Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33271 Replies


Seems likely that the ceasefire will be temporary and that Hezbollah will find an excuse to break it. History tends to repeat itself.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Lmao land theft of Arabs. Idk how much more delusional one can get. Those damn Jews taking up all the land in the Middle East.

A lot of legitimate criticism can be directed towards Israel. No reason to say dumb **** all the time.

just in the last week Israel took a settler women to North Gaza to scout future settlements.

and took an elderly "researcher" who happens to be a huge proponent of settlers to South Lebanon in what appears clearly was an attempt to concoct evidence to extend Israeli settlements there.

if his research achieved its goal, I dont think we will ever find out as he got killed.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Lmao land theft of Arabs. Idk how much more delusional one can get. Those damn Jews taking up all the land in the Middle East.

A lot of legitimate criticism can be directed towards Israel. No reason to say dumb **** all the time.

So greedy!! Look at all that blue!

Right. The evil Jews with the most powerful military, backed by an even more powerful military, both who don’t care about consequences and are hell bent on killing brown people at all costs, have only managed to conquer the tiny sliver of land that is present day Israel. In 100 years. Victor you make flat earthers seem sane with this theory.

they flat out say that they want to remove the Arabs from all of Palestine as well as much of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria and annex it. I take them at their word on this one.

by metsandfinsfan k

So greedy!! Look at all that blue!

Moving to a land already occupied by people and asserting your majority over them is the problem. How about Israel drops its immigration laws and allows say 50M Hindus to emigrate there and have control of the Knesset?

That's got to be ok, hasn't it?

by Victor k

land theft of Arabs.

Come on Victor don’t be ridiculous there is absolutely no proof that there was ever any land theft of arabs whatsoev……

Errr ?

by gotwoot k

Come on Victor don’t be ridiculous there is absolutely no proof that there was ever any land theft of arabs whatsoev……

Errr ?

Come on gotwoot don’t be ridiculous those lands were promised to the Jews by god and the Arabs left on their own accord! It’s not like the Israeli government actually put policies in place to drive them from those lands like restricting movement, trade, building permits or bulldozing their properties!

by gotwoot k

Come on Victor don’t be ridiculous there is absolutely no proof that there was ever any land theft of arabs whatsoev……

Errr ?

That yellow land had JEWS and Arabs

In fact the Jews were known as Palestinians due the most part and the Arabs were known as Arabs

The land was lost to the Ottomans and then the British. This was before the Geneva Convention

by gotwoot k

There are definitely NOT reports by UN commissioners dating back decades.

And the UN are biased af as their decades of history shows.

There are definitely NOT hundreds of thousands of articles, many of which are written by Israeli scholars and reporters.

There are definitely NOT hundreds of thousands of hours of video footage depicting not only the physical and physiological destruction of Palestinian culture and life but also of people speaking about and condemning it.

Of course not, if your only source of information is Israeli State sanctioned propaganda excremented and readily available for your viewing pleasure on CNN, BBC and the likes.

Sorry but you're simply repeating yourself. I already addressed this the last time you said it.

The irony here is amazing.

People on the humane side of this conflict constantly show facts with real evidence to support their claims.

The conflict is between Israel and Iranian proxies such as Hamas & Hezbollah. Are you telling me- with no sense of the irony you mentioned- that Hamas and Hezbollah are more humane than Israel? Particularly Hamas, who presumably humanely hide among the Palestinian people and launch attacks from hospitals? Or is this some simplistic "civilians dying bad ergo Israel bad, everything else disregarded" kinda deals? Sorry but this is just emotive goodies vs baddies bullshit, if so and I can't take that on board as it disregards any sense of context or nuance.

Meanwhile vile corpuses show literal monthly calendars and claim they are the master plan for the destruction of Israeli society, bomb schools and obliterate entire medical systems proclaiming “Just trust us, this is Hamas” with zero evidence.

What? Calendars? Monthly? No idea what you're on about. Zero evidence Hamas used hospitals as cover? Really?

Yes, because someone who spends 3 decades educating themselves and others in one specific area is clearly an idiot,

I don't believe I called you an idiot and if anyone did, well they're probably kinda mean and grouchy people and my advice to you is to hold your head up high, turn your frown upside down and you pay them no mind.

so long as they do not agree with your bigoted point of view

Eh? Just because I think Turkmenistan is a weird country doesn't make me a bigot. Seriously have you seen docos on that place?

One day, someone will write a children’s book called “The society who cried Hamas”

Or "The anti Semitic Death Cult Called Hamas and the IDF who Kicked their Death Culty Asses"

Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be pictures.

