Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by King_of_NYC k

Hindustan Times. NY Times. Same thing.

Victor was right.

Didn't Victor think the NY Times was hopelessly biased?

by Crossnerd k

So disingenuous it’s actually gross

Do you really think gay people would not be persecuted in a Muslim Palestinian state? If so, what is your reason they would be treated differently than they are in the countries of their allies?

by grizy k

I have to admit Dunyain describing apartment buildings as communal housing projects took me by surprise.

From today on, I will tell people I live in housing projects too.

Since everyone seems to refer to Gaza as a 'prison camp', doesn't that terminology make sense? I can't imagine they are luxury apartments.

Spreading LGBT empowerment one unguided bomb at a time!

by chillrob k

Seems logical that we could start saying that people who support the Palestinian cause love seeing LGBT people murdered.

Oops, I mean support the murder of LGBT people.

Note to self - I need to remember this three weeks from now.

Keep trolling about mod policy in this thread and you better keep that note.

by Dunyain k

A couple months ago weren't you reporting that Israel was in fact not really targeting at all, and just cluster bombing?

Prove it liar.

by Dunyain k

I have seen lots of pictures of Gaza and dont recall ever seeing what we could call a "house." Seems everyone lives in giant communal housing projects. Between this, the fact we already know most of the bombs Israel drops aren't using any smart technology, and the fact 85 media members have died out of 30,000+; yes it does appear to be random when a bomb hits the residence of any particular "media member"

Yeah, I may have to concede that point. When you carpet bomb entire neighborhoods, getting some of the local media is just a bonus I guess.

by chillrob k

Do you really think gay people would not be persecuted in a Muslim Palestinian state? If so, what is your reason they would be treated differently than they are in the countries of their allies?

Zionists, but in this thread especially Mets, do not give a single solitary **** about lgbtq Palestinians, and the feigned concern for their human rights would be laughable if it wasn’t so morally ****ing repugnant. What disingenuous exploitative garbage.

It’d be the same as me saying Palestine wouldn’t allow abortion and in Israel abortion is state funded healthcare. If we allow Israel to be a state they’ll kill millions of unborn babies. Are you okay with that, pro-life Mets? Get the **** outta here lol

It’s not rocket science to see through that. He’s not saying it because he cares. He’s saying it because he sees it as a card to play, and the lives of lgbtq Palestinians are not a game piece for gotcha plays. It’s disgusting.

by Slighted k

because i didn't think i needed to spell it out for you. everyone not fully allowing and recognizing marriage is bad.

But I hope you can realize not allowing marriage is less bad than murdering someone for being gay, right? (ignoring the fact Israel does in fact now allow gay marriage)

You seem very eager to make moral equivalencies comparing Israel and its Arab neighbors, when there really isn't any. It is very clear cut Israel is much less horrible in regard to LGBT rights than any of its neighbors, including the Palestinians territories.

by Crossnerd k

ItÂ’d be the same as me saying Palestine wouldnÂ’t allow abortion and in Israel abortion is state funded healthcare. If we allow Israel to be a state theyÂ’ll kill millions of unborn babies. Are you okay with that, pro-life Mets? Get the **** outta here lol

ItÂ’s not rocket science to see through that. HeÂ’s not saying it because he cares. HeÂ’s saying it because he sees it as a card to play, and the lives of lgbtq Palestinians are not a game piece for gotcha plays. ItÂ’s disgusting.

Actually I would argue the progressive left and Arab world have exactly been using the lives of ALL Palestinians as game pieces, and I agree with you it is disgusting. No one who is serious at all thinks that the Palestinians will actually reconquer Israel from the River to the Sea; nor will attempts to do so meet in anything but their death and destruction.

So the continual support of this nihilistic, suicidal mission is the epitome of cynically using Palestinians as game pieces. That is just one example. Pretty much everything the progressive left and Arab world views about the conflict cynically supports the Palestinian cause at the expense of the people.

