Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33717 Replies
If any 1st world democratic country was executing 100's of civilians in the streets it would make plenty of news. What if Iran was doing it? Would bet plenty of money the news would be spamming it to grow the war base.
Iran has done it. It got a bit of coverage then. Certainly no global outrage.
I think there's definitely some truth to some people being obsessed with anti-Israel stuff because it's Jews. And it just being that the USA is involved seems likely just rationalization. It's talked about because there are two sides. No one in the US media is praising HTS right now and saying that people must stand with them. No one is calling the Alawite victims terrorists. Without two sides to an issue the stories don't keep going. If all of the Israeli war supporters in this thread stopped posting, this thread would die out too.
I mean, it's just a blatant lie to say that the news was "buried." I heard about the story yesterday. It's clearly being widely reported, despite your false claim. Obviously a thousand Arabs dying doesn't get the same coverage as a thousand Americans or Israelis dying because society doesn't value them as human beings. It's the same reason you think it's hilarious to joke about Muslims being butchered like chickens at KFC: those are subhuman "others" and 50,000-200,000 dead doesn't merit any sympathy.
just shut the **** up
Therefore, it's very cool to throw him in a cage and not tell his lawyer or pregnant wife or anybody else where he is. It's cool to revoke the green cards of people for the great sin of criticizing America and its favorite partner in murder. You ****ing fascist.
No, you psychopathic piece of ****, the overwhelmingly vast percentage of people protesting things like Israeli baby murder are doing so on th
Btw did a Mod come in and make a comment on the Golda quote, but this was sane/kosher?
Karl, do you need a week in the sun or something? This was intense even by your standards. Telling people in here to shut the **** up, and calling them psychopathic piece of **** probably is a few toes over the line for any of us.
I mean, it's just a blatant lie to say that the news was "buried." I heard about the story yesterday. It's clearly being widely reported, despite your obviously false claim. Obviously a thousand Arabs dying doesn't get the same coverage as a thousand Americans or Israelis dying because society doesn't value them as human beings.
It is most definitely not being widely reported compared to Israel. Not even close.
Look where you actually do find it on the cnn page man. A religious liquidation. That's the first homepage I see it on actually:

"widely reported" in the Israel/Gaza conflict is front page news top of the fold. And a few dead would typically do the job. Don't be obtuse...
Are there front pages anymore or is it all tailored to you personally? Certainly they aren't the same across countries.
800+ civilians killed and it was a news BURP. Trolly here telling us it got equal coverage, lol.
Y'all gonna make me check Google search volume on this Syrian liquidation? Promise you it'll be just as tiny.
No Jews no Jews is a stone cold fact. They just "yadda yadda'd" an actual religious execution blitz.
It is most definitely not being widely reported compared to Israel. Not even close.
Look where you actually do find it on the cnn page man. A religious liquidation. That's the first homepage I see it on actually:
So, it is right there on the homepage. There's also a story about it on the NYT homepage right now. Just take the L, dude, you're demonstrably lying here.
The websites track how many people take links for what kinds of stories. Rafiki, have you read a bunch of stories about Israel/Gaza???? If so, you are part of the reason those stories get covered.
Pretending not to understand why Isreali news is bigger, more popular, and more prominent in the west to Syrian news is certainly a strategy
Pretending not to understand why Isreali news is bigger, more popular, and more prominent in the west to Syrian news is certainly a strategy
We get why. The lack of Jews is quite obvious.
Turkey is a first world country. THE super power of the middle east. NATO member.
They get an even bigger hall pass with their slaughter of the Kurds.
Over 800 civilians dead in 2 days
"did you check your country settings?"
Guys, do better in here today. For the children.
So you sought out a Palestinian reddit page and are shocked that it's about Palestinians?
Here's an Alawite's reddit page.
Victor claimed that Pro-Palestinian spaces were picking up on the ongoing killings in Syria. I checked a Pro-Palestinian space and found that there were 0 posts about the ongoing killings in Syria. Try to keep up?
Nothing about what I found or posted was shocking. Quite the opposite actually.
We get why. The lack of Jews is quite obvious.
Turkey is a first world country. THE super power of the middle east. NATO member.
They get an even bigger hall pass with their slaughter of the Kurds.
We have about 40k Kurds and 425k turks and 7.5 million jews living in the US
Turkey is generally considered a geopolitical nothing burger while Israel is possibly our closes geopolitical ally
Like, the phrase "no jews no news" is probably correct, but not because of antisemitism

Here’s what you get when you search Syria in a Pro-Palestinian subreddit consisting of 275,000 members. Absolutely nothing. Maybe they are afraid that talking about it will divert western tears from their cause. It’s well known that the western virtue signalers only have room in their heart for one or two issues at a time.
No Jews, no news!
We have about 40k Kurds and 425k turks and 7.5 million jews living in the US
Turkey is generally considered a geopolitical nothing burger while Israel is possibly our closes geopolitical ally
Like, the phrase "no jews no news" is probably correct, but not because of antisemitism
That's demonstrably false in Europe now. And I cannot speak for the USA. But it's starting to be false in Canada too depending on the publication.
Here’s what you get when you search Syria in a Pro-Palestinian subreddit consisting of 275,000 members. Absolutely nothing. Maybe they are afraid that talking about it will divert western tears from their cause.
Why would you go to a Palestine subreddit for news about Syria? Are you simple?
Guys, Al-Jazeera is THE publication that gave this thing the air it needed to burn.
This is Tutsi slaughter level 2 day blitz. They rounded people up nazi style here.
If you think the West covered this level of barbarism correctly, I just feel sorry for you. Truly.
That's demonstrably false in Europe now. And I cannot speak for the USA. But it's starting to be false in Canada too depending on the publication.
Every time you take a link to a story about Israel and Gaza you are telling the site that you want more stories about Israel and Gaza. You are as responsible for it as anyone.