Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33308 Replies
when did Syria attack Israel? and furthermore, when did the current Syrian regime that is less than 2 days old attack Israel?
Syria fired rockets at Israel after Oct 7
Iran helped supply Assad and Israel is now targeting those weapons
Israel is literally just stealing land and putting all of the civilians on house arrest.
They were stealing nothing
And I'm not upset
Syria fired rockets at Israel after Oct 7
Iran helped supply Assad and Israel is now targeting those weapons
I am grunching this conversation, so maybe this is what you guys are talking about; but Israel is destroying weapons they dont want the rebels to get, including alleged chemical weapons. Of course they could have destroyed them anytime when they were under Assad's care, but didn't (for whatever reasons).
I have no inside information so am just speculating, but there is actually a possibility this has already been coordinated with Russia/Syria/Turkey, who have given their blessing.
Syria joined this was 14 months ago. Uninvited.
Actions have consequences
All the Iran and Russia backed governments in the Middle East need to not exist
All the Iranian weaponry needs to disappear
I am grunching this conversation, so maybe this is what you guys are talking about; but Israel is destroying weapons they dont want the rebels to get, including alleged chemical weapons. Of course they could have destroyed them anytime when they were under Assad's care, but didn't (for whatever reasons).
I have no inside information so am just speculating, but there is actually a possibility this has already been coordinated with Russia/Syria/Turkey, who have given their blessing.
Israel is in a mission. They aren't stealing land. They are controlling the border so they can destroy the weapons
I dont necessarily agree with your characterization, but it is possible this has been coordinated with the other players in the region. For all the outward rhetoric, behind the scenes countries like Syria, Turkey and Russia do coordinate regional security with Israel, especially concerning Islamist groups.
Im pretty ambivalent really. historically, its pretty bad when ISIS takes over. but maybe this time it will be ok.
Well, having fundamentalist theocrats take control didn't work very well for Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon or Gaza. But like you said, maybe this will be the exception.
I dont necessarily agree with your characterization, but it is possible this has been coordinated with the other players in the region. For all the outward rhetoric, behind the scenes countries like Syria, Turkey and Russia do coordinate regional security with Israel, especially concerning Islamist groups.
ofc they are coordinating, but that doesnt make the statement false. Israel has taken control of a large portion of Syria and confined all of the residents to house arrest.
Well, having fundamentalist theocrats take control didn't work very well for Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon or Gaza. But like you said, maybe this will be the exception.
the funny part is that the West and the USA and Israel funded and armed these fundamentalists. its a joke.
Has temporarily taken control is much different than stealing
Words and rules are different for Zionists than us peons. If I told the judge I just temporarily took something and didn't give it back, I'm pretty sure it's a guilty verdict. But I'm not superior.
"became a country" is a pretty nice euphemism.
when "Israel became a country" they did one of the most massive ethnic cleanses of the modern era. and it was premeditated and executed deliberately and precisely.
If you do not believe Israel should exist, this is the type of sophomoric, not based on reality argument one would make. One would certainly not mention the genocide committed against Jewish populations in all the surrounding Arab countries, which of course absolutely did happen when Israel was created.
This is why there is no role for debating facts here, given that there is no agreement as to the facts, other than for one.
The only one undeniable fact is that your side would like Israel to cease existing, by any means necessary. Genocide was already committed against Jews in the surrounding countries, and your side intends to repeat that with Israel. That is why Israel is engaged in a war and will not stop. You see, in a war your goal is to destroy the other side until they agree to end the war. But, for now, the other side has pledged to continue fighting on. Therefore, this war must continue until Gaza no longer exists, or they finally agree to live in peace alongside Israel.
Just copy and pasted this to everything you say going forward.
Words and rules are different for Zionists than us peons. If I told the judge I just temporarily took something and didn't give it back, I'm pretty sure it's a guilty verdict. But I'm not superior.
Okay, you need to chill out please. This is too far ^
Please take a timeout until 12:00 AM Eastern Time
Is it? Did Israel give Syria a handwritten receipt? I'm not seeing how this is anything other than a straightforward land grab.
Which is not to concede that Israel even has the right in the first place to temporarily take control of the sovereign territory of another nation.
Netanyahu warned Assad on November 27, the day Syria's rebel offensive began, that he was "playing with fire" by supporting Hezbollah and helping to transfer weapons to Lebanon
Who in Syria would have given that receipt?
