Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


The Zone of Interest

jal, tell us all about how I inspired you to declare that melody is the least important aspect of music lmao

You trying to pick a fight? Come at me, bro.

But for Boids and occasionally a few others, this thread is ebolaids extract.

Death threats aplenty in this country, vic.

Let's solve for that, then tackle the elusive mid east peace.

truly a depraved country

It's a world problem. Believe it!

by Victor k

Dude's exactly right about how people equating calling for a cease-fire or peace or Palestinian independence anti-semitic are ****ing stupid jerks who are making it so even fewer people believe there is such a thing as anti-semitism and some of these ****ing idiots cozy up with right wing lunatic Evangelicals who are just hoping this all leads to Jesus coming back and sending Jews all to hell.

In temple Emanuel in miami, pro hamas supported stormed into the synagogue during services and had to be restrained

Barely made the news.

Security should've greased every last one of them.

by microbet k

Dude's exactly right about how people equating calling for a cease-fire or peace or Palestinian independence anti-semitic are ****ing stupid jerks who are making it so even fewer people believe there is such a thing as anti-semitism and some of these ****ing idiots cozy up with right wing lunatic Evangelicals who are just hoping this all leads to Jesus coming back and sending Jews all to hell.

the stuff going on in Germany is quite simply insane

less than 1% of the population is Jewish (go figure) and 30% of the arrests involving anti-semitism are....Jewish people.

this was the Yuval speech that has sparked the outrage from Germany to the West Bank

and this part would be funny if it werent so sad and scary

what is wrong with these people?

and I just looked it up to make sure. the Green Party in Germany are not the far right psychos. they are the libs.

I dont see this mattering much. As long as Palestinian culture is sympathetic to violent Islamism, and Islamists are supplied with arms by foreign actors, the Islamists will always have absolute veto power over any movement towards peace.

by Dunyain k

I dont see this mattering much. As long as Palestinian culture is sympathetic to violent Islamism, and Islamists are supplied with arms by foreign actors, the Islamists will always have absolute veto power over any movement towards peace.

you do realize there are secular resistance fighters.

almost every day this group releases videos of attacks on the invaders.

by Victor k

you do realize there are secular resistance fighters.

almost every day this group releases videos of attacks on the invaders.

Nah. In 2024 these guys have no social capital at all, and no real presence in Gaza. It aint 1960.

They can piggy back Islamist terrorists but they dont have any political power, military power, or veto power the way Islamists do.

they have a presence in Gaza. they kill invaders every day. there are plenty of videos. and there are plenty of pictures of them in the kibbutzes on Oct 7 even.

but it doesnt even matter. I dont disparage the people being genocided bc they arent resisting properly. the fact is, there is nothing that a Gazan society could do to satisfy the Israelis or yourself. and really, until they get their freedom, there is nothing they could do that would make me disparage them.

by Victor k

they have a presence in Gaza. they kill invaders every day. there are plenty of videos. and there are plenty of pictures of them in the kibbutzes on Oct 7 even.

but it doesnt even matter. I dont disparage the people being genocided bc they arent resisting properly. the fact is, there is nothing that a Gazan society could do to satisfy the Israelis or yourself. and really, until they get their freedom, there is nothing they could do that would make me disparage them.

30,000 dead Palestinians (allegedly) and counting, the entire city state of Gaza in ruins, and you are bragging over some Stone Age raid on kibbutzes that started it all, like it is something to be proud of.

With friends like you, who needs enemies.

by Victor k

you do realize there are secular resistance fighters.

almost every day this group releases videos of attacks on the invaders.

Oh cool, there are also Marxist-Leninists among the Palestinians. Is that supposed to be less of a reason to kill them all?

Meanwhile, at [strike]philosoraptor[/strike] vic headquarters....

by metsandfinsfan k

In temple Emanuel in miami, pro hamas supported stormed into the synagogue during services and had to be restrained

Barely made the news.

That absolutely is not an accurate description of what happened. They didnt storm the synagogue. The protesters who disrupted the talk were already seated inside. It was a talk by Dershowitz, not a regular service. And the handful of protesters, who stood up and yelled, were escorted out.

Or are you referring to a different event?

by browser2920 k

That absolutely is not an accurate description of what happened. They didnt storm the synagogue. The protesters who disrupted the talk were already seated inside. It was a talk by Dershowitz, not a regular service. And the handful of protesters, who stood up and yelled, were escorted out.

Or are you referring to a different event?

So is the way you are describing it acceptable? I know there is no context where anyone on the left or the entire Muslim world would ever think it acceptable for any type of protestor to ever go inside a mosque to protest a speaker.

It always amazes me how the left and the Muslim world demand so much tolerance and respect, but give so little. Has this happened before? I feel like disruptive protests inside a synagogue that require police intervention is taking it to a new level, but maybe I am wrong.

by Dunyain k

So is the way you are describing it acceptable? I know there is no context where anyone on the left or the entire Muslim world would ever think it acceptable for any type of protestor to ever go inside a mosque to protest a speaker.

It always amazes me how the left and the Muslim world demand so much tolerance, but give so little.

Im not a supporter of any protesters who disrupt a speaker at a speaking event, whether it's a Trump rally, a Biden speech, or an event such as this one. Im fine with those who protest outside the event to express their disapproval.

My point was that the description that was posted falsely portrayed what happened, as the video clearly shows, and is inflammatory. Interestingly the reason I looked this up was because given the description of a synagogue being stormed by pro hamas protesters, I was also curious as to why there wasnt more national media coverage. But after seeing it was 4 protesters seated inside who stood up and yelled during a Dershowitz speech, I can see why it wasnt a big story.

by browser2920 k

Im not a supporter of any protesters who disrupt a speaker at a speaking event, whether it's a Trump rally, a Biden speech, or an event such as this one. Im fine with those who protest outside the event to express their disapproval.

My point was that the description that was posted falsely portrayed what happened, as the video clearly shows, and is inflammatory.

You would be ok with "right wing" protesting outside a mosque to express their disapproval if an influential Muslim lawyer was speaking to a congregation?

I realize progressives protesting outside Christian churches is commonplace, but I actually think this happening at a synagogue is a recent development, and not something we would have seen even a couple years ago. I feel like this signifies that (whether they like it or not) Jews have become "white". And of course it is completely unthinkable any progressive would ever think about protesting outside a mosque. They would see it as ideological betrayal.

Given how influential Jews have historically been in American progressive politics, it will be interesting moving forward how things will shake out now that they appear to be kicked out of the tribe in favor of Islamists (strange bedfellows indeed)

by Dunyain k

You would be ok with "right wing" protesting outside a mosque to express their disapproval if an influential Muslim lawyer was speaking to a congregation?

Of course. As long as they were remaining on public property.

Edit. Or another example, let's say a group brought in a speaker to advocate for reversing Alabama's supreme court ruling on embryos being humans and therefore a wrongful death suit could go forward if one was destroyed. If a group of people who strongly agreed with that ruling wanted to protest against those trying to reverse it, I think that's fine, as long as they do it outside the venue and remain peaceful.
