Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


IDF needs to go back to arresting illegal settlers. It's pretty insane that hasn't happened but Bibi.

My brother who served was a passenger on a c130, not sure if it was the hercules or not, but he some how was not able to aquire ear plugs and I remember him mentioning that his ears were buzzing for many nights as a result. Those things are loud.

by Bluegrassplayer k

while hundreds of aid trucks sit on the border. and while Israel drops more bombs than the USA drops food. and I think they dropped like 50k meals or something?

maybe we can get a ratio on meals vs bombs dropped. also I would like metrics on how many Gazans got sniped while running for the aid packs.

just vile hunger games stuff going on. pointing out the depravity will probably get me banned but cheering on the death is explicitly allowed on this forum.

I highly doubt you'll get banned over that although your post is kind of all over the place and it's difficult to tell what point your making. Yes the situation there is awful. USA dropping food is good.

38,000 meals dropped according to the article.

its for show. its not good bc its not in a vacuum. USA is helping to block aid and giving Israel bombs and endorsing the murder of civilians seeking aid. oh but look at us we dropped 38000 meals for a population of millions that is starving. jfc gimme a break.

and yes I will get banned. this forum is littered with people endorsing genocide and applauding it and pointing it out gets bans. pointing out that Israeli tiktok is full of genocide support and that the IDF runs snuff film telegrams where people praise soldiers murdering starving civilians is certainly worthy of bans.

or maybe its one of those things where there is a disconnect between the action and the result. kinda like how people are allowed to cheer on bombs that have killed 10s of thousands of children and civilians but somehow someway they dont actually want those kids to die.

if I just post the tiktoks and tweets and quotes from this forum of people cheering on the murder of Gazans that is not the same as saying hey, look these people [strike]love[/strike] support genocide.

Most of that is wrong imo. USA is not helping to block aid, they have been against Israel's policy on this and have been saying that Israel should take responsibility for awhile now. They definitely do not endorse the murder of civilians seeking aid.

38,000 is from the first drop, which happened within the past 24 hours. They are saying they are fed up and will actually do something if Israel doesn't.

You had me at, 'Most of that is wrong.'

Why can’t the UN go deliver the food by hand and then just start protecting people

by Bluegrassplayer k

Most of that is wrong imo. USA is not helping to block aid, they have been against Israel's policy on this and have been saying that Israel should take responsibility for awhile now. They definitely do not endorse the murder of civilians seeking aid.

38,000 is from the first drop, which happened within the past 24 hours. They are saying they are fed up and will actually do something if Israel doesn't.

how on earth can you say that the USA is "against Israel's policy"? have they down anything to stop it? no they continue to send guns and aid and undermine help to civilians. they make a few milquetoast tweets about wanting to preserve civilian life while bypassing congress to send billions in weaponry and defunding the one single organization that had some semblance of capability to distribute aid.

by PointlessWords k

Why can’t the UN go deliver the food by hand and then just start protecting people

well the USA has veto power in the UN and has on at least 3 occasions vetoed any recommendation for a cease fire.

but BGP insists that they dont support this Israeli policy.

by Victor k

Pretty sure the root cause is the blockade and periodic murder sprees.

Sure, no Muslims ever attacked Israel before the blockade of Gaza started.

It's interesting how the UN gets laughed at for being completely ineffective at times, yet somehow has insane amounts of power when it's convenient.

USA is working on a cease fire which would also return the hostages... in other words a cease fire that would actually be honored by both sides.

by Victor k

well the USA has veto power in the UN and has on at least 3 occasions vetoed any recommendation for a cease fire.

but BGP insists that they dont support this Israeli policy.

Do you really think Israel gives a (darn) about UN recommendations?

by chillrob k

Do you really think Israel gives a (darn) about UN recommendations?

this is called a non sequitor. it has nothing to do with the conversation. stop clogging up the thread with your lack of comprehension and knowledge. read more, post less.

by Bluegrassplayer k

It's interesting how the UN gets laughed at for being completely ineffective at times, yet somehow has insane amounts of power when it's convenient.

USA is working on a cease fire which would also return the hostages... in other words a cease fire that would actually be honored by both sides.

Hamas asked for a cease fire where Israel actually stops the murdering. they also wanted the civilians to get food and return to their homes (well, rubble or dirt) and be given resources to rebuild.

Biden called this over the top.

do you guys want Hamas to return the hostages and then allow Israel to go on an even more depraved murder spree? bc that is quite clearly what Israel is angling for and it sure seems that the Biden admin will allow it and support it. I am just not sure if you yourself actually support such a course of action. I dont need to ask some in this thread who have already fantasized about it.

You're trying to blame USA for not stopping Israel via the UN, so whether or not the UN could actually stop Israel is pretty key. Then it sounds like you are against USA providing aid on their own, and trying to create a peace deal that actually results in peace.

What chillrob said is at the heart of this conversation.

Are those clowns protesting/raving/blocking a crossing actually affecting aid getting in? There are other crossings?

by Bluegrassplayer k

You're trying to blame USA for not stopping Israel via the UN, so whether or not the UN could actually stop Israel is pretty key. Then it sounds like you are against USA providing aid on their own, and trying to create a peace deal that actually results in peace.

What chillrob said is at the heart of this conversation.

read the post I quoted. he asked why the UN is not administering aid. I said it is bc the USA would block any such action the evidence is that the USA blocks generic and toothless ceasefire referendums.

you guys are twisting the argument and going off topic. like you always do.

by Victor k

well the USA has veto power in the UN and has on at least 3 occasions vetoed any recommendation for a cease fire.

but BGP insists that they dont support this Israeli policy.


by 5 south k

Are those clowns protesting/raving/blocking a crossing actually affecting aid getting in? There are other crossings?

the Israeli military could remove them at any time and allow aid in. they dont bc it is the explicit policy of Israel to cause starvation and thin the population as much as possible and they have the explicit and material endorsement of the USA.

no, they arent really blocking aid going in. Israel and the USA are blocking aid going in.

by Bluegrassplayer k


you are trolling now. you are trying to get a rise out of me.

read what that post was in response to and stop trolling me. you think bc you have the protection of the mods that you can post inane garbage and not follow the conversation and then lie about your comprehension.

by Victor k

this is called a non sequitor. it has nothing to do with the conversation. stop clogging up the thread with your lack of comprehension and knowledge. read more, post less.

Lol, you're telling someone else to post less?

You just posted something that everyone already knows and makes absolutely no difference to anything.

by chillrob k

Lol, you're telling someone else to post less?

You just posted something that everyone already knows and makes absolutely no difference to anything.

no I explained one of the main reasons why the UN cannot distribute aid in Gaza. and that reason is bc the USA would block any such distribution.

try to follow the conversation.
