Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33298 Replies
you have no authority here jackie walker
lol surely they're not really claiming this
Lol I saw that. Wish I had thought of that joke.
You know very well that's not why it's good. Stop trying to make out that wanting racist football hooligans banned is anti-Semitic.
WRT to Amsterdam soccer game the majority of fans of both teams behaved well. A small minority of fans on both sides misbehaved, including anti-Arab and pro-Holocaust chants.
The antisemitic pogroms that took place after the game were completely unrelated. They were planned days ahead of time by local Islamists who did not attend the game. And justifying it by citing fan behavior at the game is straight dishonest gaslighting.
Israeli fans are being warned not to attend the upcoming game in France because France has a number of Muslim immigrants who have not assimilated and instead have embraced violent Islamism, and have committed a tremendous level of violence in the name of Jihad over the years. And there will invariably be anti-israel protests where violent Jihadists can blend in, making the situation very unsafe for Jews.
Some may have disagreed with the obvious fact that the extremists groups would be enabled by netanyahu
it's only likely to get worse for a long time now.
Some may have disagreed with the obvious fact that the extremists groups would be enabled by netanyahu
it's only likely to get worse for a long time now.
The Islamists groups, including but not limited to the IRI, Houthis and Hezbollah believe they have a religious mandate from Allah to destroy Israel. Because it relies on supernatural motivations, these groups cannot be rationally convinced to give up their mandate. All we can do is deal with it now or kick the can down the road.
So if we (the West) are dedicated to not letting Islamists destroy Israel, the actual question is do we deal with it now (while the Islamists are on the back foot) or do we let them regroup and re-arm and kick the can down the road.
It's not fixed. They recruit. Netanahu has helped them greatly.
It's not kicking anything down the road or dealing with it. It's just making the problem worse.
You know very well that's not why it's good. Stop trying to make out that wanting racist football hooligans banned is anti-Semitic.
It doesn’t say hooligans it says Israelis… why else would this be good? I assume they aren’t talking about Israeli arabs, although who knows maybe the anti-zionists think there is no such thing.
Just do whatever society would do if it were women who rioted and burned **** down and attacked people and chanted racist things any time they gathered together in large groups for a bit of sport. I’m sure we can all imagine what that would be 😀
Cat fights? Would have better ratings than whatever game we being played.
this has been talked about from pro-Palestinian twitter for months. now we get admissions from Israeli media.

its not Hamas stealing the aid. its Israeli supported gangs.

I posted about this months ago.
and, as always, remember that every accusation is a confession. it was always Israel stealing the aid.
Just do whatever society would do if it were women who rioted and burned **** down and attacked people and chanted racist things any time they gathered together in large groups for a bit of sport. I’m sure we can all imagine what that would be 😀
I think she's just saying, what if the catfights were a little bigger and taken outside the Walmart and into the street? It sounds pretty entertaining to me.
this has been talked about from pro-Palestinian twitter for months. now we get admissions from Israeli media.
and, as always, remember that every accusation is a confession. it was always Israel stealing the aid.
Since Hamas overthrew Fatah in a coupe years ago Gaza has basically just been clan/gangland; where Hamas was always the biggest, strongest gang. It has been like this for 15 years. Now that Hamas is weakened, other gangs are filling the power vacuum.
When Hamas still had strength in the first few months of the war they stole most of the aid. Now that they are so weakened, other gangs are competing. Israel has consistently not resisted gangs stealing aid (Hamas or otherwise) since well publicized incidents very early in the war when they fired on gangs stealing aid and were vilified in the Western media for it.
This is basically what the article says, and the rest is you just making up stuff in your mind.
Israel does more or less allow anarchy in the strip, but they are very limited in what they can do because of the danger from guerrilla forces and being vilified in the western press if they use force. Someone definitely else has to come in and fill the power vacuum and restore order, but the rest of the world insists on propping up Hamas instead. So here we are.
Since Hamas overthrew Fatah in a coupe years ago Gaza
Hamas did what now? they won the elections.
if anything Fatah, with the help of Israel, overthrew Hamas in the West Bank.
since Donald Trump overthrew the Democrats in a coupe (sic) on Nov 5th...
I think you are the one who needs to review the material. Hamas won the election. Fatah did not want to abide by the results and was backed by the West.
the duality of man
Westerners: Gaza voted in Hamas therefore they are all terrorists
also Westerners: Hamas stole the election in a violent coupe (sic)
I think you are the one who needs to review the material. Hamas won the election. Fatah did not want to abide by the results and was backed by the West.
There was a Parliamentary election in 2006. Hams won 42% of seats; not even a majority. The way Parliamentary elections work, the party with a plurality of votes doesn't get to violently kick everyone else out in a war that kills hundreds of people; and then never have another election.
That is a fascist coupe.
Hamas didnt start the violence lol