Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33311 Replies


all being committed by Arabs against other Arabs

false as usual. Western backed Chechen, Uzbek, Tajik etc "former" ISIS/AQ mercenaries are going around slaughtering Alawites with some Christians and Shias thrown in. the exact thing that the tankies predicted would happen after the West spent a trillion dollars overthrowing Assad.

and I dont know what you mean by agnostic. the pro-Palestine and pro-Resistance people are extremely upset about this.

by Dunyain k

Lots of bad stuff going on in Syria right now, all being committed by Arabs against other Arabs. And the ant-Israel moral outrage crew is very agnostic (unless it is to blame the US/Israel/Jews).

Remember, when it comes to most of the anti-Israel outrage in the world (and this forum), anti-semitism is the primary motivator; not concern for innocent people 10,000 miles away. No Jews, no news.

Israel is generally considered part of the first world. A "civilized nation"

Syria has been heavily propagandized, like much of the middle east, and especially the Islam world

Its clearly less about antisemitism and more about "Israel is a close personal ally that we are currently breeching freedom of speech to protect their interests on our own soil and I literally could not give less of a **** about what goes on in Syria"

Again, I dont think insisting everyone who is anti israel is anti semitic is productive or even remotely accurate

With demographic/polarizaiton trends in western politics, especially American politics; it does seem likely that if Israel remains as compassionate and restrained as it has been that the Ummah will eventually wear them down and drive the Jews out.

If Israel wants to survive it needs an extremely decisive victory in the next few years. And if the world doesn't let them, or if they decide survival at the potential cost of their own humanity is too big a cost, then Israel will just have to accept that it is on borrowed time.

by rafiki k

Encampments on private property are not "protests"


Did you not learn about sit-ins, sit-downs, or The Bonus Army in school? Pro Tip: the side sending in cops to smash in the heads of student protestors is generally not remembered fondly by history.

The minorities of Syria should just be happy Israel wiped out so much weaponry before the Islamists could get their hands on it; or things would probably be much worse. Also, the people living in Israel controlled zones in the SW Syria are very fortunate for Israeli protection. Too bad Israel is just too small to take over more of the country to protect as many Syrians as possible. Only so much a nation of 7 million can do, especially given security concerns on the border with Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza.

The big problem isn't that the anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses are illegal. The problem is they are morally and spiritually destructive. And our enemies (such as Iran and Qatar) know this, which is why they support them as much as they do. Whatever the legalities, the more these spectacles go on, the sicker the institutions that host them become.

Even the most narcissistic naive protestors must realize their disruptions are having zero impact on what is going on in Isael/Gaza. It is certainly doing nothing for the Palestinian people. But the protests go on because helping the Palestinian people is not the point. The point is to attack and weaken American institutions.

Protesting on American campuses is a time honored American tradition

Protesting doesn't "attack and weaken" American institutions

The president and his administration saying that colleges create woke, lethargic, anti american, brainwashed individuals has the goal of "attack and weakening" American institutions

Making free speech illegal on campuses "attacks and weakens" American institutions

These weirdo silicon valley chuds don't even believe the anti institution bullshit they spout because they all hire from and build their success off the backs of these institutions.

None of this is even complex. Its all incredibly straight forward

"from the River to the Sea" isn't free speech. It's just hate speech.

If we chanted slogans to hang blacks again, we'd be outraged. Those "protests" showed what happens when the left totally loses sight of what's right and what's wrong inside their own sandbox. And we saw it when the disgraced school presidents went to testify.

from the River to the Sea" isn't free speech. It's just hate speech.

Not when pro-Israel people say it

Btw guys, anti Israel isn't antisemitic! Just because 95%+ of Jews are zionists, and Israel is the only nation self-determined by Jews, doesn't mean.....

oh wait

by Victor k

Not when pro-Israel people say it

My slogan is still "from the river to the sea, chickens vote for KFC"

I don't say the other one

by rafiki k

Btw guys, anti Israel isn't antisemitic! Just because 95%+ of Jews are zionists, and Israel is the only nation self-determined by Jews, doesn't mean.....

oh wait

I don't think the Jewish faith is a fascist religion but the Israeli government is a fascist government

You only harm the Jewish faith by insisting this link

Also, 95% of Jews are zionist is certainly a claim. Polling would indicate thats more like 60%

Polling would also indicate that about 50% of Jews are critical of the Israeli government

by rafiki k

Btw guys, anti Israel isn't antisemitic! Just because 95%+ of Jews are zionists, and Israel is the only nation self-determined by Jews, doesn't mean.....

oh wait

It's def antisemitic. You guys have successfully redefined the term.

by rafiki k

"from the River to the Sea" isn't free speech. It's just hate speech.

