Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33266 Replies


Yeah. Unlike twitter

I post true and verified propaganda from credible sources

by Victor k

I post true and verified propaganda from credible sources

You won't like these so.

Age restricted: How Hamas plans to Win

by Victor k

I post true and verified propaganda from credible sources

The level of delusional is off the charts. It’s almost pathetic.

by Schlitz mmmm k

lol I'm just a stupid, stoned man.

Right, we'll take that as read.

by gs3737 k

The level of delusional is off the charts. It’s almost pathetic.

I actually think vic might just possibly be taking the piss outa himself with his comment, in fairness to him. as his use of the word propaganda implies, to me anyway.

by PointlessWords k

Do you think it’s ok to support killing unarmed people?

It’s a yes or no question

Do you have the morals to answer this honestly without jokes or distractions?

Are the unarmed people a-holes?

by Victor k

I post true and verified propaganda from credible sources

Propaganda is intended to influence rather than inform, so there's that difficulty. (Admittedly a lot of mainstream media output comes under the same head, because the editorial line is dictated by corridor-creepers on the high-level staff, known at the BBC as 'black polo-necks', who think their views are impartial when they aren't, they're just conventional within that particular social group.)

by gs3737 k

The level of delusional is off the charts. It’s almost pathetic.

you would be hard pressed to find something I have been wrong about.

UNRWA story has unraveled.

the rape story has completely unraveled, and I havent even posted the Intercept article with the translated comments from Annat where she admits the lack of evidence.

Dunyain pushed back on the idea that Israelis are firing at aid trucks and then CNN admitted.

he also questioned videos of Israelis firing on starving people gathering to get aid and well, we all saw what happened yesterday and if you think that was the first time I got a bridge in the West Bank to sell you.

I could give you lessons and why you repeatedly are not able to analyze media. First one is free, read Israeli media.

The "rape story" has only "completely unravelled" in your head as you're pretty much completely unravelled from reality.

by Victor k

you would be hard pressed to find something I have been wrong about.

UNRWA story has unraveled.

the rape story has completely unraveled, and I havent even posted the Intercept article with the translated comments from Annat where she admits the lack of evidence.

Dunyain pushed back on the idea that Israelis are firing at aid trucks and then CNN admitted.

he also questioned videos of Israelis firing on starving people gathering to get aid and well, we all saw what happened yesterday and if you th

You are wrong about basically everything.

by 57 On Red k

Propaganda is intended to influence rather than inform, so there's that difficulty. (Admittedly a lot of mainstream media output comes under the same head, because the editorial line is dictated by corridor-creepers on the high-level staff, known at the BBC as 'black polo-necks', who think their views are impartial when they aren't, they're just conventional within that particular social group.)

yes I understand that. Personally, I try to be informed by facts and as a smart man once told me, the best propaganda is the truth.

by Victor k

the best propaganda is the truth.

If only it worked that way.

well thats the best for me. for most people, the best propaganda is what makes them feel good. and for Israeli supporters they need to find a way to support a genocide while still feeling good about themselves. they need a find a way to blame the victims.

looks like we're in for another round of vic explaining to us that those (((women))) were lying about being raped

The guy who wants a cease fire and end of hostilities is "hateful". The guy who wants to continue a campaign that is killing children at an insane rate and deliberately starving 100s of thousands of stranded people, of whom we already know the children and babies die first, in the words of international observers, faster than they have ever seen, well that guy is smart and not hateful.

First principles bro.

by gs3737 k

You are wrong about basically everything.

Not sure why you added the word basically

by BOIDS k

looks like we're in for another round of vic explaining to us that those (((women))) were lying about being raped

And then other posters saying that's not what victor meant, and then victor re-clarifying that it was

by Victor k

Handing out aid or even allowing aid is explicitly antithetical to their goal of genocide.

The IDF is presently designing a model where they hand out aid in Gaza to make sure it can get out. Like aid hubs.

And it didn't come from outside. They created the idea internally. There's a big push to make it work.

by rafiki k

The IDF is presently designing a model where they hand out aid in Gaza to make sure it can get out. Like aid hubs.

And it didn't come from outside. They created the idea internally. There's a big push to make it work.

i don't know what your point is Victor. I'm not sure you know what your point is.

Israel is denying food and aid to the population intentionally. So your post about nebulous uncited sources saying anything to the contrary is bullshit. They said they would starve the population and now they are starving the population.

I don't think the newborns and toddlers that are widdling to nothing as we speak give a **** that someone lied to you and you believed it.

Also, there was a model for distributing aid. It was called UNRWA. Israel used political pressure and lies to dismantle it because they want to starve the population.

by metsandfinsfan k

Not sure why you added the word basically

lol fair.

by Victor k

Rafiki used the word “presently.”

Victor, captain of truth, uses a headline from almost 5 months ago. Two days after Israelis were brutally murdered, burned and raped.

Oh wait, according to vic that was all Israeli propaganda. My bad.
