Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33297 Replies
if this was all about antisemitism then there should have been plenty of reports of attacks or threats on Amsterdam Jews. or at least one report.
Not necessarily as that would potentially imply pre planning. This may very well have blown up there and then at the venue and was limited to the vicinity. Some of the attackers may have been anti Semitic, some not necessarily. But again I suspect attacks by anti Semites on the Israelis would have occurred anyway, with some hating Israelis and some simply hating Jews and using the current war as an excuse.
Those are the sort of terrible shitty things that do happen in incendiary situations as people lose their minds in response to attacks on their community.
Best not to launch racist attacks on communities, I think, then innocent football fans won't be mistaken for racist hooligans.
Or, we should filter immigrants not letting in (or deporting) anyone who even thinks of reacting violently to words he dislike
how does that matter? teams have been banned for the actions of their fans many times in Euro competitions. teams have also been banned when their countries do genocide.
We’d be better off with no banning for ideological reasons. Sports (imo) are supposed to be a place where you can leave that stuff aside and be competitive without violence. The more interaction in places without violence the better.
We’d be better off with no banning for ideological reasons. Sports (imo) are supposed to be a place where you can leave that stuff aside and be competitive without violence. The more interaction in places without violence the better.
Sporting boycotts were the beginning of the end for Apartheid. Some things are more important than sport.
We’d be better off with no banning for ideological reasons. Sports (imo) are supposed to be a place where you can leave that stuff aside and be competitive without violence. The more interaction in places without violence the better.
you would allow Russia and athletes that have praised Putin to compete?
but this more than an ideological ban. the team's supporters did a bunch of violence.
We’d be better off with no banning for ideological reasons. Sports (imo) are supposed to be a place where you can leave that stuff aside and be competitive without violence. The more interaction in places without violence the better.
you know what I think of Putin but I was horrified when Russian clubs, and individual artists got banned from the International stage. it was a disastrously wrong decision made by us (in the west). indefensible.
it can be different for stuff directly sponsored by the government and representing the current government, it's different for national clubs.
I would understand the middle east deciding not to compete for the world cup against Israel. it would be a bad choice but it has some rationale.
but private clubs? jfc no
you would allow Russia and athletes that have praised Putin to compete?
but this more than an ideological ban. the team's supporters did a bunch of violence.
absolutely yes without flinching how is that even a question?
the west is based on a set of values. some might be vague but some are very clear.
free speech is exceptionally important for us.
the idea the responsibility is always strictly only individual is clear and important as well.
now if someone is on record saying he is happy 10k civilians got murdered, that's proof of horrendous personal, individual moral character and you can boycott that. but to be clear it should be the same if a Spanish or Italian athlete says that.
I don't know why the team needs to be banned, just eject the jackass fans who can't behave in public.
Sporting boycotts were the beginning of the end for Apartheid. Some things are more important than sport.
That it was useful in that case doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a good tactic generally. I don’t like it as a concept but even if you do, it still opens you up to it being used for causes you might find inappropriate.
It’s not for the sake of sport itself but rather sport operating as a non-violent outlet for competition and nationalism.
Yes, I would.
Violence by fans is widespread in soccer. I don’t know what the answer to that is but I wouldn’t favor banning teams.
answer Is fairly easy at the national level (if you allow 0 privacy), face recognition and bans for years/life for violent people to attend games and so on.
I think both the UK and Italy do that.
it's far harder cross country though, systems aren't aligned technically and so on
Just do whatever society would do if it were women who rioted and burned **** down and attacked people and chanted racist things any time they gathered together in large groups for a bit of sport. I’m sure we can all imagine what that would be 😀
It’d be funny though. Ta ta, soccer! Back to the mines ye go, boys!
That was after Heysel when Liverpool and Italian fans had a huge fight and the scousers forced them back against a wall which collapsed and 40 people were killed. It all happened live on terrestrial TV.
Nice people, always claiming victimhood even when it's clear they're guilty, a bit like Israel.