Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33417 Replies
lol, Raffi just clinging to this easily-disprovable lie is amazing, even for him.
lol, Raffi just clinging to this easily-disprovable lie is amazing, even for him.
When Micro came with "is it your country settings" and you came with "that's just 1.2% of the other conflict", it was over then already.
At least for anyone paying attention.
In 2 days they rounded up humans like cattle and executed them. Wasn't hard to prove that the world largely did not and does not care.
When Micro came with "is it your country settings" and you came with "that's just 1.2% of the other conflict", it was over then already.
At least for anyone paying attention.
In 2 days they rounded up humans like cattle and executed them. Wasn't hard to prove that the world largely did not and does not care.
I really don't think you believe what you're posting. Sure, there's a small component that's right, but you just ignore the much bigger factors because you're playing games.
When Micro came with "is it your country settings" and you came with "that's just 1.2% of the other conflict", it was over then already.
It was over when I spent ten seconds googling and found a dozen mainstream outlets reporting on this story that you said wasn't being covered. Now you're just flailing about and making up wild claims about the story being buried and it's getting even sillier and sillier. The whole thing was yet another WHATABOUT argument, except you don't even have the WHATABOUT part.
Why would you go to a Palestine subreddit for news about Syria? Are you simple?
In response to Victor claiming “it’s getting a ton of attention and condemnation from the tankie and pro-Palestinian world.” I assume the Palestine subreddit is part of the pro-Palestinian world.
I don’t see any condemning, but maybe I am simple.
Guys, Al-Jazeera is THE publication that gave this thing the air it needed to burn.
This is Tutsi slaughter level 2 day blitz. They rounded people up nazi style here.
If you think the West covered this level of barbarism correctly, I just feel sorry for you. Truly.
Al Jazeera is pro HTS. So is the West. Ofc they are gonna downplay and run cover for the atrocities just like the CNN and BBC do for Israel.
This guy is an interesting example of the people who support Israel now and what it means that others consider this kind of thing fighting anti-semitism.
In November 2024, he spoke with Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli. Georgescu said that if elected, he would fight antisemitism, move the Romanian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Bucharest, and ignore the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Netanyahu, despite Romania being a state party to the Rome Statute.
Ok, some people around here would love that.
In November 2020, Georgescu stated that dictator Ion Antonescu and Iron Guard founder Corneliu Zelea Codreanu are heroes through whom "the national history lived, through them speaks and spoke the national history and not through the lackeys of the globalist powers that lead Romania today temporarily".
Ion Antonescu was executed for war crimes for his responsibility in the Holocaust in Romania. The Iron Guard was...
The Iron Guard was purposely anti-Semitic, promoting the idea that "Rabbinical aggression against the Christian world"—which manifested through Freemasonry, Freudianism, homosexuality, atheism, Marxism, Bolshevism, and the civil war in Spain"—were undermining society.
The pro-Israel fanatics have defined anti-Israeli state as anti-semitic and have invited real anti-semites, the kind who actually want to murder any Jews who are in their countries and not in their own enthno-state into their company.
the thing is, I actually absolutely agree with rafki that this has not been covered properly by Western media and is on some level being obfuscated. I just disagree with the idea that the reason they are running cover is bc they are antisemitic.
No one in the USA knows what "Alawite" or "HTS" are. If CNN weren't going to cover it, they wouldn't cover it at all. If a lot of people click those links today, there will be another story on it tomorrow.
It was over when I spent ten seconds googling and found a dozen mainstream outlets reporting on this story that you said wasn't being covered. Now you're just flailing about and making up wild claims about the story being buried and it's getting even sillier and sillier. The whole thing was yet another WHATABOUT argument, except you don't even have the WHATABOUT part.
Trolly, even you must understand that writing an article and placing it at the bottom corner of a page (if that), vs running headline news across the whole news cycle to the point the whole world takes notice, is not the same.
Going on YEARS now, every time you post, I think of the Tom Green movie Freddy Got Fingered. Not a post you write goes by where I don't.

Like give or take, Victor doesn't like Jews. We know. He doesn't hide it. But you're just simple. And it's not going to change, I don't know why I expect it to.
Democracy Now, the premier left wing outlet in the U.S., has the Alawite massacre at the top of its feed.
Prove it with quotes or STFU.
Over 800 civilians dead in 2 days
"did you check your country settings?"
Guys, do better in here today. For the children.