Name one good thing the progressive left has actually accomplished for the Palestinian people themselves in the last several decades. You would be very hard pressed to.

Would any of you ever tell your own children they should spend all their life's energies fighting to futility reclaim some olive grove their great grandparents lived on 100 years ago (that is probably a strip mall now anyways). Of course not. What a horrible thing to do to someone. Yet this is exactly what the progressive left supports for the Palestinian people.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

I think the Palestinian people themselves should immediately be granted asylum in willing countries, and given a chance to actually live and thrive, instead of living in a dystopian hellscape devoted to a hopeless cause of reconquering a colony lost generations ago.

But that is just me. You do you.

That was a very long way to admit that it’s true you don’t care about gay Palestinians, but thx Kelhus

by Crossnerd k

That was a very long way to admit that it’s true you don’t care about gay Palestinians, but thx Kelhus

Your welcome.

And if you do care about gay Palestinians (or really, any Palestinians) I hope you can appreciate marching in the streets of New York chanting "Houthis Houthis make us proud" is not going to ever accomplish anything productive in this direction. Literally 0.0 chance.

by browser2920 k

Keep trolling about mod policy in this thread and you better keep that note.

I was trying to troll Victor there, not you.

by Crossnerd k

Zionists, but in this thread especially Mets, do not give a single solitary **** about lgbtq Palestinians, and the feigned concern for their human rights would be laughable if it wasn’t so morally ****ing repugnant. What disingenuous exploitative garbage.

Maybe so, but that doesn't make it untrue. I really have never understood why anyone who supports the rights of women could not be completely anti-Islam.

I’m anti all theistic religions 👍

by Crossnerd k

I’m anti all theistic religions 👍

I am as well, though some modern religions are more violent and more threatening to the rights of certain people than others. I have considered myself anti-religion in general for a long time, though Buddhism may have some redeeming factors, and I'm not too worried about the possible spread of Jainism.

by browser2920 k

Keep trolling about mod policy in this thread and you better keep that note.

Is the same logic of allowing Victor to say over and over that i like babies being murdered just because i don't feel like writia 30 page dissertation disputing it. So i don't think he's trolling mod policy

Anyone who supports Palestine supports persecution of gay people

by chillrob k

Maybe so, but that doesn't make it untrue. I really have never understood why anyone who supports the rights of women could not be completely anti-Islam.

Nobody is arguing that these muslim states don't have the right to a state . Or to self determination. That only applies to Jews apparently

"Saudi Arabia: no Israel ties without recognition of Palestinian state"

I doubt if in principal most Israelis would have a problem with a Palestinian state. It's that whole river to the sea thing that throws a spanner in the works.

by Crossnerd k

I’m anti all theistic religions 👍

do you think fervently theistic religious people, in great numbers, are a threat to a society?

by corpus vile k

I doubt if in principal most Israelis would have a problem with a Palestinian state. It's that whole river to the sea thing that throws a spanner in the works.

I think an absolute majority would be ok giving palestinians the strip and a portion of the west bank (after all they already have them) with official statehood, but not jerusalem at all.

Afaik palestinians aren't interested in official statehood under those conditions

Off topic but since i saw my name and abortion mentioned in quotes of posts i don't normally see nor respond to contain false views interpretation about my abortion views were mentioned, last night i learned in class that there are 2 passages in the torah that prove that abortion should not be considered murder. One involved 2 men fighting in exodus, and during their struggle they bump into a woman and cause her to miscarry, they should pay a fine but cannot be charged with murder or manslaughter.
The second passage involves when it is okay to save the mother over a fetus; according to Jewish law, the fetus must be aborted to save the mother up until both the head and shoulders are present outside the woman .. this proves that Jewish law does not consider a fetus a child until it is born

That doesn't mean abortion is necessarily moral in all cases, but it does mean according to Jewish law it shouldn't be considered murder. I found it very interesting

Very little to do about the Palestinian conflict so I apologize for the segue. But in found it interesting nonetheless