Yep. Of assed kicked Hamas members looking all contrite and humbled. What's left of 'em anyway.

Asking for equality is apparently NOT to be taken seriously.

Bro they had self autonomy and could have had a state if only they'd been a tad more agreeable in Oslo. But no, they just had to go all River to the Sea, annihilate Israel yaddayadda. How's that working out for them?

Not while we are dealing with human animals, right?

I've never referred to anyone as animals, nor would I think much of anyone who referred to either Palestinians or Israelis as such. Because that's ignorant, they're being ignorant. People are just ignorant.

by metsandfinsfan k

😮Do you guys think the Rabbi murdered in UAE was killed for being Jewish or being Zionist?

Amazing that this rabbi gets murdered
Chez quotes the whole article about it and posts a link

I ask a question if he was killed for being Jewish or a Zionist

And ****ing crickets. Nobody wants to answer.

Jews are receiving hate for being Jewish. It's often under the guise of being zionists. But murders like this prove that that's used as an excuse to hate Jews

I dont see how this ceasefire happens. Both sides have clearly shown that they want this fight and neither want it to end.

A ceasefire is like a list of rules mommy made for the kids having a party. It will get conveniently mis intepreted and eventually ripped up.

by formula72 k

I dont see how this ceasefire happens. Both sides have clearly shown that they want this fight and neither want it to end.

Are you talking about Hamas or Hezbollah?

Hezbollah needs a ceasefire now

Hamas is afraid of any ceasefire that will take them out of power. Israel does not want a ceasefire that keeps them in power

Israel has offered amnesty

by metsandfinsfan k

Amazing that this rabbi gets murdered
Chez quotes the whole article about it and posts a link

I ask a question if he was killed for being Jewish or a Zionist

And ****ing crickets. Nobody wants to answer.

Jews are receiving hate for being Jewish. It's often under the guise of being zionists. But murders like this prove that that's used as an excuse to hate Jews

he wasnt killed in Palestine or in Lebanon and he wasnt killed by Hamas or Hezbollah so I dont see why you are using it in this thread.

also wiki tells me he served in this criminal brigade.

by Victor k

he wasnt killed in Palestine or in Lebanon and he wasnt killed by Hamas or Hezbollah so I dont see why you are using it in this thread.

also wiki tells me he served in this criminal brigade.

Because antisemitism is on the rise everywhere. On campuses. In Germany. In UAE. And people are using "zionism " as an excuse

by Victor k

also wiki tells me he served in this criminal brigade.

So anyone whoever served in the Israeli army is fair game to die?

At least you are consistent with your hate

by formula72 k

I dont see how this ceasefire happens. Both sides have clearly shown that they want this fight and neither want it to end.

Lebanese twitter accounts seem to think it will indeed happen. Laith Maroof however said this morning that he didnt believe it would. you can look up Laith, interesting character.

by formula72 k

A ceasefire is like a list of rules mommy made for the kids having a party. It will get conveniently mis intepreted and eventually ripped up.

this makes the most sense. much of Israel, including those in power, really want to annex the South of Lebanon.

Lol this guys literally a 16 year old version of Alan Dershowitz

by metsandfinsfan k

So anyone whoever served in the Israeli army is fair game to die?

At least you are consistent with your hate

who said he was fair game to die?

I just have a lot less sympathy for him than I do for the 100s of thousands of Palestinians who were killed by Israel for the crime of...being Palestinian.

by gotwoot k

Come on gotwoot don’t be ridiculous those lands were promised to the Jews by god and the Arabs left on their own accord! It’s not like the Israeli government actually put policies in place to drive them from those lands like restricting movement, trade, building permits or bulldozing their properties!

Why are you speaking to yourself? Also the picture that you posted doesn’t support what you’re trying to say, or do you think all the yellow was explicitly “Palestinian” land? People losing their minds in here.

Like I’ve said, there’s very legitimate reasons to criticize Israel. You don’t need to make things up.

by metsandfinsfan k

Because antisemitism is on the rise everywhere

Do you think the way Israel is handling this war is making the above issue better or worse…?

by Victor k

who said he was fair game to die?

I just have a lot less sympathy for him than I do for the 100s of thousands of Palestinians who were killed by Israel for the crime of...being Palestinian.

I asked why he read murdered and your brought up that he was in an Israeli brigade. I misunderstood you connecting the dots? Did you bring up the brigade so I can use the answer at quizzo on Thursday?

It's obvious why you mentioned it so don't act like I'm crazy