About 1,000 at present estimate, per BBC a few hours ago. And about 500 Assadist paramilitaries, apparently.
It's certainly been covered, as I've heard it on every BBC radio and TV bulletin for days. According to the Syrian gov the operation is now over and there will be a commission of inquiry.
I think there's definitely some truth to some people being obsessed with anti-Israel stuff because it's Jews. And it just being that the USA is involved seems likely just rationalization. It's talked about because there are two sides. No one in the US media is praising HTS right now and saying that people must stand with them. No one is calling the Alawite victims terrorists. Without two sides to an issue the stories don't keep going. If all of the Israeli war supporters in this thread sto
I feel like we've had this exchange before. You say that the Israeli conflict is unfairly highlighted (I mean wowowowowow) because of anti-Jew bias. I say counter and say well there are the facts that
- The U.S. spends a ton of taxpayer money on Israel
- The Israel lobby runs our politics to an absurd degree
- Many Americans have died in wars vigorously lobbied for by the Israeli lobby which were never justified in terms of U.S. interests
- The U.S. is currently being lobbied heavily by the extremely influential Israeli lobby to go to war against Iran and its very legit military
- The amount of money and geopolitical/political capital spent on Israel is so absurdly large as to be practically immeasurable
Did any similar reasons apply to, say, Rawanda, which received a great deal of attention in the media when a genocide occurred there?
I'm open to refutations, but from a birds eye view I think any country which accrued such a bill with us in terms of lives and treasure would surely face a lot MORE scrutiny, and not nearly as much if any favorable coverage, than Israel. Is the U.S. public not supposed to be interested in the lives of its military personnel? It's tax dollars? It's standing in the world which is decidedly against the apartheid and ethnic cleansing practiced by Israel? Even if you don't think what Israel is doing is apartheid or ethnic cleansing, you have to recognize that most of the world does and there is a tremendous diplomatic cost to supporting Israel and the benefits are questionable at best. Israel is a country that has infiltrated our political system at the highest levels. AIPAC pours money into elections in order to filter out those not giving allegiance to Israel. All this and I'm not supposed to care about Israel or I'm Jew hating? That's one of the most offensive takes from the pro Israel crowd I've heard and there is no shortage of offensive takes from them as it is infused with a noxious level of Jewish ethno-racial supremacy.
I'm not sure you read my post. Or my other posts in this discussion or anyone else's or meant to respond to me.
No, that's just another lie. Victor is a dolt to be sure, but he's careful to distinguish between the actions of the Israeli government and Jews as a whole. You can't back up any of these lies and cheap whataboutisms, so you spin around and call everyone and every media outlet antisemitic.
Trolly everyone did a little article they buried. You had to go google to find them. You didn't land on them in the peak of the news cycle, front page like Israel gets. I know you know this. And it's certainly not getting broad coverage on TV.
Every news company has more journalists in Israel than all the other Middle East countries combined typically. That was revealed a few years back. For the reasons I'm explaining here.
lol the CNN article you linked to snuck in at 5pm on a Sunday, and is abou
Aren't you Canadian? Dunno about Canada but this was covered on BBC, Sky & Euronews over my way.
I'm not sure you read my post. Or my other posts in this discussion or anyone else's or meant to respond to me.
I read your post. And you've made this argument in the past (the time I remember is many years ago so I wouldn't expect you to remember). I believe you once wrote something like "If it's Jews it's news". It's an argument common to pro Israelis saying that the disproportionate amount of attention paid to alleged Israeli human rights violations is due to bias against the alleged perpetrators for their being Jewish. It's a terrible argument for several reasons. Aside from the obvious, that it's not valid to say "hey everyone else is doing this too why focus on me?" (two wrongs don't make a right), it also ignores glaring differences, which I've pointed out, between out relationship to Israel and to that of other countries committing atrocities.
"You don't need to worry about what it costs you to help us do evil" is, I would think, not a sentiment which is going to win hearts and minds.
the thing is, I actually absolutely agree with rafki that this has not been covered properly by Western media and is on some level being obfuscated. I just disagree with the idea that the reason they are running cover is bc they are antisemitic.
I'll even go as far as to say that antisemitism is quite prevalent in the world in general and that many things do happen because of antisemitism.
It is probably a contributing factor in the broad coverage Israel gets generally.
I'm not willing to concede that its a driving factor to the prevalent coverage of Israeli news in the US relative to any other foreign country though