Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33373 Replies
Holomodor killed 7-8 millions of which 4-5 minion Ukrainian.
approx 2m killed in the equivalent 4 year long kazakhi famine.
500-600k cossacks
then a million in the great purge.
then ofc you have to decide how many red army soldiers were used like Cannon fodder on purpose (and so died without rationale when their lives could have been preserved) by leaders that completely disregarded their citizens lives.
between 1937-1938 almost a million were murdered in the great purge.
but way before and way after many many more were murdered, mostly in the gulags, but not only. estimations vary between scholars, but it is way way more than a million.
Either way doubt Victor can answer anything but nonsense. I wish you had seen his arguments justifying Russia's invasion of Ukraine to fully understand the gymnastics being pulled here.
the typical claim is 100m communist caused deaths but that includes Mao and Cambodia.
never heard 60m for the USSR alone
today, it is usually estimated at around 40m, as that number is somehow traceable.
the 55-60 number is the estimated number by soviet defectors and survivors.
but who really knows. I will except the low end of the estimation, as long as we can all agree to the basic fact - many millions were mass-murdered.
Which was an aside and largely irrelevant.
My change, using a large underestimate since the exact number doesn't really matter, I think the question still stands:
so you would just stand by as 20 million people are being murdered?
and you believe this is somehow moral?
I remember last time this was brought up you tried to downplay Stalin and Putin as only stealing from the wealthy and you finding it funny. Curious to see how things have changed.
Which was an aside and largely irrelevant.
My change, using a large underestimate since the exact number doesn't really matter, I think the question still stands:
I remember last time this was brought up you tried to downplay Stalin and Putin as only stealing from the wealthy and you finding it funny. Curious to see how things have changed.
Israel annexing East Jerusalem and Golan? illegal!
Russia Annexing Georgia, Moldova, and Crimea? Justified!!
Did Russia annex Moldova and Georgia? Did they establish an apartheid state and do mass murder and theft?
lol, the Soviets had a gentleman's agreement with the Nazis to crave up Eastern Europe, what are we even doing here.
Not officially, but pretty much, yes they have.
Why not include Ukraine here?
Did they establish an apartheid state and do mass murder and theft?
They discriminated worse than an apartheid state.
Yes they did mass murder and theft, you know this and laughed at those who suffered from it previously.
A whole lot of avoiding the question going on here.
I should make an alt account to troll victor from the left and ask him why he supports any state whatsoever
They didn't ally with the Nazis. They signed a non aggression pact. Incidentally so did the Brits.
They didn't ally with the Nazis. They signed a non aggression pact. Incidentally so did the Brits.
No the Brits did not, are you referring to Munich?
Soviet Union did ally with the Nazis, the NAZI-SOVIET PACT where they formally agreed to non agression against each other, and secretly agreed who got to carve up which parts of Europe, followed by the Soviet Union fueling Nazi Germany's war efforts by supplying them with oil and grain as the Soviet Union began their own war efforts.
Just answer the question though.
I should make an alt account to troll victor from the left and ask him why he supports any state whatsoever
He pretty much said this, actually even worse. Doesn't care about lines on a map, just wants the killing to stop, so if Russia annexed part of Ukraine it would be good. Also a bunch of other apologia for Russian atrocities.
Like I said a "non-aggression pact". That's different than allying.
Munich was not a "non-aggression pact" if that is what you are referring to.
For anyone not used to this: Victor can't answer the main question, (or many of the questions brought up by his own derails) so he will continue to answer more and more pedantic parts of his own derails. Fun times.
What's the question? You post a lot of bullshit and lies so maybe I missed it.
how can you defend a regime (USSR) that was among the most genocidal of human history, that's the question.
ESPECIALLY given you spend a lot of time describing Israel as a genocidal country and the USA as accessories to those genocidal tendencies
Munich was not a "non-aggression pact" if that is what you are referring to.
For anyone not used to this: Victor can't answer the main question, (or many of the questions brought up by his own derails) so he will continue to answer more and more pedantic parts of his own derails. Fun times.
I can’t imagine anyone is not used to it at this point. It’s pathetically transparent and he posts 100 times per day. Not sure how anyone could miss it.
Fwiw, he’s not even close to the worst poster in here.
how can you defend a regime (USSR) that was among the most genocidal of human history, that's the question.
ESPECIALLY given you spend a lot of time describing Israel as a genocidal country and the USA as accessories to those genocidal tendencies
Loaded questions built on misinfo aren't worth answering.
nobody has been able to explain what other "Muslim countries" have to do with Palestine. as far as I can tell from the pro-Israel group, the people in Gaza need to atone for any atrocity ever committed by a German, Russian, or Muslim.