Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33265 Replies


by Victor k

Honestly it’s wild that I now see the US as caring about blowback during its operations

^^ these kinds of pictures will get you in huge trouble in the US military if it comes out. Like you will get your ass beat by your squad for being a dumb ass like this

when I posted the pics of the soldiers posing with underwear, which has also become a hudge Israeli tiktok meme, posters in this thread were like, oh well obv the Gazans are not in a prison or concentration camp if they have lingerie.

the pics of the detainees are worse than anything I saw out of Abu Ghraib which was ofc a scandal at the time.

my only conclusion is that the people supporting this and justifying and making light of it simply dont view the Gazans as people and if I went further on my opinion of their ideals then I would certainly be banned.

by Victor k

when I posted the pics of the soldiers posing with underwear, which has also become a hudge Israeli tiktok meme, posters in this thread were like, oh well obv the Gazans are not in a prison or concentration camp if they have lingerie.

the pics of the detainees are worse than anything I saw out of Abu Ghraib which was ofc a scandal at the time.

my only conclusion is that the people supporting this and justifying and making light of it simply dont view the Gazans as people and if I went further on m

You gotta look more into abu gharib

I probably do. but you gotta look more into the torture camps run by the Israelis. it reminds of the stuff I read about the Khmer Rouge.

by 5 south k

If Israel was to escort these trucks and a mob of starving people started charging the trucks as the article indicates, Israeli soldiers are going to mow them down. Maybe slaughtering people desperate from hunger is on Bibi's bingo card but don't think Israel wants any part of this at the moment.
I agree with you that they should be helping with aid distribution and I think the US would be doing more if it was their invasion but Israel has shown they're not near the same caliber of army. Probably


by Trolly McTrollson k

They've had all day to come up with apologetics and this is the best they've got.


Those people

by 5 south k


There is a reason no one else is even volunteering to help on the ground, because they dont want to put any of their own people in that spot. Sending money is one thing, but as I said before to BGP the idea that Israel is going to have soldiers in Gaza helping them to physically rebuild is not very realistic.

I think we are all underestimating how difficult and unmanageable it is to try do do anything in the middle of an urban war zone with a heavily armed, suicidical, nihilistic guerrilla faction operating in the shadows sniping your soldiers every day. No Israeli soldier wants to die trying to pass out food to the enemy in the middle of a hot war.

PW would probably argue if you are going to invade that is the job you signed up for and the risk you have to accept; but as I said before he is operating from a US empire perspective of invading a foreign land thousands of miles away that poses no existential threat to your nation. When it is your next door neighbor and you do believe they post an existential threat, than the moral calculus changes quickly.

I was not suggesting that Israel help manage aid in the middle of an urban war zone. I was suggesting they handle aid in areas that they control. If those areas are actually urban war zones then Israel was incorrect when they declared that they cleared them and now control them.

Handing out aid or even allowing aid is explicitly antithetical to their goal of genocide.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I was not suggesting that Israel help manage aid in the middle of an urban war zone. I was suggesting they handle aid in areas that they control. If those areas are actually urban war zones then Israel was incorrect when they declared that they cleared them and now control them.

Whatever Netanyahu may claim, I don't think anyone actually believes Israel "controls" Gaza by any reasonable definition of the word.

If by this stage they don't control any areas of Gaza then that says a lot about how feasible the entire military operation is.

Obviously posts like Victors above are complete nonsense; and I would argue extremely dangerous rhetoric. However, I think it is fair to criticize the fact it is not clear what Israel's actual objectives are at this point, or how they plan on achieving them.

Israel clearly doesn't have close to the manpower, resources, political support (internal or external), or even the will to do what it would take to control such a radicalized, hostile enemy. So given this, what exactly is the plan?

by Bluegrassplayer k

If by this stage they don't control any areas of Gaza then that says a lot about how feasible the entire military operation is.

Slow pony, but I agree. It isn't obvious to me what the operation even is. Maybe the goal really is to keep punishing the Palestinians until they give back the hostages.

