Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by gs3737 k

It’s ok Victor.

She’s obviously part of the Israeli propaganda lying machine.

Maybe she’s a homosexual, and Israel turned her??

if we believe her, then Hamas stole some aid. that doesnt mean they stole all of the aid and made the Gazans starve. we have the words and deeds of the Israels. you have a clip from a right wing Western source translated.

If we believe the Israeli women.

If we believe the Palestinian women.

Amazing how anyone who goes against what you spew is “if, if, if.”

But your absurd, extremely biased sources??? Taken as gospel.

You’re simply a caricature at this point.

I dunno, man if you want to drag out clips of Palestinian Grandmas blaming Israel vs blaming Hamas, then I dont think you will fare well.

by Dunyain k

Rococo, I know you don't like Hanania. But lets get beyond that and actually discuss the content of the tweet. "Moderate" Palestinian Fatah members are doing interviews justifying the Holocaust using disingenuous arguments straight out of the Elder Protocols of Zion. And at the same time Imams are telling the people dying as a martyr fighting Jews is a ticket straight to paradise. While Iran is providing the weapons to make the mission a reality.

As long as these sort of radical conditions ex

Fatah Official Yasser Aby Sido claimed that Jews had been destroying Germany's economy and moral values, which was why Hitler needed to carry out the Holocaust.
Fatah Official Yasser Aby Sido appeared on Egypt’s Sada Al-Balad TV on February 23, where he claimed that the Holocaust was a necessary action because the “Jews planned to control Germany," according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Sido began the interview by commenting on international condemnations of a potential IDF military operation in Rafah, comparing it to the Holocaust.

“I would like to ask: Why did the Holocaust happen? I am not a fan of Hitler,” Sido affirmed, but added, “but when Hitler perpetrated the Holocaust, he had obvious reasons.

“The Jews and the Zionists were offered various places in the world - in Argentina, in Uganda, in the north of Sinai, in the south of Iraq- but they chose Palestine for other reasons we may mention later.

“They planned to take over Germany. They started to bring down Germany in terms of the economy and moral values. Hitler reacted by making the Jews go on the streets and lick the sidewalks. They know this very well. Kristallnacht [the night of broken glass] is well known in Jewish history, but so is the Night of the Long Knives, when Jews were ordered to put Stars of Davids on their breasts, and they were called ‘filthy Jews.’

“Let me say this loud and clear - the Jews distorted many verses in the Torah in order to make them more agreeable for them. I do not want to cite examples because some might consider me an antisemite, although it is us Arabs who are Semites - not them.”

The Fatah official failed to mention that Nazi forces had attempted to genocide Jews across the entire European continent and offered a revised account of the Holocaust which promotes the idea that Hitler had attempted to relocate Jewish populations.

So the world wants fatah to govern gaza post war

And this guy thinks the jews planned to take over Germany and deserb the holocaust

It's just surreal

by metsandfinsfan k

Fatah Official Yasser Aby Sido appeared on Egypt’s Sada Al-Balad TV on February 23, where he claimed that the Holocaust was a necessary action because the “Jews planned to control Germany," according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

And this guy thinks the jews planned to take over Germany and deserb the holocaust

Kind of like a “necessary evil”?

by metsandfinsfan k

So the world wants fatah to govern gaza post war

And this guy thinks the jews planned to take over Germany and deserb the holocaust

It's just surreal

No big deal to apologists like Victor. They're fine with genocide, as long as it's done to people they don't like.

by gs3737 k

If we believe the Israeli women.

If we believe the Palestinian women.

Amazing how anyone who goes against what you spew is “if, if, if.”

But your absurd, extremely biased sources??? Taken as gospel.

You’re simply a caricature at this point.

What international sources are not extremely biased

by gs3737 k

If we believe the Israeli women.

If we believe the Palestinian women.

Amazing how anyone who goes against what you spew is “if, if, if.”

But your absurd, extremely biased sources??? Taken as gospel.

