Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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I mean, literally, yes. The arms sales continued as the investigation went on.
Reagan's popularity immediately bounced back and he became a Republican icon for a decade. W Bush, who was directly implicated in the scandal, went on to become president. It's fine you don't remember any of this but stop pretending no Americans were reading newspapers circa 1960-1990.
I'm sorry, the USA's horrific treatment of Latin America wasn't a big secret even at the time. Voters knew we were supporting violent
You vastly overestimate the interest of the general populace in these kinds of things. Just because these guys were elected doesn't mean they supported those actions. They just listened to the speeches and voted for whoever hit the notes they wanted to hear, and no one was bragging about worried supporting dictators.
Andeans in general aren't friendly, regardless of the country. It's the same in Peru. Go to the lowlands, Santa Cruz de la Sierra for example, and people will be much more approachable. And better looking LOL.
No that's not true at all. I'm in the Andes right now in Colombia and people are very friendly here.
I want to preface this by saying that I like you Chill, and while I don't always agree with your views I don't always disagree either and I appreciate the perspective that you bring here.
But this post here has got to be one of the most ****ed up and misanthropic things that you've said here--and you've said a few.
Yeah, I was in a grumpy mood, and feeling more misanthropic than usual.
As I said in my follow up post, I am saddened by children being killed, but I'm even more angry about it, and I put the blame squarely on Hamas, anyone who voted for them, and especially the horrible people who thought it was a good idea to have children whom they knew would grow up in a violent area that many here describe as a giant prison.
That's the way power works: people in wealthy nations can cast themselves as innocent, unaware victims even as their country ****s over the rest of the world for decades. No such considerations for the powerless, of course. **** them if they choose to have children in a prison camp, should've known better! Collective blame, but only ever on the side with no juice.
Yes, I would be sad (but really more angry) that those kids' parents did two terrible things: voted terrorists into power, and had children in a state where terrorists routinely use children as human shields. There's very little worse than what those parents did, and they deserve full blame.
According to this people in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Iraq and Afghanistan would be justified in thinking of US citizens that they voted terrorists into power and they deserve full blame.
There's no end to it if your **** view is applied across the board.
If I knew you in real life, I would slap the **** out of you for taking this position in front of me
Someone will make him shed a tear
Someone should hurt you too. See how you like it.
There reallly isn’t anything wrong with hurting people who call for the massacres of Palestinian kids
Dunyain is a joke
PW. Stop with the comments about threats and harm, even if done as hyperbole.
Israel withdrew from gaza
The Palestinian Authority took over
Then the people of gaza voted hamas making it a separate entity from the WB
The use of the word occupation regarding gaza is propaganda
Not being a "state entity" because they aren't in the UN doesn't mean that aren't a government
It's bad wordplay to try to justify their behavior
I know it sucks to not understand what words mean in context, but without an officially recognized state you cannot be a state entity. You’ve complained about the resolutions. It’d be helpful if first you had a grasp on how they work.
According to this people in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, Iraq and Afghanistan would be justified in thinking of US citizens that they voted terrorists into power and they deserve full blame.
There's no end to it if your **** view is applied across the board.
That's the problem when you start thinking that "democracy" actually reflects the will of the people instead of the will of those who manipulate people into voting the way they do.
I know it sucks to not understand what words mean in context, but without an officially recognized state you cannot be a state entity. You’ve complained about the resolutions. It’d be helpful if first you had a grasp on how they work.
Meh. You've mostly been the voice of reason in this thread but I don't think we need the UN to tell us what a state or state entity is.
Meh. You've mostly been the voice of reason in this thread but I don't think we need the UN to tell us what a state or state entity is.
I don’t think so either, but if you’re complaining about resolutions from the UN or lack thereof, it might be helpful to note that UN resolutions are against states, and Palestine is not a recognized UN state and Hamas is not a recognized UN state entity.
Maybe the world is finally recognizing that raping Jewish women is just as bad as raping non-Jewish women
12% of unrwa is Hamas? 1450 people
And we believe what they are reporting?
Who has claimed raping Jewish women isn’t as bad as raping non-Jewish women?
Did you just make that up?
So some Israeli hostages need their daily medicine
Looks like it's not being given and is being used in hospitals

A ton of this rape denial happened in this thread. Victor still says it didn't happen and claims the ny times retracted and doesn't believe any of the Israeli women .. but believes every pro hamas twitter post
Draw your own conclusions
I read the article. Quite a takeaway you got from it- “The world thinks raping Jews isn’t as bad as raping non-Jews”
This is why your posts can never be taken at face value.
Victor is "the world" now?
A ton of this rape denial happened in this thread. Victor still says it didn't happen and claims the ny times retracted and doesn't believe any of the Israeli women .. but believes every pro hamas twitter post
Draw your own conclusions
Your conclusions are often very loosely tied to reality.
I know very well there has been rape denial in this thread. I am the one who put an end to it. Victor admits rapes occurred.
My issue is you attribute all the denial to antisemitism. There’s far more at play than just that, and the summary that “The world cares less about Jew rape” essentially is not rooted in actual data afaik.
Yeah, I was in a grumpy mood, and feeling more misanthropic than usual.
As I said in my follow up post, I am saddened by children being killed, but I'm even more angry about it, and I put the blame squarely on Hamas, anyone who voted for them, and especially the horrible people who thought it was a good idea to have children whom they knew would grow up in a violent area that many here describe as a giant prison.
Gazans don't have the power in this situation. Only Israelis do. It was never a good idea to vote for Hamas, whose whole policy is hopeless war against a far more powerful neighbour, with obvious adverse consequences, but people only know what they're told, and what they can see from where they stand.
It took 8 weeks for any non jewish groups to condemn the rapes
8 weeks
These same women's groups were calling for a ceasefire by October 23rd but did not condemn the hamas rapes of Israeli women for another month
It wasn't just Victor. Maybe only victor and the twitter accounts he follows believe it now, but there was no condemnation for 6 weeks so people either didn't believe the rapes hapoe, or didn't care cause it was only Jews
Gazans don't have the power in this situation. Only Israelis do. It was never a good idea to vote for Hamas, whose whole policy is hopeless war against a far more powerful neighbour, with obvious adverse consequences, but people only know what they're told, and what they can see from where they stand.
Plus half of Gaza’s population is under 18. They didn’t even vote for this.

And here's a good article
If your argument is not that they are jewish, but because they were Israeli, then lol
The national org of women finally condemned the rape November 30th. What is that 51 days later?
And this isn't because they are jewish? Please