Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


this is absurd propaganda. it doesnt tell the whole story that they babies did not condemn Hamas and their parents didnt overthrow Hamas.

Whats the long game, miliarily, for Israel if hostage negotiations fail? What are the options once youve got Palestinians sitting in rafah with no deal in on the horizon?

by formula72 k

Whats the long game, miliarily, for Israel if hostage negotiations fail? What are the options once youve got Palestinians sitting in rafah with no deal in on the horizon?

Status quo until they surrender i guess

Sinwar allegedly in tunnels with jewish hostages as shields

Gaza is not going to be rebuilt until the hostages are released. You agree with that I'm sure

Schlitz has pretty good taste in music at least

by formula72 k

Whats the long game, miliarily, for Israel if hostage negotiations fail? What are the options once youve got Palestinians sitting in rafah with no deal in on the horizon?

Israel doesnt care about the hostages and is better off if they die. then they can go full on genocide from the river to the sea.

by metsandfinsfan k

Schlitz has pretty good taste in music at least

You don't:

by metsandfinsfan k

Status quo until they surrender i guess

Oh he thought last few weeks he took backlash

Broken YouTube Link

by corpus vile k

Charlotte Church in a spot of bother and apparently thinks River to the Sea means peaceful coexistence which is why she sang it.

She may well believe that, but she ought to know better. The phrase, when used by Palestinian parties, has always meant the elimination of the Israeli state, just as, when used by Likud and Netanyahu, it means Israeli possession of the West Bank and denial of any Palestinian state. A unified egalitarian hunky-dory multi-ethnic Palestine, with unicorns and rainbows for everyone, is not in prospect (as Churchill noted in 1921, after trying to negotiate with both Zionists and Palestinians and finding them equally intransigent).

I didn't realize the extent of Western support for the Houthis in certain segments. I'm honestly stunned. Are you guys in here pro-Houthis?

Credibly, the Houthis have restored slavery to Yemen. They're homophobic and misogynistic despots, with as anti-Western an agenda as anyone else advertises. I don't get it, how does ANYONE back that? In this case, the enemy of your enemy is worth staying very very far away from.

by metsandfinsfan k

Basically Israel's not saying anything about any Ramadan ceasefire and Hamas are vocally dubious, so Biden is out on a limb. Obviously Hamas know that Israel will never permit Gaza to be governed by Hamas again, and Hamas are demanding a total Israeli withdrawal which they know won't happen. Israel has the military advantage and Israel isn't simply going to throw in its hand. International best practice is that you simply don't negotiate with or reward hostage-takers (it just encourages them), and the Israelis have made the mistake of doing that before, hence the reaping of hostages on Oct 7, and they may not wish to repeat the mistake.

It's a feature of the negativity of the typical conservative mindset that has group attributes set in stone.

For a long time in Northern Ireland no one could have envisaged Ian Paisley Adams and Martin McGuinness sharing a joke together.

by rafiki k

I didn't realize the extent of Western support for the Houthis in certain segments. I'm honestly stunned. Are you guys in here pro-Houthis?

Credibly, the Houthis have restored slavery to Yemen. They're homophobic and misogynistic despots, with as anti-Western an agenda as anyone else advertises. I don't get it, how does ANYONE back that? In this case, the enemy of your enemy is worth staying very very far away from.

Some Western leftists will always back any anti-Western movement.

Aside from fringe Twitter guys like Victor, I've seen zero support for the Houthis, but I guess people need to keep nursing their persecution complex.

by jalfrezi k

It's a feature of the negativity of the typical conservative mindset that has group attributes set in stone.

For a long time in Northern Ireland no one could have envisaged Ian Paisley Adams and Martin McGuinness sharing a joke together.

Paisley and McGuinness were both Northern Irishmen, and McGuinness is actually a Scots Protestant name, as Adams is an English Protestant name -- it's due to intermarriage over several centuries, and the historic insistence of Catholic wives of Protestant men that the children were brought up as Catholic for fear of hellfire, that Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness believed themselves to be on the Catholic Nationalist side despite their rather obvious Protestant patrilineal bloodlines. (Bill Clinton, who thought he was 'Irish' in the usual American manner, was a bit annoyed to be told as President that Clinton is a Scots Protestant name and that his heritage lay on the Orange and not the Green side of the divide -- this goes for most self-declared 'Irish Americans'. 'Well, I feel Irish,' Clinton protested, and he is, just not in the way that most of the Plastic Paddies over there conceive it, what with stupidly dyeing the rivers green on St Patrick's Day and all that -- I doubt they even realise that St Patrick was British and not Irish.)

