Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33271 Replies


by Victor k

second class citizens. and many in Israel want to genocide them too.

Privileged citizens: same rights, but no mandate to risk their lives in the armed forces.

They are literally treated better than Jews by the state.


I can't believe how many idiots and trolls on both sides there are even here.

Funny this doctor seems to be an expert in a few things beyond medicine. Almost as if he has an agenda talking to the media. Let’s publish this unfounded claim by someone with no expertise because well, he’s a doctor.

by Luciom k

Privileged citizens: same rights, but no mandate to risk their lives in the armed forces.

They are literally treated better than Jews by the state.

In the explicitly Jewish state it’s the Arabs that are privileged? Is this a joke?

Also amusing how the doctor casually drops a comment about Hamas just minding their own business and only occasionally popping up out of their tunnels to fire some shots at the evil invaders.

ofc the doctor has an agenda lol. like, if you dont "have an agenda" against genocide then that says a lot about you.

sounds like this doctor is biased against murdering civilians. cant trust him now.

by YeBlessChildren k

I can't believe how many idiots and trolls on both sides there are even here.

I can't believe I agreed to a drinking game based on the amount of times the word genocide is used.😵:(

didnt we see this same article a few weeks ago? the gets manufactured...


hamas getting booted out of qatar

not sure who will have them. possibly turkey. maybe spain

by BOIDS k

hamas getting booted out of qatar

not sure who will have them. possibly turkey. maybe spain

maybe, maybe not.

still not booted from Jabalia yet tho.

Maybe he’s biased and has an agenda, maybe he doesn’t. I guess that’s up for each of us to decide for ourselves.

I mean Hamas is just firing a few machine guns and an RPG every now and then. That’s it! If a doctor is telling me that is nothing to worry about, then I can’t argue.

it looks like Israel is expanding their Beirut targeting. they had been been keeping it to the South Suburbs area that Western journalists call the "Hezbollah stronghold" (remember the consent gets manufactured). now they are routinely hitting outside of that area in central Beirut areas.

and it seems they are increasing attacks on displaced people to try to unravel Lebanese society and cause ethnic schisms.

these are criminal attack on civilians to try to force a civil war and a future USA/Israeli client state. how many dead civilians is enough for the Western powers? maybe all of them.

Cunning of Hez to build their IT HQ in the basement of a computer store.

this is worth watching. cliffs:

-Israel is targeting refugees
-Israel wants a civil war
-society is anti-Israel

in other words, the same things I have been relaying for weeks now. but this is a smart Scot saying it.

by Bubble_Balls k

In the explicitly Jewish state it’s the Arabs that are privileged? Is this a joke?

Not privileged, but far from second class citizens.

by Victor k

a smart Brit

antisemitic conspiracy theorist who blamed israel for the salisbury novichok poisoning


Yes ofc he is. Anyone who opposed the Israeli genocide is an antisemite.

by Victor k

it looks like Israel is expanding their Beirut targeting. they had been been keeping it to the South Suburbs area that Western journalists call the "Hezbollah stronghold" (remember the consent gets manufactured). now they are routinely hitting outside of that area in central Beirut areas.

and it seems they are increasing attacks on displaced people to try to unravel Lebanese society and cause ethnic schisms.

these are criminal attack on civilians to try to force a civil war and a future USA/Isra

I swear to Allah if they bomb this place

by Bubble_Balls k

In the explicitly Jewish state it’s the Arabs that are privileged? Is this a joke?

They are lucky they are allowed to live there.

by jalfrezi k

The good news is there will never be another Oct 7th style attack on Israel ever again.
