reported in this tweet is 100% true is pretty much nil. Probably some half truths.

Second, pretty much every county outside of Europe, Canada, US and a few others, if you are on a student visa and engage in activism against the host nation, you are on the first plane ride back home. Every Arab country this would definitely be the case.

I assume this person has been engaged in activism directed against US actions for years, and the fact it has been tolerated as long as it has is a sign of our tremendous tolerance.

And again, we have no clue what he was even detained for, or if it was related to activism. Maybe he was here illegally? I dont know if you remember or not, but the US had an election last year (which you declined to participate in) and elected a President who ran on a platform of finding people who are here illegally and deporting them. If you dont like this, I suggest you vote next election for a candidate with a more preferable platform.

That story is reported in the media. And, according to his attorney, as reported by the Associated Press, he's a permanent resident with a green card.

by microbet k

That story is reported in the media. And, according to his attorney, as reported by the Associated Press, he's a permanent resident with a green card.

OK. I read the AP story. Sounds like the ICE agent the lawyer talked to didn't really know exactly why he was being arrested. Which happens often. I wouldn't read too much into that. The agents are just there to execute the arrest warrant; they aren't lawyers. So whether he was a student or on a permanent green card isn't really relevant.

According to the AP story, The Department of Homeland Security clarified it was due to his activism. I honestly dont know how many countries in the world would allow a foreign resident to engage in years of highly disruptive activism supporting a proscribed terrorist organization for committing an atrocity like 10/7. But for good or bad, you can clearly check the US off that (probably very short) list, at least under the current administration.

by Dunyain k

OK. I read the AP story. Sounds like the ICE agent the lawyer talked to didn't really know exactly why he was being arrested. Which happens often. I wouldn't read too much into that. The agents are just there to execute the arrest warrant; they aren't lawyers. So whether he was a student or on a permanent green card isn't really relevant.

According to the AP story, The Department of Homeland Security clarified it was due to his activism. I honestly dont know how many countries in the world

He was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Unless he was importing and exporting goods, his residency status is probably relevant.

by microbet k

He was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Unless he was importing and exporting goods, his residency status is probably relevant.

I meant it isn't relevant that the ICE agent didn't give a good answer. Arresting officers that are executing warrants often dont. And the AP article says the DHS clarified what the arrest was for.

I guess if we want to be generous we can give the person making the tweet the benefit of the doubt that he he didn't yet know from DHS what the arrest was for when he made the tweet. Otherwise by insinuating there was some error he was being dishonest.

by Dunyain k

OK. I read the AP story. Sounds like the ICE agent the lawyer talked to didn't really know exactly why he was being arrested. Which happens often. I wouldn't read too much into that. The agents are just there to execute the arrest warrant; they aren't lawyers. So whether he was a student or on a permanent green card isn't really relevant.

According to the AP story, The Department of Homeland Security clarified it was due to his activism. I honestly dont know how many countries in the world

I guess it would mostly be places that value and protect free speech. Cracking down on student activism is definitely always a good look

As I said before, it appears he was actively involved in extremely disprutive activism for years prior to this arrest. What nation would allow foreign residents to engage in years of disruptive activism of dubious legality? Like I said, it cant be a long list.

What would be very interesting is seeing if he was a paid foreign agent of either Qatar or Iran, or some group they fund. Would not be surprising at all.

by Dunyain k

As I said before, it appears he was actively involved in extremely disprutive activism for years prior to this arrest. What nation would allow foreign residents to engage in years of disruptive activism of dubious legality? Like I said, it cant be a long list.

What would be very interesting is seeing if he was a paid foreign agent of either Qatar or Iran, or some group they fund. Would not be surprising at all.

I'll give you 3 to 1 that you can't prove to some poster we both trust, say Rococo?, that, based on a preponderance of the evidence that he was compensated in any significant financial way to protest - give it 6 months to shake out.

(if you want to put a dollar amount on significant that'd be fine, I just don't want to lose because he got a shirt or free lunch or stuff like that)

by microbet k

I'll give you 3 to 1 that you can't prove to some poster we both trust, say Rococo?, that, based on a preponderance of the evidence that he was compensated in any significant financial way to protest - give it 6 months to shake out.