FWIW, in my "defense" of Israel, I have never argued they are a exemplar of moral behavior. I have just argued most of their actions are rationale given the circumstances, and if you want better behavior from them we should be focusing on changing the circumstances, not admonishing them and making unreasonable demands.

by Dunyain k

Obviously posts like Victors above are complete nonsense; and I would argue extremely dangerous rhetoric. However, I think it is fair to criticize the fact it is not clear what Israel's actual objectives are at this point, or how they plan on achieving them.

Israel clearly doesn't have close to the manpower, resources, political support (internal or external), or even the will to do what it would take to control such a radicalized, hostile enemy. So given this, what exactly is the plan?

I guess you don't listen to what they say. Gallant straight up said they were going to cut off food water and all resources.

Everything they are doing, they have explicitly stated they would do. And furthermore, attacking civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure and resources is their explicit doctrine.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I was not suggesting that Israel help manage aid in the middle of an urban war zone. I was suggesting they handle aid in areas that they control. If those areas are actually urban war zones then Israel was incorrect when they declared that they cleared them and now control them.

"Urban war zone" GTFOOH man, it's a refugee camp. Israel forced a million people out of their homes, herded them South, and made absolutely no provision for their safety. They can deliver bombs to the homes of journalists with Amazon-like accuracy but somehow IDF can't airdrop flour to starving civilians.

by 5 south k


Legitimately impressive, honestly. And I thought you were being too pessimistic!

by metsandfinsfan k


Those people

It's never too late for you to admit Israel went too far.

by Bluegrassplayer k

If by this stage they don't control any areas of Gaza then that says a lot about how feasible the entire military operation is.




You have Dunyain on ignore or something? There's a reason I was using the same language of the person I was replying to.

by Schlitz mmmm k

Good riddance. Kill em all, Bibi.

No matter how you feel about Hamas, or how we got to this point, this post is quite ****ed.

by Bluegrassplayer k

You have Dunyain on ignore or something? There's a reason I was using the same language of the person I was replying to.

You shouldn't adopt the language and framing of racist trolls.

by Dunyain k

Obviously posts like Victors above are complete nonsense; and I would argue extremely dangerous rhetoric. However, I think it is fair to criticize the fact it is not clear what Israel's actual objectives are at this point, or how they plan on achieving them.

Israel clearly doesn't have close to the manpower, resources, political support (internal or external), or even the will to do what it would take to control such a radicalized, hostile enemy. So given this, what exactly is the plan?

You guys have gone back and forth on who is going to occupy Gaza at the end of this slaughter but it definitely cannot be Israel. I can't imagine they can clean the country of every AK and IED building materials. Israeli soldiers would be getting picked off left and right trying to patrol. This definitely has to be Hamas's strat at this point. Cling to power until a ceasefire and then start making the occupier's life hell a la Iraq.
I guess Israel's goal has to be to completely demilitarize Gaza. Pretty tall order.

by 5 south k

You guys have gone back and forth on who is going to occupy Gaza at the end of this slaughter but it definitely cannot be Israel. I can't imagine they can clean the country of every AK and IED building materials. Israeli soldiers would be getting picked off left and right trying to patrol. This definitely has to be Hamas's strat at this point. Cling to power until a ceasefire and then start making the occupier's life hell a la Iraq.
I guess Israel's goal has to be to completely demilitarize Gaza

Surely the settlers are going to have a go at at least a big chunk of land or else what are we doing here.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Surely the settlers are going to have a go at at least a big chunk of land or else what are we doing here.

the already started building before being removed by the army

lots of pics on this guys twitter (hes Israeli but not the genocidal type)

Rococo, I know you don't like Hanania. But lets get beyond that and actually discuss the content of the tweet. "Moderate" Palestinian Fatah members are doing interviews justifying the Holocaust using disingenuous arguments straight out of the Elder Protocols of Zion. And at the same time Imams are telling the people dying as a martyr fighting Jews is a ticket straight to paradise. While Iran is providing the weapons to make the mission a reality.

As long as these sort of radical conditions exist, the idea of any sort of durable peace is completely farcical.

lol memri is about the lowest form of lying propaganda