It's not hate speech, but also hate speech is Constitutionally protected free speech in the US, at least in theory.

by coordi k

I don't think the Jewish faith is a fascist religion but the Israeli government is a fascist government

You only harm the Jewish faith by insisting this link

Also, 95% of Jews are zionist is certainly a claim. Polling would indicate thats more like 60%

Polling would also indicate that about 50% of Jews are critical of the Israeli government

No it isn't, no matter what you think it does to palestinians, there is no fascism/nazism in being brutal an inhumane with foreigners, you can fully disregard the human rights of any other non-citizen group and that won't have anything to do with fascism.

Fascism/nazism is particularly bad because it behaves monstrously *with it's own citizens*, that's the special bad part. Being a monster with foreigners is normal in human cultures, it's very normal to never give the slightest **** to foreigners and abuse them as much as possible for your own national gain. That's what all of europe did for centuries before fascism even existed.

Stop calling fascism everything you dislike in politics or human societies.

there is no fascism/nazism in being brutal an inhumane with foreigners

Since you used the term Nazism, maybe you should look up who they primarily murdered. It wasn't Germans.

by Victor k

Since you used the term Nazism, maybe you should look up who they primarily murdered. It wasn't Germans.

They murdered a ton of german disabled people, german jews, german homosexuals and german gipsies. As well as some german socialists/communists. And that started in peacetime.

And that's what made the regime uniquely evil in the eyes of many/most people.

by Luciom k

No it isn't, no matter what you think it does to palestinians, there is no fascism/nazism in being brutal an inhumane with foreigners, you can fully disregard the human rights of any other non-citizen group and that won't have anything to do with fascism.

Fascism/nazism is particularly bad because it behaves monstrously *with it's own citizens*, that's the special bad part. Being a monster with foreigners is normal in human cultures, it's very normal to never give the slightest **** to foreigners

Fascist adjacent?

Bolded isn't even remotely true

by coordi k

Fascist adjacent?

Bolded isn't even remotely true

So everyone who is violent with foreigners in statecraft is fascist or adjacent for you, which makes the label lose meaning, as it applies to basically all countries which ever projected power in history.

FDR is fascist adjacent because of the atom bombs used in Japan, USSR is fascist adjacent because of what they did in Poland and the Baltic and Ukraine, everyone is fascist adjacent

by Luciom k

They murdered a ton of german disabled people, german jews, german homosexuals and german gipsies. As well as some german socialists/communists. And that started in peacetime.

And that's what made the regime uniquely evil in the eyes of many/most people.

The Jews and Romani in Germany were not German citizens.

by Luciom k

So everyone who is violent with foreigners in statecraft is fascist or adjacent for you, which makes the label lose meaning, as it applies to basically all countries which ever projected power in history.

FDR is fascist adjacent because of the atom bombs used in Japan, USSR is fascist adjacent because of what they did in Poland and the Baltic and Ukraine, everyone is fascist adjacent

I think the fervent nationalism is more indicative than the cruelty to foreigners. I've never stated why I think they are fascist so not sure why you are focusing on that.

But I also know you just hate the word

by coordi k

I think the fervent nationalism is more indicative than the cruelty to foreigners. I've never stated why I think they are fascist so not sure why you are focusing on that.

But I also know you just hate the word

You said the Israeli government is a fascist government.

Are political parties banned wth pretexts in Israel, and their leaders arrested? are famous opponents of the Israel government killed by the goverment? are Israeli journalists critic of the government harassed violently, arrested, killed? did the Israel government nationalize most "strategic" sectors of the economy?

by Victor k

The Jews and Romani in Germany were not German citizens.

They were when nazi came into power then they were stripped of nationality and killed, that's killing your own citizens.

"Mass murder is okay if you're murdering non-citizens" is not and has never been remotely close to a norm in modern society, Lucio just made that up to convince himself he's not a weird violent creep.

by rafiki k

"from the River to the Sea" isn't free speech. It's just hate speech.

If we chanted slogans to hang blacks again, we'd be outraged. Those "protests" showed what happens when the left totally loses sight of what's right and what's wrong inside their own sandbox. And we saw it when the disgraced school presidents went to testify.

When the ACLU took the case to defend the right of the KKK to march that was the left. The left used to believe in free speech. Now almost no one does.
