Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33339 Replies
ok again, that happened AFTER the 1947 crimes of the Nakba committed by Israel.
and again, from your own link, what do any alleged crimes against Jews from these countries have to do with Palestine?:
why do the Palestinians need to pay for something that may have happened in Algeria or Yemen?
The Palestinians aren't paying for that. They lost a war 5 generations ago, and are paying for how they and the rest of the world have responded for 80 years; extremely dysfunctionally.
The point of brining up the genocide of Jews from MENA is to highlight the hypocrisy and double standards of the "Free Palestine" movement. It isn't to justify anything.
Tthe Jews in MENA were collectively punished and genocided for what happened in Israel because Arab leaders saw an opportunity to steal some Jewish property, and were able to stoke the nascent antisemitism of their populace to enable it.
what war did the Palestinians start 80 years ago? the Israelis attacked them and drove them out of their homes and stole all of their wealth.
and the attacks have not stopped since then in Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.
what war did the Palestinians start 80 years ago? the Israelis attacked them and drove them out of their homes and stole all of their wealth.
and the attacks have not stopped since then in Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
--Victor, I understand what you are doing. You are re-imagining history to fit and justify your worldview. But I also know you aren't interested in real truth, just your truth, so I am not going to bother.
I am going by the actual documentation from the Israeli government from the time.
as they say, every accusation is an admission, and I am not the person ignoring easily documented facts.
The United Nations accepted the partition plan
Israel had Intel that they would be attacked by 5 nations
Israel declared independence in accordance with the Un Partition plan
People throughout the Middle East were displaced
This includes Jews from all the countries we mentioned and some Arabs from mandatory Palestinian Palestine. Though many stayed and their families are still full citizens of Israel so there is still disagreement as to whether the majority were forced or not
Regardless, even after WW2, Jews throughout Europe were never offered a right of return. They weren't offered one in the Middle East either. It doesn't work that way in the real world
If you wanted to argue reparations, that's fine
But the people who left what is now Israel, voluntarily or involuntarily, are not coming back
It's time to move on
We're going to have to agree to disagree
Israel wants to be left alone
Lebanon and Syria have been aggressors against Israel since 1948
Gaza was under Egyptian control from 48-73 and Israeli control from 73-05. ::Gaza has been the aggressor against Israel since 2006 or 2007 when hamas took over
I appreciate the way you try to stick to the narrative you do, but it simply isn't factual. I dont know if you willfully ignore the actual facts when it comes to Israel or you are a victim of propaganda
But Israel just wants to be left alone
I am going by the actual documentation from the Israeli government from the time.
as they say, every accusation is an admission, and I am not the person ignoring easily documented facts.
Your link even says
This strategy is subject to controversy, with some historians characterizing it as defensive, while others assert that it was an integral part of a planned strategy for the expulsion, sometimes called an ethnic cleansing, of the area's native inhabitants.[11]
So it likely isn't as cut and dry as either of us believe
And we will continue to disagree so you saying over and over that Israel evil Palestinians 100% victim isn't going to change anybody's mind
If your ideal goal was to make sure these Palestinians had dignity, a state, and even reparations .. I would consider that a noble opinion
If your ideal goal is to let them all come back to Israel proper and make sure there is no Jewish State, will then I have a different opinion
Re: dangerous double standards in geopolitics
Not sure whether to laugh or cry
This article is hilarious. Poor guy or girl that had to write it. Came into work one day and got ordered to write a fluff piece on an IS and Al Qaeda alumni.
"This shift reflects HTS's "moderate jihad" strategy since 2017, emphasising pragmatism over rigid ideology."
Moderate jihad! It's all the rage in the ME now
It will be interesting to see how this effects Hezbollah's ability to maintain their private army to exert IRI influence over the region. Unfortunately the UN is tremendously corrupt, so I think we should expect that the IRI will just use the UN to funnel weapons, like they do with Hamas. But even if this is the case, if Hezbollah was reduced to being armed like Hamas (considerably less than when heavy weapons were being smuggled in open over the Syria border) that would be a win for everyone else.
There seems to be a lot of resistance still, as people dont like to admit they are wrong, but more and more I think people are coming around to realizing just how horrible Obama's appeasement of Iran/Russia has worked out for the region.
FWIW the Islamist rebels who control most of the major cities right now are saying they will not enact fundamentalist interpretation of Sharia to infringe on individual freedom or women's rights, including dress codes. Of course, they can always do it anyways down the road; but still more encouraging than them saying flat out they intend to go full Taliban.
FWIW the Islamist rebels who control most of the major cities right now are saying they will not enact fundamentalist interpretation of Sharia to infringe on individual freedom or women's rights, including dress codes. Of course, they can always do it anyways down the road; but still more encouraging than them saying flat out they intend to go full Taliban.
They have the motivation to actually be saying this in good faith. Their reward is Assad, Saddam, Gaddafi level bank accounts.
I wonder where they'll be used.
I remain hopeful that the new Regime and Israel can be allies
They are trying to prevent this scenario at a national scale:
I remain hopeful that the new Regime and Israel can be allies
Well, the new regime is fundamentalist Islamist, which means they are going to be hostile to Israel out of principle for controlling Aqsa. And Israel taking over militarily strategic high land and destroying all of Syria's heavy weaponry to stop the new govt from having it probably isn't going to endear them to Israel either.
I think best case scenario is that with Israel destroying most of the existing heavy weaponry and setting up strong defensive fortifications, the new govt will be too weak to threaten Israel for years, regardless of whether they are allies or not. Also, it is hard to imagine the new govt (who have been fighting Hezbollah for decades) will be receptive towards Hezbollah re-arming and building their power back up, which works in Israel's favor.
NYT: Documents show top administrators at UNRWA schools were Hamas fighters
Terror group’s internal records identify 24 school employees as operatives, half of whom were issued rifles, grenades; one principal was known to wear Hamas fatigues after school
This article is hilarious. Poor guy or girl that had to write it. Came into work one day and got ordered to write a fluff piece on an IS and Al Qaeda alumni.
"This shift reflects HTS's "moderate jihad" strategy since 2017, emphasising pragmatism over rigid ideology."
Moderate jihad! It's all the rage in the ME now
In fairness if you are a "Jihadist media specialist" for BBC, writing fluff pieces to promote Jihadi leaders is probably right in your sweet spot.
You have some confusion of what Israel is doing.
They are just bombing everything. They only physically took over a small area on the border, which probably had nothing of value in it anyways. They bombed 200+ military sites throughout Syria, destroying all the weapons they could, to make sure the rebels didn't take them. And I would not be surprised if they were given intelligence from the former Syria regime/Russia itself what to hit.