Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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There are only about 1,000 Christians remaining in Gaza, compared to 3,000 just before Hamas took over (when some very nasty Islamist terrorist attacks on Christians took place). The IDF have killed about 20 Gazan Christians in a church compound, including by tank fire, and not even the IDF seem to regard the troops' excuses as satisfactory, but it doesn't look like Hamas-ruled Gaza was a good place for Christians to be.
the groups I listed are secular. although, one of them was founded by a Christian.
If Hamas rules Gaza, and Israel rules Hamas, who rules Gaza?
the Resistance puts out videos every day of Israeli Medivacs saving invaders. Israel themselves have admitted to 500+ of these helicopter transports.
if Hamas are so bad, why dont they shoot these helicopters? we know how much Israeli focuses on murdering paramedics and even use wounded 6 year old girls as bait
The protesters appear to have been South Floridian Jews, who bought tickets to the synagogue event in order to protest.
Multiple men assaulting the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors in a synagogue has to rank worse than protesting Dershowitz in a synagogue, but who knows… she was probably Hamas 🙄
the Resistance puts out videos every day of Israeli Medivacs saving invaders. Israel themselves have admitted to 500+ of these helicopter transports.
if Hamas are so bad, why dont they shoot these helicopters? we know how much Israeli focuses on murdering paramedics and even use wounded 6 year old girls as bait
Hamas is so bad. Israel is worse
now we have seen 2 videos of the M113 APC getting blasted. it is a 60s era troop carrier that has caused so many casualties for Israel that a group of soldiers said they would refuse to enter them in Gaza.

maybe the Hamas numbers on destroyed tanks aren't that far off if they are trotting these things out.
Those things are much much easier to kill than tanks. Israel shouldn’t be using either. The marines don’t use tanks anymore. I wonder why…
There is no amount of money you could pay me to ride in one of those right now in Gaza. Not while they still have the dual charge Yassins that blow holes in the 600mm thick Merkavas.
as mentioned earlier, the difference between Westerners and Israelis is that the Israelis just admit it.

I thought all the gays hated Palestine!
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no the trope is that all Palestinians hate the gays
Homosexuality is haram.

The geographic distribution of anti-LGBT laws and sentiments found in the Muslim world is very much rooted in their religious beliefs. That being said, western LGBT groups are free to peacefully assemble and rally for whomever they want (even people that think they should all be tortured, murdered and their bodies desecrated) because we live in a free society which rejects the bigotry that is embraced by the people of Gaza.
Israel loves Palestinian lgbtq bc they turn them into traitors and informants
Those things are much much easier to kill than tanks. Israel shouldn’t be using either. The marines don’t use tanks anymore. I wonder why…
My understanding is everyone, especially Hamas, is surprised how effective the IDF has been in rooting Hamas out of the terror tunnels. In Khan Younis especially, it was very apparent by the end just how leaderless and demoralized the enemy was. I think that is why there is so much desperation among Hamas supporters to stop Israel from taking Rafah. Because they understand just how efficient and determined Israel is, and just how weak, militarily ineffective and demoralized Hamas is.
I suspect Iran is especially disappointed in Hamas. Remember, in the Iran and Iraq war, Iran jihadis regularly ran into Iraqi minefields to clear the way for their tanks. I am sure Iran expected this level of suicidal nihilism from Hamas; and instead Hamas seems content just to hide in tunnels, steal aid trucks from civilians, fire at IDF soldiers using their own children as human shields, and then just surrender en masse when they run out of children to use as shields.
will there be another race to come along and take over for us? maybe Martians can do better than we've done.
My understanding is everyone, especially Hamas, is surprised how effective the IDF has been in rooting Hamas out of the terror tunnels. In Khan Younis especially, it was very apparent by the end just how leaderless and demoralized the enemy was. I think that is why there is so much desperation among Hamas supporters to stop Israel from taking Rafah. Because they understand just how efficient and determined Israel is, and just how weak, militarily ineffective and demoralized Hamas is.
I suspe
your understanding is wrong.
we were in zee jongla, there were too many of us
Not to make fun of his accent. The guy is brilliant, much like Bibi. If you don't see that, that's a you problem.
His shepherd dad detained recently in the West Bank. yhtsi
over 100 killed waiting for flour. even the IOF has acknowledged it.
they do this all time but not to this extent.
and heres a Hebrew language article estimating almost 100k dead. same arguments I have been making about why the KKKKKHamas health ministry undercounts.

is it antisemitic to be disgusted by this?

Hey vic you ever see Cannibal Holocaust? They don't make 'em like that no more, lemme tell you.
I did watch that years ago
Good riddance. Kill em all, Bibi.