The situation in Palestine, with a dramatic inrush of Zionist settlers from far afield over the last century or so, is a bit different.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Aside from fringe Twitter guys like Victor, I've seen zero support for the Houthis, but I guess people need to keep nursing their persecution complex.

I'm not talking about in here. I'm talking about what I'm seeing on other platforms and interviews now.

The" Yemen Yemen make us proud "chants are real Trolly. You're just not watching if you're not seeing. But that's a you thing.

Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and Within Our Lifetime (WOL) are all very openly supporting the Houthis, and I can find way way more.

Yemen Yemen make us proud, has been all over campuses in the USA. There's maaany examples.

my friend's son at Columbia sees it very regularly

You get perverse bedfellows like the Lesbians for Houthi Liberation, on Campus. I mean that's REAL. While the Houthis sentence gays to actual death:

There's an entire segment of Congress that doesn't even think the Houthis are worth resisting here, which is actual madness if you understand global shipping. I dunno man, it's becoming quite an issue.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Aside from fringe Twitter guys like Victor, I've seen zero support for the Houthis, but I guess people need to keep nursing their persecution complex.

so you dont support the blockade?

do you support the genocidal famine and bombing campaign that the Saudis and Americans imposed on them?

by rafiki k

I'm not talking about in here. I'm talking about what I'm seeing on other platforms and interviews now.

The" Yemen Yemen make us proud "chants are real Trolly. You're just not watching if you're not seeing. But that's a you thing.

I'm sure you can find all kinds of crazy **** online, never once doubted that. I'm questioning whether it's as common as you're making it out to be. You can find all kinds of horrible anti-Palestinian **** online too, FWIW.

by Victor k

so you dont support the blockade?

Shh, adults are talking.

ya just wanted to be sure that you support shipping weapons and aid to Israel to kill Gazans. libs gunna lib.

by Victor k

so you agree that the reporting was misleading?

The claim was that there wouldn't be much reporting, not what you think of the reporting, Strawman McStrawmannyperson.

by Victor k

oh they could study where they wanted? go on vacation? go to the colleges they wanted?

the calories let into Gaza werent meticulously rationed by the Israelis?

Hmmm....Gaza was governed by Hamas for nearly 20 years and I had to heroically refrain from typing that in caps.

They could have had a peaceful state with a vibrant economy instead of building tunnels and raving about rivers and seas. So they didn't need to "fight for freedom" as they had it. So they aren't freedom fighters.

Btw do you think your favourite freedom fighters should unconditionally release the civilian hostages?

by corpus vile k

The claim was that there wouldn't be much reporting, not what you think of the reporting, Strawman McStrawmannyperson.

I made a different claim bubs. you can agree or disagree, I even asked you to clarify.

thats the opposite of strawman. I literally asked for your position.

Hmmm....Gaza was governed by Hamas for nearly 20 years and I had to heroically refrain from typing that in caps.

They could have had a peaceful state with a vibrant economy instead of building tunnels and raving about rivers and seas. So they didn't need to "fight for freedom" as they had it. So they aren't freedom fighters.

Btw do you think your favourite freedom fighters should unconditionally release the civilian hostages?


by Trolly McTrollson k

I'm sure you can find all kinds of crazy **** online, never once doubted that. I'm questioning whether it's as common as you're making it out to be. You can find all kinds of horrible anti-Palestinian **** online too, FWIW.


I had to go back to my post, where I said "support in certain segments"

I think that's most certainly true. I don't believe I exaggerated there. We are seeing the Campus segment most certainly show support for the Houthis today.

by Victor k

I made a different claim bubs. you can agree or disagree, I even asked you to clarify.

thats the opposite of strawman. I literally asked for your position.


You answered to my post specifically which contested Bill's claim so yeah it was a strawman.
And yeah Gaza was indeed ruled by Hamas who never held elections once they got in power which is one of the many reasons ytou admire them, as you never met a despot or authoritarian regime you didn't like, long as they're against AmeriKKKa and the west.

dont worry about it, loads of people that age take extreme/idiotic positions in order to garner attention. almost all of them grow out of it

as for the houthis, if they succeed in making the western consumer wait slightly longer to receive their chinese made tat then you can be sure that the worldwide community of nations will rain down hell on them the likes of which has never been seen on this earth. and rightly so. dont **** with my amazon orders