You’re simply a caricature at this point.

by PointlessWords k

What international sources are not extremely biased

the extremely biased UN

by BOIDS k

looks like we're in for another round of vic explaining to us that those (((women))) were lying about being raped

what women?


by Dunyain k

Rococo, I know you don't like Hanania. But lets get beyond that and actually discuss the content of the tweet. "Moderate" Palestinian Fatah members are doing interviews justifying the Holocaust using disingenuous arguments straight out of the Elder Protocols of Zion. And at the same time Imams are telling the people dying as a martyr fighting Jews is a ticket straight to paradise. While Iran is providing the weapons to make the mission a reality.

As long as these sort of radical conditions ex

Nobody likes Hanania except you. Reason being HE'S A NEO NAZI

by BOIDS k


She did get statements from this guy

And this guy

Vic taking the twittersphere as gospel again.

by Dunyain k

Rococo, I know you don't like Hanania. But lets get beyond that and actually discuss the content of the tweet.

Kelhus, you can make whatever points you want without citing or linking to guys like Hanania.

At this point, I can only assume that you are trying to induce people who might agree with someone like Hanania on a specific point to follow Hanania. (There are plenty of awful people who are capable of citing accurate statistics or making normal arguments on occasion.)

It's tiresome and a little gross.

And CV is correct. I don't dislike Hanania for some idiosyncratic reason. I dislike him for obvious reasons that I have explained previously.

by corpus vile k

Vic taking the twittersphere as gospel again.

you denying that Landau said that?

get owned like always

or are you denying that Landau and Raz Cohen featured prominently in the NYT story?

vic, take the weekend off.

nah, glad it makes you uncomfortable

by Rococo k

Kelhus, you can make whatever points you want without citing or linking to guys like Hanania.

Ok. But getting beyond this, do you see it as a problem that "moderates" in Palestinian society that we are asking to take over for Hamas are literal Holocaust apologists?

Listened to a very interesting Sam Harris podcast with a geopolitical strategist named "Peter Zeihan." He views everything through a realpolitik geopolitical tense; nothing about Islam or genocide or any other emotionally charged language.

Anyways, he predicts moving forward the US will pull back from the region entirely and go into a more isolationist period of their history. He says this has actually been what the US has quietly been doing since the first George Bush. Ironically, he said the US pulling back will affect everyone else negatively much more than us. While the US has been the world's policeman providing global trade lanes and energy security, it is actually much less dependent on this than the Old World.

He also predicts that regardless of how the Palestinian thing shakes out, Israel and the Sunni Arab states will continue to become stronger allies and trade partners as a necessary bulwark against Iranian and Turkish expansionism.

As far as Israel, he says Israel is actually in a fairly strong spot geopolitically. However, he says Israel is in a lot of internal danger. He basically argues the Israel far right is free loaders who dont participate in the economy productively and are extremely poor decision makers. And as their population continues to explode and they become more politically powerful, they will continue to suck the country dry.

He also mentions it would be trivially easy to cripple Iran economically if the US ever decided to do so. Their entire oil export infrastructure is a single port which is highly vulnerable. The US could literally destroy Iran's entire economy in one day. However, he says Iran has (correctly so far) gambled the US has no interest in doing this and getting even more involved in ME. He also argues even without US hegemony there is little risk in the short term of Iran threatening the Sunni Arab states or Israel because they are so technologically and militarily deficient relative to these other states. Iran and its proxies continuing to disrupt global shipping would mainly hurt China and Europe.

He says Europe, especially Germany, will be the big losers in all of this. The main reason is their inverted age pyramid which will cause their economies to literally collapse when they run out of economically productive young people to pay for the social welfare of older cohorts. For all the immigration they have had recently to try to combat this, he says it is way too little too late. He says however things shake out, Europe will look VERY different in 2070.

So the "British" fertilizer ship the Houthis hit has officially sunk, dumping 41,000 tons of toxic chemicals into Yemen's coastal waters. Talk about a self own.

more amazing stuff from the NYT

and Zionists will still claim they are biased against Israel. truly unbelievable times.

by Dunyain k

Ok. But getting beyond this, do you see it as a problem that "moderates" in Palestinian society that we are asking to take over for Hamas are literal Holocaust apologists?

At almost all times, there have always been huge problems with Palestinian and Israeli leadership, both current and prospective.

I'm supposed to take seriously a complaint about journalism from someone who wrote "The liberal New York Times is racially profile its staff"?