We're in the middle of a war. Syria transfered weapons to hezbollah. Hezbollah attacked Israel. Israel now needs to do whatever to destroy those weapons. Of even take them
This is how war works
when did Syria attack Israel? and furthermore, when did the current Syrian regime that is less than 2 days old attack Israel?
Is there a current Syrian regime?
Israel is taking preemptive measures to secure their border and the buffer zone. If you don’t believe Jews should be able to defend themselves, you’ll start spinning this as a land grab instead of just plain common sense given the situation. The Syrian troops (and UN?) who were previously tasked with controlling the buffer zone collapsed. It’s up in the air which extremist group will end up in control of Syria, but no matter what it will be a group who hates Jews. If youre OK with that, then keep protesting.
Is it? Did Israel give Syria a handwritten receipt? I'm not seeing how this is anything other than a straightforward land grab.
Which is not to concede that Israel even has the right in the first place to temporarily take control of the sovereign territory of another nation.
Well of course you wouldn’t, you’re intensely biased against Israel. Everything they do is a land grab or a genocide in your eyes.
Is there a current Syrian regime?
Israel is taking preemptive measures to secure their border and the buffer zone. If you don’t believe Jews should be able to defend themselves, you’ll start spinning this as a land grab instead of just plain common sense given the situation. The Syrian troops (and UN?) who were previously tasked with controlling the buffer zone collapsed. It’s up in the air which extremist group will end up in control of Syria, but no matter what it will be a group who hates
No, they dont have the right to roll tanks into Syria and terrorize the population. I dont care who they are. why do you think that rules shouldnt apply to them?
If you do not believe Israel should exist, this is the type of sophomoric, not based on reality argument one would make. One would certainly not mention the genocide committed against Jewish populations in all the surrounding Arab countries, which of course absolutely did happen when Israel was created.
This is why there is no role for debating facts here, given that there is no agreement as to the facts, other than for one.
The only one undeniable fact is that your side would like Israel to cea
bolded is ludicrous. there was no genocide against Jews by Arab countries and certainly not in 1947 when the ethnic cleansing happened.
regardless, even if there was, wtf does that have to do with the Palestinians? Ive asked this question many times and no one has been able to tell me why supposed mistreatment of Jews in Algeria or Iraq or wherever gives Israel the right to brutalize the Palestinians.
Re: dangerous double standards in geopolitics
Not sure whether to laugh or cry
bolded is ludicrous. there was no genocide against Jews by Arab countries and certainly not in 1947 when the ethnic cleansing happened.
Denying the Jewish Genocide. I can't say I'm shocked
The contrast between the Jewish refugees and the Palestinian refugees grows even starker considering the difference in cultural and geographic dislocation - most of the Jewish refugees traveled hundreds or thousands of miles to a tiny country whose inhabitants spoke a different language and lived with a vastly different culture. Most Palestinian refugees traveled but a few miles to the other side of the 1949 armistice lines while remaining inside a linguistically, culturally and ethnically similar society.
Moreover, the value of Jewish property left behind and confiscated by the Arab governments is estimated to be at least 50 percent higher than the total value of assets lost by the Palestinian refugees. In the 1950’s, John Measham Berncastle, under the aegis of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, estimated that total assets lost by Palestinian refugees from 1948 - including land, buildings, movable property, and frozen bank accounts - amounted to roughly $350 million ($650 per refugee). Adding in an additional $100 million for assets lost by Palestinian refugees as a result of the Six Day War, an approximate total is $450 million - $4.4 billion in 2012 prices. By contrast, the value of assets lost by the Jewish refugees - compiled by a similar methodology - is estimated at $700 million - roughly $6.7 billion today.
To date, more than 100 UN resolutions have been passed referring explicitly to the fate of the Palestinian refugees. Not one has specifically addressed Jewish refugees. Additionally, the United Nations created an organization, UNRWA, to solely handle Palestinian refugees while all other refugees are handled collectively by UNHRC. The UN even defines Palestinian refugees differently than every other refugee population, setting distinctions that have allowed their numbers to grow exponentially so that nearly 5 million are now considered refugees despite the fact that the number estimated to have fled their homes is only approximately 400-700,000.
Today, nearly half of Israel’s native population descends from the Jewish refugees of the Arab world and their rights must be recognized alongside any discussion of the rights for Palestinian refugees and their descendants. In Israel, the issue of the Jewish refugees has been of preeminent importance during all peace negotiations with the Palestinians, including the 1993 Oslo Accords and the 2000 Camp David summit. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, Israel is now calling on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to hold a summit specifically the issue of the Jewish refugees.