(if you want to put a dollar amount on significant that'd be fine, I just don't want to lose because he got a shirt or free lunch or stuff like that)

How would such evidence even come out? I dont expect he is going to go on a drug bender and forget a laptop with all his personal information on it in a repair shop indefinitely. I said it would be interesting to see, but I dont suspect he would be willing to let me (or anyone else) go through his finances to find out. Nor should he.

by Dunyain k

How would such evidence even come out? I dont expect he is going to go on a drug bender and forget a laptop with all his personal information on it in a repair shop indefinitely. I said it would be interesting to see, but I dont suspect he would be willing to let me (or anyone else) go through his finances to find out. Nor should he.

So when you say you wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was paid, you mean that you expect there's a reasonable chance that you will come to the conclusion that he was paid without any compelling evidence?

by microbet k

So when you say you wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was paid, you mean that you expect there's a reasonable chance that you will come to the conclusion that he was paid without any compelling evidence?

No. I said I wouldn't' be surprised if he was. I dont think it is very likely I ever would ever find out one way or another. Certainly not 3:1.

Conversely, I would be extremely surprised if it came out he was a Mossad agent.

by Dunyain k

First off, the chance this story as reported in this tweet is 100% true is pretty much nil. Probably some half truths.

just shut the **** up

by Dunyain k

As I said before, it appears he was actively involved in extremely disprutive activism for years


Therefore, it's very cool to throw him in a cage and not tell his lawyer or pregnant wife or anybody else where he is. It's cool to revoke the green cards of people for the great sin of criticizing America and its favorite partner in murder. You ****ing fascist.

by Dunyain k

What would be very interesting is seeing if he was a paid foreign agent of either Qatar or Iran


No, you psychopathic piece of ****, the overwhelmingly vast percentage of people protesting things like Israeli baby murder are doing so on their own volition. I know conservatives are genetically incapable of thinking outside of themselves, but holy ****.

by Dunyain k

Nah, it is definitely this one:

"Peace in the Middle East will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us"

that stupid hag gushed waterfalls at the mere thought of dead Arabs

I've been to a bunch of protests, probably more than 50 and never heard of anyone getting paid more than some people donated food or something like that.

I'm sure there are some people who are paid as part of some activities with some groups and they *also* protest for that cause, but paid to protest? The only instances of that I believe happened in the USA are the Tea Party protests that were paid for by the Koch Network.

everybody knows the Tea Party was far more mother****ing astroturfed than any pro-Palestine or anti-cop brutality protest/organization could ever be

Dunyain is about to reply, but it'll be hard to understand him with Peter Thiel's boot shoved in his mouth like that

Israel cuts off electricity supply to Gaza, affecting a desalination plant producing drinking water

The territory and its infrastructure have been largely devastated, and most facilities, including hospitals, now use generators. Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassam said that Israel has ”practically” cut off electricity since the war began and called the latest decision part of Israel’s “starvation policy, in clear disregard for all international laws and norms.”

The desalination plant was providing 18,000 cubic meters of water per day for central Gaza’s Deir al-Balah area, according to Gisha, an Israeli organization dedicated to protecting Palestinians’ right to freedom of movement. Executive director Tania Hary said that it’s expected to run on generators and produce around 2,500 cubic meters per day, about the amount in an Olympic swimming pool.

by rafiki k

"from the River to the Sea" isn't free speech. It's just hate speech.

If we chanted slogans to hang blacks again, we'd be outraged. Those "protests" showed what happens when the left totally loses sight of what's right and what's wrong inside their own sandbox. And we saw it when the disgraced school presidents went to testify.

What if instead of saying "hang blacks again" we actually bombed innocent children because they were the wrong ethnicity in the place they were born. Would that cause outrage? I think the focus on slogans is a little misplaced in the current context of the killing of tens of thousands of people maybe more.

Some good news is public support for Israel is at a 25 year low. It turns out, unfortunately for the Zionist ethnic cleansing regime, not all Americans are total scum who agree with giving weapons total barbaric monsters.

Some bad news is there are still actually people out there who do think we should give critical support to total barbaric racist monsters. What's up with them?
