Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33308 Replies
Coward. The data is abundant. They leveled the place and Biden tried to get Egypt to accept the Gazans in exile.
The data is abundant. Israel did level the place. They have been trying to get surrounding countries to take Gazans in for years, but none of them will accept them because they are such *******s. None of that equals genocide. You're just stating some random facts and then making an assertion that is out in left field. That's not how logic works. You're welcome to call me a coward or whatever names you like, but that doesn't change anything.
They have been trying to get surrounding countries to take Gazans in for years, but none of them will accept them because they are such *******s.
hmmm, where have I heard this argument before...
Here's another really good film, for those brave enough to watch it. It's the suppressed BBC documentary How to Survive a War Zone.
A lot of it is delightful -- just kids getting by in Gaza. Other parts, not so delightful.
None of that equals genocide. You're just stating some random facts and then making an assertion that is out in left field.
It is the international consensus. Omer Bartov is a top Holocaust scholar and IDF veteran. He was skeptical that the Gaza assault met the definition of genocide, but he changed his mind.
Did these Universities not think there wouldn't be consequences for cozying up to Hamas supporters? Does partnering with "Palestinians" ever end well? Not only is Columbia losing 400 million dollars they are also gonna lose interest from people wanting to attend their antisemitc University. I told you people back then that if Trump was President these illegal occupations wouldn't have lasted more than two days.
Reveling in fascist anti intellectualism is so on brand
Na, Trump got this right.
The forensic trail on how those protests were funded and attended is clear.
There has to be a price to this sort of thing.
Now of COURSE, the fact he's a Russian asset makes it ironic, because he's coming down on foreign interference, while being the definition of foreign interference.
But in a vacuum that doesn't take into consideration how corrupt he is, this is a sound choice for any country to take. Radical Islam shouldn't have this sort of hold and influence on campus life here. That was not "organic". It's why I'm also on the "get rid of Tiktok in NA" camp.
The forensic trail on how those protests were funded and attended is clear.
people watched your country blowing up babies for a few months and tried to speak out. but go ahead, make it illegal to criticize Israel. I am sure it will work out.
Na, Trump got this right.
The forensic trail on how those protests were funded and attended is clear.
There has to be a price to this sort of thing.
Now of COURSE, the fact he's a Russian asset makes it ironic, because he's coming down on foreign interference, while being the definition of foreign interference.
But in a vacuum that doesn't take into consideration how corrupt he is, this is a sound choice for any country to take. Radical Islam shouldn't have this sort of hold and influence on cam
Cracking down on student protest is immensely fascist, or if our Italian guest is going to whine about the word, we can just say authoritarian. Jesus, if you're right and they're wrong, convince them - not with billy clubs, tear gas and prison.
Victor, do you not support Trump?
Curious if anyone noticed any call for forensic trail when Tommy Robinson & Mike Cernovich spoke there.
Encampments on private property are not "protests"
Being funded by the middle east is not "students"
A large part of the people on campus were not "students"
And encampments that make things unsafe for others are not "peaceful"
Sorry, Micro.
I swear it's less than 0.01% of people who actually support freedom of speech/expression in this world.
Unfortunately, I feel like I would be enlightening people by saying that the fixation on Hamas is misguided. Hamas is the current label to the resistance to ethnic cleansing. But you're not going to destroy resistance itself no matter what you do. People aren't going to accept being in concentration camps. People aren't going to accept being displaced from their land because some other people say "God said it was mines. He told me secretly trust me bro." Religious and ethnic supremacy are not the ideologies that we've agreed to live by. Those are ideologies we've disavowed, and Hamas is aligned with our stated ideology therefore. Maybe that is why this is so apparently confusing, because Hamas is morally righteous according to our own stated values and Israel is a black hole of immorality.
Anything conditioned on the complete destruction of or removal of Hamas is a non-starter, just a euphemism for ethnic cleansing. We've got to cut off foreign influence on our government and stop ourselves from being sucked down into the black hole called Israel. They are controlling our elections with AIPAC money. The have the supposed humanitarian opposition party making TikTok dance videos while our government is risking WW3 to fulfill some bs religious fantasy based ethnic cleansing. This has got to stop.
People aren't going to accept being displaced from their land because some other people say "God said it was mines. He told me secretly trust me bro." Religious and ethnic supremacy are not the ideologies that we've agreed to live by. Those are ideologies we've disavowed, and Hamas is aligned with our stated ideology therefore. Maybe that is why this is so apparently confusing, because Hamas is morally righteous according to our own stated values and Israel is a black hole of immorality.
Hamas is dedicated to religious and ethnic supremacy 'from the river to sea' and has no other reason for being. They just happen to be militarily and politically unable to enforce their will at present.
The funding, which wouldn't really be necessary to campus protests (protest is just a thing that students like to do as part of their social life), seems to have come mainly from US 'liberal' sources -- bearing in mind that the word 'liberal' has a very strange meaning in the US which is incomprehensible to the rest of the world, applying to the rather peculiar postures of a rather peculiar subset of rich people.
A couple of generations ago, the sort of campus tribalists who now chant 'From the river to the sea' were all busy chanting 'Ho! Ho! Ho Chi Minh!' Again they had no idea what they were on about and again they had no need of foreign funding or embedded commissars to make them act that way. (Notoriously, those privileged longhaired 1960s students in the US and Britain who thought it such fun to fight with the police, since the police are low and common, went on to become the middle-class supporters of Reagan and Thatcher in the acquisitive 1980s.)
people watched your country blowing up babies for a few months and tried to speak out. but go ahead, make it illegal to criticize Israel. I am sure it will work out.
Two "wrongs" don't make a right. If you are mad about a countries occupation then don't go occupy a campus.
Also, keep these radical protests out of my country. No one cares about your victimhood here in the Americas. We believe in accountability for ones position in the world. Stop the whining and do something different about your situation. Stop with the Jihad stupidity.
Lots of bad stuff going on in Syria right now, all being committed by Arabs against other Arabs. And the ant-Israel moral outrage crew is very agnostic (unless it is to blame the US/Israel/Jews).
Remember, when it comes to most of the anti-Israel outrage in the world (and this forum), anti-semitism is the primary motivator; not concern for innocent people 10,000 miles away. No Jews, no news.
The funding, which wouldn't really be necessary to campus protests (protest is just a thing that students like to do as part of their social life), seems to have come mainly from US 'liberal' sources -- bearing in mind that the word 'liberal' has a very strange meaning in the US which is incomprehensible to the rest of the world, applying to the rather peculiar postures of a rather peculiar subset of rich people.
One interesting difference is that this time around much of the "River to the Sea" crowd are female, and given demographic trends will not get married and have families until much later than previous generations, if at all. And starting families and having skin in the game has always been a moderating influence on young progressive females. So the fact most of these women will remain single, childless, and potentially radically progressive for the next decade or two can have a very big effect on their politics in the near to medium term.
Between America becoming less white (and hence more bigoted, as whites are much less bigoted than other races), and having less families (especially in the middle/upper classes); the trend is looking "good" for our politics to become much lower human capital, polarized towards stupid ideas (right and left wing), and more antisemitic.
Not a good trajectory for the US or Israel.